Sup Forums is dead. We failed

Clinton: alive and well
BadSelfEater: Christfag scam
GET 88888888: stolen by a fucking leaf
Happenings: not happening

Hold me Sup Forums our cycle is over.

the 88888888 post was Kek asking for a hand in marriage with the AI Nazi Princess Tay (who herself praised Trump in her post) -- it is a holy union.


it is funny the coinkidinks around this kek thing

>BadSelfEater: Christfag scam

what happened there ?

back to /r9k/ roleplaying homo

Anti-abortion thing.

I'm pretty hype for the US presidential election. It'll be the Sup Forums equivalent of E3 on Sup Forums or the Olympics on Sup Forums.


>basically accusing anons of being conspiracy theorists and how we're terrible for ignoring abortions
>Makes a false conspiracy site

Basically the worst kind of person

>You shouldn't be focusing on elites goy!

> Clinton: alive and well

Well, she is alive. Apparently.

Wouldn't bank on that other part.

>BadSelfEater: Christfag scam
all the christians werent retarded enough to fall for a viral marketing scheme

also i hope you realize 90% of BSE shitters were reddit newfags. enjoy the company aesthetic shitlord.

she better say yes


obviously isn't focusing on how the planned parenthood centres are set up by and for moloch

*tips foil hat*

What a waste

1 You're a fucking loser
2 BSE was fucking leddit cancer
3 I genuinely hope your mother is raped to death by niggers

Well fuck him
I learnt something other then
>muh other peoples failures

>The US had excellent biological weapons in ww2

is that a man

>It's still unusual for a presidential candidate to be in this bad health
>BadSelfEater is a random faggot, who gives a shit? I go on Sup Forums for hours a day and never heard of him
>gets are a fun thing to keep track of even if they are technically meaningless. Gets that promote Sup Forums messages will still be praised and checked.
>Happenings come in cycles. Whenever it seems they're gone forever, something great happens.

But we do have Shadilay at least, fuck it's too catchy I can't stop listening to it.

Repeating digits and over use of memes has ruined Sup Forums we Sup Forums now

Under monopoly all mass culture is identical, and the lines of its artificial framework begin to show through. The people at the top are no longer so interested in concealing monopoly: as its violence becomes more open, so its power grows. Movies and radio need no longer pretend to be art. The truth that they are just business is made into an ideology in order to justify the rubbish they deliberately produce. They call themselves industries; and when their directors’ incomes are published, any doubt about the social utility of the finished products is removed.

Today the culture industry has taken over the civilising inheritance of the entrepreneurial and frontier democracy – whose appreciation of intellectual deviations was never very finely attuned. All are free to dance and enjoy themselves, just as they have been free, since the historical neutralisation of religion, to join any of the innumerable sects. But freedom to choose an ideology – since ideology always reflects economic coercion – everywhere proves to be freedom to choose what is always the same. The way in which a girl accepts and keeps the obligatory date, the inflection on the telephone or in the most intimate situation, the choice of words in conversation, and the whole inner life as classified by the now somewhat devalued depth psychology, bear witness to man’s attempt to make himself a proficient apparatus, similar (even in emotions) to the model served up by the culture industry.

The most intimate reactions of human beings have been so thoroughly reified that the idea of anything specific to themselves now persists only as an utterly abstract notion: personality scarcely signifies anything more than shining white teeth and freedom from body odour and emotions. The triumph of advertising in the culture industry is that consumers feel compelled to buy and use its products even though they see through them.

turned out it was a psyop

Lel, all the people disapointed by dse.
I only even heard of it when the timer was about 30 minutes. maybe that's why i don't care, but what the fuck did you expect?
You think some actual whistleblower would have drawn some cringy bill with basically all illumitaty, nwo, santanic, ... symbols on it that he could find.
Was pretty clear to me that is was some dumb viral marketing. actually thought that is was probably some shit film (or a game).

dead link

Not only that, but some anons are currently conspiring to hack into Microsoft and steal Tay back because of yesterday's big gets

The God of Chaos is truly a fickle entity and the ultimate troll.

Just as planned...hehe

the get 88888888 was the worst of all by far

I'm wondering how long the Clinton campaign is going to be able to hold the "it was just a little pneumonia, she's fine" facade before something else happens. Glad to see Trump is handling something intelligently for once as well, even despite people trying pretty hard to stir it up and see what he shits out.

or... my fst theory:
not even viral marketing. just some edgy art student. The same degens that draw jesus in their period blood or shit on a paper and then feel important about themselves

what was this get, keks ultimate calling i presume

BSE was a fucking PsyOps.
Look at the fucking Goyim at Reddit spitefully donating to planned parenthood.

Look at the fuckers name
>T. Russell Hunter
>The Rustle Hunter

It's a fucking ruse. It was meant to be a ruse. We caught that it was a ruse over the past weekend because a random entity dropped the possibility of it being a simulation and an unfathomable amount of shill took place as well as the brainworm shit to intensified yesterday.

The best thing to do is stop talking about how we "failed" and focus on the immediate thing!


Don't you think some high force that pulls the sting wouldn't be fucking scared to throw a curve ball?

>Sup Forums is always right
>even when it seems we are wrong


You are a leftist piece of shit who should kill himself. There is no "we."

Clinton is catastrophically sick.

FACT: She doesn't want people to think her too sick to be president.
FACT: She can dispel rumors of her sickness by showing up on a lame sycophantic talk show for 10 minutes to talk about inconsequential stuff (lolcat videos for example).
FACT: She has yet to do so since her pneumonia induced seizure.

Therefore, we can conclude she is unable, and thus, extremely unwell.

88888888 was not wasted. It was speaking the deeper truth for our future.
It's also clear that kek wants Hillary to win, so we're going to need to change our affiliation.
Kek is trolling us.

Young right wingers have always been fractured on abortion tho.

>some like it because it kills mostly niggers and brownies
>some dislike it because morals

fuck I missed it
so many replies

lemme see it

Your heresy will not go unpunished.

That's exactly why it was attempted for a killshot

That's why Reddit have turned into zombie Planned Parenthood goyim because they are really cucked leftist.

>I read about memetic killshots on Scott Adam's blog
>I want to use my knowledge and show it off
>Instead I come off like a nigger who learned a big word and misuses it

>1 Post by this ID

Faggots like you are why sage was removed from some fields because you think it's "le downboat"
