What did they mean by this? For those of you that watched South Park last night, Kyles dad is behind the controversy and tension. Oy vey! Shut it down! the goyim know!
South Park season 20 premier
Other urls found in this thread:
Why do they keep focusing on Trump so much jesus, I have yet to hear all the corrupt shit about Hillary.
Der ewige Jude My friend. This episode was truly great
>token's life matters
>girls are funny get over it..C'mon Wendy, be funny and talk about your vagina.
>the plottwist in the first episode.
overall, I think this is going to be an interesting season.
They are exposing JIDF
They're probably prevented from saying too much about her by comedy central who shill for her nonstop on all their other shows. I'm suprised they got away with calling her turd sandwhich.
eh, it's not that bad.
Garrison/"Trump's" getting most of the attention and jokes, but Hillary's still presented as being so bad that folks don't even want her after both unintended and purposeful fuck-ups.
Giant Douche > Turd Sandwhich
I laughed my ass off knowing I'm a bigger online troll than my sons
Because Trump's like bad or something XDDD he doesn't have a plan and he wants to fuck immigrants :DDDD
5/5 Breddy gud.
#SouthPark20 was spot on. The jews are behind everything...
Did anyone else watch Legends of Chamberlain Heights afterwards? That shit was fucking crazy, I don't see it lasting too long... seen too many niggers crying on Twitter about it.
>Jew behind chaos.
Sounds like they started getting woke. Still a bit groggy as their support for Johnson shows.
Jewish Internet troll force.
I can't wait until the Huffington post article about how South Park promotes anti semetism.
George soros.
I can't fucking believe it.
They browse Sup Forums.
Me neither, reminding people Gerald is a Jew will help some of the sheeple connect the dots.
I would like to see the opinions of our fellow merchants who browse Sup Forums directly from the holy land.
Pretty funny episode tho.
I didn't really make the Jewish connection until Sup Forums called it out. I thought the idea was to make it personal because Kyle's an SJW and his father is like his enemy.
I think you guys will be disappointed if you expect them to pursue the Jewish angle in next week's episode.
The Daily Show and that other show that comes after it are basically the DNC comedy club. They shilled for clock boy even.
compared to the shit they've said over the past 20 years tonight's episode was pretty tame.
Spread it.
what makes you think so?
I'll believe that when we see pepe with some reference to kek.
South park sucks.
At the end it was the jewish guy behind it all, pulling the strings. This is a direct reference to us.
You suck
Next episode will feature Hillary on stage in front of a crowd of around 6 people. She will be coughing up shit and hacking and will be insisting that she's healthy. Also, Pepe will be referenced. Screenshot this.
Consider the Record Corrected, Schlomo.
>kike is working with cartman
>cartman knew how to pronounce the username
>kike is soros promising cartman/blm something for inciting riots
what was the deal with the member berries? are they trying to say that trumps campaign is as hollow and souless as the ghostbusters and star trek reboots? that his message is like a nostalgic drug or something?
all this show seems to do is rip on trump. i dont think ill bother to watch s20e2.
>mfw she'll be dead before the end of the season
You know what to do Kek
off topic, saged, reported, and called the cops
This show has been saying fucking jew for 20 years
Yeaaah... I think we'll have to wait and see about that. Just expect some disappointment if you think it's a reference to Soros "inciting riots" or whatever.
Post rare Merchants, goys.
Sup Forums may as well be Sup Forums liteā¢
Adults still watch this shit? I got over South Park like 8 years ago. How do they keep getting renewed?
I'm 37 and still watch it
Its gonna be interesting season but I wish they wouldnt drag this shit out. Why not stick with one storyline and make that an episode?
Now we had to deal with the National anthem, internet trolls, unfunny women, Trump vs Hillary etc in one episode. Too fucking much man.
these cunts are so stupid.... Matt Stone is a jew.
truly a page filled with autists
Could you dumb motherfuckers stop shilling these threads?
Last season was spammed as well "woaah repill lol wow matt nd trey parker is genuisse"
Mod should just autodelete these fucking marketing threads.
I wonder if kek agrees?
Who fucking cares? If they're not destroying Hillary as hard as they're destroying Trump then they may as well be sucking Soros fucking dick.
