Reminder: If you ain't Dutch, you ain't much
>je kijkt uit je kelder raam en ziet dit
>wat doe je
Premier pour la Wallonie
ik schrik wakker
De loge slaat weer toe
Betaal ondertussen maar jullie belastingen en verkeersboetes!
draai 360 graden en loop weg
Kut t Mobile
haal het enige goede product dat uit de walen komt boven
>one chance at life
>born a fucking walloon
>haal het enige goede product dat uit de walen komt boven
Heb je zelf niks
Groot Brabant wanneer?
>One chance at life
>Born in a non-Anglo country
Isn't it emasculating to have to learn a superior language?
niet veel wat ik hier mag posten
Ik hoef geen engels te leren om eerlijk te zijn. Ik doe het omdat ik geen mongool ben
>so veel tale as jy kan so veel male is jy n man
and apart from english what other languages do you speak?
مثل اللغة الإنجليزية ؟
drop zelf dan ook iets op Mega
Please sauce on this girl? I have a fetish for Dutchies (my crush/ex-crush (idk) is Dutch) and thin girls with huge asses.
It's very offensive to associate us with France just because we speak french. I don't say you are niggers with throat cancers just because your language sound the same
I liked Antwerp alot but Brussels was kind of boring. The streets in Brussels confused the shit out of me
I ain't dutch but ik ben helemaal knetter
Wie is dit ding?
Whats with all the African flags here
First Namibia
Now Ivory coast
Strange oetz
good taste lads
I lived in Tilburg for just over a year, but Im planning on moving to Netherlands in the next 2-3 years. Where's the best place to live as an expat? I have multiple degrees and can speak 4 languages so getting a job shouldnt be hard? Rotterdam or Den Hague is probably best right?
millie bobby brown
Als je bitch wil chillen is geen problem. Ik heb drank en drugs
Do you live in Limerick by any chance?
I did but I just moved out, how can you tell?
Every Irish person I met in NL (bar one) came from UL
Ga niet naar rotterdam
Tis een kut stad
Ha you're right there, I worked in the Netherlands for 8 months for my UL work placement
fuck dat
hou t wel bij /waifuist/ h-heh
ty tho
Is Eindhoven goed?
tbf, I liked the Limerick people. Always teaching me Irish slang and calling me a gas cunt
ja, maar sommige waifus hebben lewds en dat mag hier niet
Wapens van FN Herstal neem ik aan.
Veel beter alle grote steden zijn shit
>dat uit de walen komt boven
begrijp er geen kloot van
stelletje kermis negers
Bel Sjon en Henny en haal de AK uit de garage
te edgy voor mijn doen man lol
German/Afrikaner Namibian?
een naakt wijf met dikke blote tetten is edgy???
Posting in a toothpaste thread. I had a Dutch girlfriend years ago. She was form Roermond in South Limburg.
I tried to learn your language but every time I used Dutch, the reply came back in perfect English.
My understanding of Dutch is alright. I can understand about 80%.
It's similar to English. But I find your language difficult to pronounce.
How come you all speak excellent English? Is it because of films and media, or geographical proximity, perhaps culture, probably Americans?
I don't know.
I love the Netherlands. Apologies for crashing your thread.
Also when do you cunts leave the EU? My glorious nation will pass Article 50 soon.
yeah, and spent uni is South Africa and Netherlands
bij jullie mag echt niks
wat? sinds wanneer is een waifu underaged?
Most of our television that is originally from GB or USA is subtitled instead of dubbed.
But Dutch people are either adept at speaking and understanding english, or piss-poor at it. Middle ground is only getting smaller
Dutch people have really American accents though when it comes to English
why do you think the americans have that accent? :^)
are you a nigger?
na, are you?
apparantly I sound like a canadian, don't know where that comes from, I've never even heard one of those
Wat is dan of zijn t gwn 18+ en heb je niet meer van ?
[spoiler]laat dan maar zitten ._. [/spoiler]
van jordyn jones zijn geen lewds, ik heb gewoon andere lewds (18+)
jordyn is 16
I actually have this north english accent. Don't really like it because it's more a mix between different dialects that does no justice to any of it.
depends on the province in Canada. Some sound American
My English accent is Namibian which sounds like a weird mix between Cape Town and British
oh a namibian guy is busy building me a new swimming pool as we speak
Do you guys get German passports, or are you basically abandoned?
>netherlands baked out of his mind in the background
18+ is overrated
>kont padding
Ask him if he wants to fiki fiki
German passports if you have german heritage and ask for one before 13
I guess you're a richfag then
How does it feel being rich in Africa?
wat wil je nou 18+ lewds of 18- lewds?
Is that how you managed to study in Holland?
Go meet barefoot whites in Zimbabwe
18- maar 8ch voldoet dan wel, ga geen extra shit installeren en ben atm toch phoneposter
Wrong one. Meant to reply to
Rich for Africa, average for Europe. Well everyone tells me im rich cause im white and not cause I happen to have 3 fucking degrees and 12 years work experience so...
kind of, I was awarded a scholarship from NL cause im a smart African. Passport made the travel easier
wat heb je zelf allemaal? ik kan straks wel wat op mega zetten
nah hy is te butch.
How is Namibia for whites? Obviously much better than South Effrika, but is the racial harmony meme an exaggeration?
Ben net niet degenerate genoeg om zelf dingen op te slaan dus heb niks
its better, no doubt. As long as the current president stays then itll remain good, but there are a few ministers who want to upset the status quo
je hebt toch El? wat heb je meer?
Not my experience.
In UK, accents vary a lot. My wife is Scottish and uses words that I only know from context.
If she wants me to be quiet, she says "uisht" so I shut my mouth. My dialect is Northern English. I doubt you'd understand me well when I speak with my mother or my kids.
Obviously, dialect isn't for formal situations. I would never use it with foreigners nor at work.
We have different words from standard English.
El is niet lewd
Verder niks
jordyn ook niet. ik heb het niet alleen over lewds
>3 degrees
3 bachelor's degrees? I've been told triple majoring is a dumb idea because you'll be considered overqualified for pretty much all entry level jobs in America.
Don't you guys have a brewery in Windhoek or something that's semi-famous? I saw that in a video of some black Namibian schoolkids talking about their country.
one bachelors, one bachelors (honours), and one masters all in different fields. It is dumb for entry level jobs, but im not going for those.
ik sla sowieso zelden iets op
El is uitzondering maar zal waarschijnlijk ook over paar weken van m'n schijf geflikkerd worden
>niet lewd
Yeah, our beer is pretty famous. We follow Reinheitsgebot
jordyn is niet lewd! reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Have you ever met a Baster?
It isn't really worth it to dub things into Dutch.
true, I've seen someone who wanted to develop a dutch translation mod for a game
every commenter was like: "good for you, but why?"
dutch mother here
understand the language, but can't write
also, it sounds like a baby language to me (probably because that's what I grew up with)
wait, that sounds wrong. (I have a dutch mother)
anyway, thing is: as a kid visiting the Netherlands was awesome as back then it was a lot more advanced in so many aspects.
fast forward 25 years it's the same, only problem is that now advanced doesn't mean cool shit like food / toys / things to see, but rather being cucked / blacked
countryside is still somewhat nice (but boring after an hour), but the cities? oh man, I'm really glad I don't live there and just visit once a year
you killed the thread you filthy nazi