Have WWI class in university

>have WWI class in university
>Class literally begins with saying the multiculturalism of austria-hungary started WWI
>Nationalists are the good guys that want independent nations
what happened to the all colleges are left wing meme

bump for interest

Report the professor as a nazi

you going to Trump University nigga

That's because the ARYANS were in power and academia vies for the day of ARYANDIED.

OP here Also
>napoleon was the good guy
>catylst of european nationalism
>the concert of europe is bad and were cucks that wanted to keep multicultural empires like austria-hungary together

I'm in a WWI class looking at it it from the perspective of a right-wing german nationalist

honestly couldn't believe it at first, last class the professor was talking about how the English didn't have modern artillery at the start of the war because they had been buying them from Germany instead of producing it themselves

he literally said it was "one of the early dangers of globalism"

still get the feeling he's a lefty but not what I expected at all

surprisingly enough its a public-state funded college

I thought it was France's abuse of Germany after WWI what sparked the resentment which grew into the nationalist movement and later to war. Certainly Germany was not the real bad guy, they merely wanted to reunite the germanic people under one REICH.

because of tenure and academic freedom, some rare professors have even become outright holocaust deniers, it's rare but it happens

Ask about the Balkan wars in the 90s

Isnt that because far left wing hates jews too

This post was about WWI not WWII mate

Nationalism was sparked by napoleon as a way to break up the large empires of Europe into smaller nationalist, nations rather than large, multicultural empires

no, the far left just hates the mistreatment of palestine

quads confirm, reminder soviets kicked the joos first

Stem degree and only my required lib tard sections were commies. The actual sciences are dominated by conservatives, at least in my experience

Libtard classes being: drawing, music history, world history of music, drawing, English, and speech.

dumb faggot, bolsheviks were largely jews and backed by jews

You have to go back, Mohammed

Might explain it since im a CS major taking a history class as a "diversity" requirement which is the funny part

Jew like money and commies take their money away. jews hate communisim

that was after they killed thousands of big-nosed evils

Did he ask you to make a tweet about your life in the trench?

In 1939 there was only one member of the politburo of the Soviet communist party who was a Jew (Kaganovitch). Stalin purged the party from the Jews.

Which is the dumbest thing in the world as 90% of the stemfags I know play instruments, paint, read, write, etc So there is no reason to force them to take those classes anyway.

Wrong war, dumb Nazi faggot.

Ask your professor about the Berlin to Baghdad railway, the real causation of WW1.

Nationalism IS left wing in a sense that is opposed to the traditional Right wing with a capital R world of state over nation, imperium or empire.
All the nationalist movements in the 1800s, wether Hungarian, Italian, Serbian and whatnot were jacobine, democratic and masonic.

All the founders of Italy were freemasons, theirs was a continuation of the movements that started the french revolutionary war which was, ultimately, a war against tradition and against traditional states.

Multiculturalism caused WW1? Explain this to me. The variety of ethnicities in Austria-Hungary created instability within that Empire, but the assassination of the Archduke was carried out by a pan-slav nationalist who was thought to be backed by Serbia.

Then other nations joined the war in fear, or honouring alliances.

Also Austria-Hungary was an Empire, it wasn't multiculturalism - I suppose there was limited multiculturalism between Germans and Magyars.

Nothing new.

This os pretty much the standart teaching.

This. Nationalist movements used to seek to undermine the traditional order, and we're considered left-wing.

They still are in the British Isles.

>napoleon was the good guy
Started a war for greedy and is considered a good guy?

That's the ultimate bluepill

The Austrian Empire and the Apostolic Crown of Hungary were indeed a multi-cultural empire, like all empires have ever been, since an empire is by nature indifferent to ethnicity, language and culture.

In the empire, the state is over the nation, whereas in the jacobine democratic nation-state they overlap and a state cannot grow unless ethnic cleansing is involved, which has been the case for a lot of the nation states born out of the cursed 1800s "spring of nations".

