Who used to watch TYT unironically and dismiss Alex Jones as a crazy conspiracy theorist?
Be honest.... oh how times have changed.
Who used to watch TYT unironically and dismiss Alex Jones as a crazy conspiracy theorist?
Be honest.... oh how times have changed.
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I used to. Then I actually looked into what they said and saw fucking autistic they were.
I am happy to say I was never dumb enough to watch tyt unironically.
i watched the young roaches on and off a few years ago until i realised how dumb they are
I used to watch TYT. But I still watched Alex Jones too.
By the time TYT came into existence I was already redpilled.
There was a time when I would have however.
And Alex Jones is barely redpill.
I only watch the young turds to get pissed when they talk about guns
Also Alex Jones IS Bill Hicks. Don't even bother saying he isn't if you aren't familiar with every point on this page:
His own mother accidentally called him Bill. His friend accidentally called him Bill. A few guests who knew him before he became AJ accidentally called him Bill.
>mfw there are people who used to watch TYT
You disgust me.
why am i laughing so hard at this
i only watched for the clickbait
I swear it's true though. The evidence goes deep.
Alex and Bill have all the same friends. Including the same "best" friend.
Alex is the co owner of the same company that Bill was.
Yea I'm in this boat, fucking kill me
>Who used to watch TYT unironically
I have never watched TYT unironically. Ever. Fuck 'em.
>and dismiss Alex Jones as a crazy conspiracy theorist?
I've never dismissed Alex Jones as a crazy conspiracy theorist. Dude's on point. He IS, however, controlled opposition. That's why he keeps saying 'globalists' instead of 'Jews'.
bill hicks would have hated alex jones
alex jones is a retarded hick that believes god and devil exist
some of alex jones stuff is cringe...but i like some of his staff like paul watson alot.
YTY is relatively good at source-checking, where as Alex Jones has his legs open to all sources.
Never watched TYT. Listened to Alex Jones years ago like 2002. hououin kyouma is literally the caricature of Alex Jones.
>Alex Jones IS Bill Hicks
No...Just no. This is the most retarded and autistic theory ever. Even if it were true....who the fuck gives a shit?!?!
i always hated the roaches.
but i did consider AJ an entertainer and his audience paranoid scizos, but i have watched him for hours unironically this week.
gawddamn water filter salesman breaking my conditioning!
I admit I watched them ocassionally when they debuted. Haven't seen a video since then.
You don't get it. That's the point!
Alex Jones exists to make rightwingers look bad!
Exactly what Bill Hicks wants.
Alex Jones is a character that Bill Hicks created to portray rightwingers as crazy nuts.
Alex Jones is Bill Hicks PARODY CHARACTER
>Jewish wife
>jewish kids
>"Nazi Globalists"
>trusting this fat fuck
Read every point on this link or you have no right to an opinion:
That site doesn't even mention that his own mother accidentally called him Bill
oh shiiii...
finally i see!
I never did. I was an enormous neet and played WoW 18 hours a day until 2008. I don't remember how exactly I found Alex Jones but he redpilled me hard. Ever since then I've despised Cenk and TYT.
>prizion planet
medium lel
Bill Hicks was a low-test atheist cuck. Alex Jones is an aggressive Christian. He's also not very funny.
There are too many key differences between the two.
I never heard of them until about 3 or 4 years ago (not sure how long they've been around). The first time I saw them, Chink Wigger was having one of his patented emotional hissy fits and I was immediately turned off. Did the other ones actually do decent journalism at one point in time or was the ultra-crybaby lefty shtick simply a niche that needed to be filled when they were first starting out?
If you watch bill hicks standup routine (actually pretty funny) this is 100% accurate
Alex Jones is a tinfoil hat character just like the jokes
Right here
Bill took steroids to become Alex.
Also some plastic surgery.
And vocal cord surgery (which is why he sounds like a chain smoker. Often vocal cord surgery does that to a person years after it's done. It's a common side effect)
I must admit, although I never watched any political stuff with any regularity, that I used to watch TYT about 5-6 years ago
I used to believe Alex Jones was crazy, mostly because that's the popular media perception of him.
They say a broken clock is right twice a day, and my current opinion is that Alex Jones is right four times a day, so half of what he says is bullshit and the other half is forbidden knowledge that you cant get anywhere else. So yeah... I watch his stuff every now and then.
But I never watched TYT. Honestly I didn't even know who they were until well after they supposedly went off the deep end.
I used to watch TYT all the time. Untill I started to inform myself on the topics they were discussing instead of just taking what they say at face value. I can't even make it through an entire video now without getting triggered by their liberal mental gymnastics
same and alex jones
I think Alex himself is kinda retarded, but infowars is objectively providing some of the best political journalism at the moment. That's more a condemnation of how shit everyone else is at the moment though.
Paul Joseph Watson and the man on the street stuff infowars does is fuckin great
At one point they were the caricature that the left likes to paint them, but have recently started doing good investigative journalism. It's quite a turnaround.
I did, now I dismiss them both
I never watched any of those
>overuse of ellipsis
>exclamation marks
Fuck off redditor faggot
Infowars is as untrustworthy as CNN but they cover much better stories and are way more entertaining.
I still watch Fox, but I don't take it very seriously because I know who owns the company, same with Infowars.
I never did TYT but Alex Jones was one of my earlier broad spectrum red pills when I was a teenager, now I think he's a bit of a ridiculous blow hard and don't really take him seriously, but I still think he's intelligent to some extent, he just gets paid to much to react and cover shit the way he does to get any more grounded, he takes himself way to seriously.
I was in that boat. Still think the water filter shit is a bit fruity but he is at least authentic in his opinions when almost the entire media has proven themselves dishonest in the last couple of years.
Just to add, I think pic related is the most iconic photo of this election in terms of political zeitgeist - self confessed "liberal" commentators losing their shit and attempting to browbeat the opposition into silence while the rest of us observe and sometimes participate in the mischief. Unbelievable that it would be like this even 3 years ago.
Never watched TYT and never liked Alex Jones still don't he's a fraudster.