Who the fuck do they think between Hillary and Trump would be the most likely to tell that Jew to go fuck himself?
the only part i laughed at was cartman taking the piss of female comedians like amy shumer
I think the most bizzare thing is that they are painting her as if she has been down on the polls the whole time. When in reality the establishment has done everything they can to make it clear that its been the other way around.
>"Let's give a warm welcome to Hillary Clinton and all four of her supporters"
South Park always goes after both sides. Trump took the brunt of the jokes last night, but I'd bet dollars to donuts that they'll be taking a fair number of jabs at Trump and Clinton all season.
3:1 odds they do a running bit about Clinton getting sicker and sicker over the course of the season, until she gets to the point where she's regularly coughing up organs or dropping body parts like a leper.
5:1 odds they do an email or DNC scandal episode
10:1 odds they make her a semi-antagonist if they push this 'gender war' angle brought up in the first episode
In the meantime, grow a thicker skin. It's all in good fun and the few jokes at Trump's expense last night were harmless. If we lose our shit every time someone makes a joke about Trump we're no better than those safe space liberal faggots supporting Hillary.
Terrible Pepe
Terrible commenttary
>Directly naming the jew
Matt and Trey are pretty based
yes because conspiracies about jews didn't exist before Sup Forums
The show is based off the characters of Matt Stone and Trey Parker...basically Matt Stone is Kyle and Trey Parker is Stan.
>watch "Cannibal The Musical" to confirm stone as a Jew with orange hair and a hat to keep it all tamed.
>or just check his wiki.
All the Jew jokes that South Park does or will ever do is because of Matt Stone, who is basically an atheistic Libertarian.
I figured it was gonna be progressive shit so I didn't bother. Worth watching?
Have you all forgotten Cartman's original imaginary sidekick? If there's going to be a pepe reference it's gonna have something to do with Clyde frog.
Yes, don't listen to these faggots
> shows the intentional divisive culture wars
> shows Hilary supporters not actually sp
supporting her but against a fictionalized version of trump
> it's a he behind it all
The trump piece is just a gag, spergs are just mad they're not sucking the God Emperor's dick
This episode:
>Clinton is not electable
>Named the Jew
>Trump's name was never actually used
>BTFO all the National Anthem squatters
>Made fun of feminists
>Made fun of Amy Schumer (I know, I repeated myself)
>Basically said women aren't funny or smart
>Called out politicians for claiming to speak for all Americans
>Demonstrated Jew Jew Abrams can only do remakes, and has no originality
Seemed pretty fucking woke to me.
>racist nazi frogs
Clyde Frog was a manifested egregore to Eric Cartman before any of us could even think about it this way.
I'm watching the episode right now, and I'm really getting the idea that Trey and Matt either browse this shithole of a board or reddit.
Last season and this first episode are just so focused on the exact same themes that Sup Forums discusses constantly. The whole sjw thing, Ghostbusters drama, trolling muh minorities and women and now an hint of jewish conspiracy.
This stuff is not that mainstream to just happen to be such a hot topic for them.
Have all you retards forgotten the episode of the handicapped's' camp? In Towelie intervention Cartman exposes this Jewish agenda, I think that was in season 15.
You Ameritards should seek to uncensor Muhammed from SP's episodes for the sake of freedom of speech.
And of course everyone is exposing these things little by little, is part of a major plan.
that's added to my list of great occult words
>right after bezoar
You have to deal with them poking fun at both sides. They'll dig into her more as the season goes on. You also have to remember the show airs on Comedy Central which shills for her non stop. They haven't really dug into trump much with factual attacks like they have Clinton.
They can't hide the fact that Cartman would be Trumps #1 fan forever.
If you want to be "original", you have to bring something the masses haven't seen. Most normies have no idea what this stuff so so Matt and Trey end up looking like geniuses. Although, they do deserve credit for trying to redpill normies.
I didn't really see them saying that women aren't funny. They were making fun of the shills and SJWs that freak out whenever someone says that either some women or all women aren't funny.
Cartman is still as sexist as ever, and his ignorance of funny women is shown when he asks the girls to "be funny" and say my vagina (nice jab at Amy Schumer though).
pretty smart of them indeed.
Prime material for South Park, chan culture.