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>white senior dies after finding out that his favorite football team is full of niggers
jESUS christ that grandpa was expecting a shining David Beckam, a sturdy bloke by the name of Roy Keane and the neville brothers probably
You will meat all your stars in heaven grandpaps F
>Being forced to spend your final moments with a pack of niggers.
>his final wish was to make his BLACKED fantasy come true
>these local youths answered the call
>Some pacemakers are coated in gold for avoiding allergic reactions
>Last White man dies surrounded by wife's grandkids
Whoever thought that was a good idea should have their face caved in.
He looks like a Hollow from dark souls.
Guess he is surrounded by Black Phantoms too.
>Got hammered at Old Trafford by a team owned by a Saudi super villain
>wait so the TV's contrast setting wasn't fucked up?
>*releases soul*
> Holocaust survivor, NWA join new collection at Madame Tussauds.
>Grandad dies just 45 minutes after his granddaughter brings her studymates home
Fuck yes
Poor Lil white boi volume 7
Before he died he saw the total blackness, he thought he was already dead.. Well mostly he loods like that
Man ridiculed ceaselessly by wife's bulls on his deathbed. Finally dies 45 minutes later.
Thieves pose for pictures stealing pillows from pensioner.
fpbp, my initial thought as well.
We're only here because our probation officer said we needed to do it.