You guys are smart enough not to get your computers infected with viruses, right? We should all steer clear of the latest hacks. #Imwithher
You guys are smart enough not to get your computers infected with viruses, right...
If i setup a virtual machine to download the documents on the can malware as much as they want.
>Donna Brazile has never heard of a backup computer for fuck all purposes
Fuck Brazile.
Shit person
Shit country
speak english
Don't look a jpg captures of the new hacks guys, I'm pretty sure it will mess up your computer
>Please don't look at this evidence that we're pieces of shit. You can get a virus on your computer!!
>Getting infected on purpose to give more computing power to the hackers
>The DNC is a victim of crime
Yeah. Your candidate auto-routed classified emails into her own personal unclassified server in her fucking closet. There's your fucking crime.
>he has a computer that can get malware
>not dynamically requantifying the quartile hyperclockspeed via three primary main processing cores cross linked with a redundant melacortz ramistat and fourteen kiloquad interface modules arranged into twenty-five bilateral kelilactirals with twenty of those units being slaved to the central heisenfram terminal
A virtual machine is a operating system that runs on a host (physical computer). If the virtual one is fucked up due to the malware the real comoiter cannot be touched. So i can download amy documents no matter how much malware there is.
Could someone please spoonfeed me on Guccifer?
He has released 3 DNC hacks so far, correct? And from what I understand, he was arrested in Romania and extradited to the US sometime between the first and second hack.
So how does he keep doing it? Is Guccifer just a name used by several different hackers?
guys stop dismissing her sage advice. after all, black women are the most computer literate demographic
Learn2computer scrub
>He thinks macs and linux based OS cant get malware
theres nothing wrong with committing crime, law is just a code word for "defending the weak". The problem lies with getting caught.
Yes, anarchism is the way to go.
they're so desperate
anarcho-capitalism is the way to go
VM escape is not impossible, but unlikely, FYI
Didn't Killary click malware porn links like a total idiot?
In the military you can follow SERE (survive evade resist escape) training, it teaches how not to get caught by the enemy, in russia soldiers must go through a city from point A to B in a orange prison coveralls in a set time ir else they fail. SERE training also teaches how to get out of the hands of the police, its only for unconventional warfare forces but you should be able to find information about it to train yourself to stay outside of the hands of the authorities.
"The DNC is victim of a hack"
How do they even get people to write this shit?
I truly do not understand how these can be real, thinking human beings.
Please help me understand.
I feel like I'm living in a dream
Do in a library computer, no losses.
the desperation is real
They're just telling you that so you don't see inside their corruption
The server also wasn't encrypted and didn't have two-factor authentication. Which came out during the recent congressional oversight hearings.
>theres nothing wrong with leaving SAP information on an unprotected server
>theres nothing wrong with rigging the primary
>theres nothing wrong with taking money from foreign governments
You're better than that user.
Unless it's able to escape the VM, which is incredibly unlikely but can still happen.There's been a fair few CVEs for escaping vulnerabilities and I'm not just talking about the massively over hyped VENOM shit from last year.
name one thing wrong with any of that other than "muh feels", libcuck
>what is sandbox/vm
>what is spare pc for hazardous shit
Should I not have ran clintonsemails.pdf.exe? Because my computer turned off and back on when I tried opening it.
why, will it get pneumonia?
Kind of shitty that there isn't a bigger emphasis on security in general. It was barely discussed when I took programming classes.
>mfw browsed them on a chromebook
Well i can do it on a library computer, nobody cares about these shit PC's.
>in russia soldiers must go through a city from point A to B in a orange prison coveralls in a set time ir else they fail.
>orange prison coveralls
>in russia
I'm of two minds. On the one hand, yeah most IT professionals are incredibly lax with their security and there isn't even a basic appreciation for it at a degree level (unless you literally do a degree in Cyber Sec or Forensics and even then they don't do shit like teach you how to setup your own environment). On the other hand it means I have a lucrative job due to their fuck ups.
Yeah i agree, computer security should be thought more to people. Password1234 being the most used password of all time shows that people are retarded when it comes to computer security.
I saw it in a documentary.
Don't ever change
>he thinks the virtual machine will stop the viruses infecting his landline, router and local server host
top fucking kek!
That too, but I'm talking more about stuff like gets(), strcpy(), and other basic shit you shouldn't use and why
Let's all get pozzed with this hacker virus and help them uncover more dirt! I want this virus!!!
It's not necessarily a bad idea, more layers are always good
> Thinks that the landline, router and local server host runs the file while it is still in pieces and in transit
i have no idea how this stuff works: the post
The problem is that even if you follow best practices, people can still take advantage of badly written software
It's okay Straya. It's okay..
fwiw I don't trust any of the shitty walmart routers either
You saw it wrong then.
>she thinks Linux kernel OS can get viruses
>she thinks Apple Macs can get viruses (Steve Jobs said that's umpossible)
When I got my CS degree information security was an elective. It wasn't required to get your degree. Its no wonder we have constant computer security issues.
Yea the firmware could be badly written or it has a back door.
Same with the hardware
i like to think that is what the average gentoo user looks like
Just install open source hardware like the librem laptops.
The DNC docs were leaked, not stolen. The the little fucks don't mention that shit. The party is becoming desperate.
>he isn't using Qubes GNU/Linux with OpenRC, no SystemD NSA Spyware
The topic was about wallmart routers.
I guess there is opensource router hardware somewhere
Uhhh, wasn't the leaks from an insider and wasn't he murdered?
>Don't think of this thing! Keep this thing out of your thoughts!
That's what this is.
open source is no guarantee that it is free of a backdoor, hardware or software
code needs to be audited, like the openbsd project does
Is this real?
Does she think her entire party have any credibility?
Of course it doesn't guarantee it. It means that you can audit it too.
"on the can malware"
Again, learn to English.
Yes, but hardly any code is actually audited in a serious way. I'm not going to audit the code, are you?
Passphrases are the way of the future. You're taking a risk if you haven't updated your passwords to passphrases.
>Demos trying to thought control their own party
Probably not unless I'm going to do something I would not like anyone else to find out about.
Long, randomly generated passphrases are a pain in the ass, but they are a good idea in some instances.
Use complex passwords
Use a regular user account instead of your computer's root/admin
Use noscript
Don't run binaries from untrusted sources
Keep your shit updated
the above will save you from 99% of malware
Shouldn't assume that just because someone wants security/privacy means they're up to no good.
Yea that;s right...
Could you Give a link to a trusted virtual machine that you recommend? I'm actually supposed to learn this in my college but not for another year and I can't risk having anything fucked with on my pc