>>Class literally begins with saying the multiculturalism of austria-hungary started WWI
austria started a war against serbia since a serb killed the aire to the throne. it was the ententé nations and prussia wo started this on a continental scale.

we just wanted to rek that fucking jugos.

ok time to redpill me on world war I guys

was it really the multiculturalism of Austria-Hungary that started the war?


use 2 examples from the text to support your answer

What it have to do with STEM?

Is it only to give jobs to teachers that wouldnt get a job otherwise?

An Empire is, by definition, one group of people ruling the other.

Austria-Hungary is obviously unique with its dual monarchy system, but I would hesitate calling either crown "multicultural". Germans ruled over Bohemians, Italians and Slovenes and the Magyars ruled over Romanians, Croats etc.

The empire clearly privileged some ethnicities over others - it was not multicultural. Additionally - although there was both German and Magyar settlement - these ethnicities kept to their lands.

In a history of American civilization class, we were told race is a social construct and does not exist because it's near impossible to differentiate between some races. We are all one race, the human race.

You can argue that it was Russia's francophilia that made the conflict escalate: they had nothing to do with the western powers, being themselves much more akin to Prussia and Austria (as shown in the past by the league of three Emperors) - autochratic monarchies, much different from western "democracies" or mediated and liberal monarchies.

>was it really the multiculturalism of Austria-Hungary that started the war?
It wasn't. It was the cyclical nature of time that demanded that traditional monarchies disappeared, having the Habsburg already abdicated the title of Emperor of the HRE and Wien being the capital of walzer and not the capital of the Empire.

We were in a dying Empire, and all the flailing around and backdoor whispering that beate Karl did couldn't bring it back. The times changed and the assassination of Franz Ferdinand would have been a minor speedbump, if the times were different.

But the times were not different, and even if he inherited the throne, being the idiot he was, he would have ran it into the ground anyway. We were doomed.

Jews traded their personal money away for mass political power and control through a powerful centralized communist state. Communism headed by jews is more preferable to them than a full bank account

Why did he sell Louisiana so cheaply? To fund his war against the Russian Tsar because he was in leauge with the Rothchild bankster club.

What do you mean by multi-cultural? Because our definitions may differ.

To me, a multi-cultural state is a state where native populations belong to different ethnicities, religions or languages and the state recognizes those differences by treating each according to their cultural customs. Thus, multi-cultural.

>The empire clearly privileged some ethnicities over others
Oficially it was just the language that was enforced. Initially german and then german and hungarian.

The ethnicities of the empire werent oficially mistreated, even though german nationalism was in rise in Austrja

2/3 of italian jews before the racial laws were part of the PNF, the national fascist party.

Don't mistake those who belong to the jewish religion, as in the factory worker, the kosher butcher, the jeweler, with the bourgeouise elite.

It's run its course

>The ethnicities of the empire werent oficially mistreated
Franz Josef's motto was to keep everyone slightly unsatisfied, so no one would be jealous.

In that regard, thinking what counts/counted as an ethinicty, almost all nations are multicultural. just leaving out the obvious ones but you have:
>Bretons/bask in France
>Bask/catalons in Spain
>Danish, sorbics in Germany
>Tyrols in Italy
>Suomi in Finland and Sweden

In the modern context, where no culture is privileged by the state and many different cultures live side by side. Different from an Empire where one ethnicity is subjugated by another.

This was the era of language = people, however.

And I never said other ethnicities were mistreated, merely that they didn't belong to the privileged ruling class and this were subjects in an Empire, not citizens of a multicultural state.

Are venetians, friulan and austrians treated according to their customs in italy?
No. They are being forcefully integrated through mass migration from ethnic italy to their lands and through belittlement of their culture and language.

That's not a multi cultural state, that is a nation state and a nationalist state, in the process of eliminating what doesn't belong to the nation.
Same could be said about the Occitan and the Provençal in France, what with the "vergonha" and whatnot.

Switzerland is a multi cultural state, in this sense. Not that being multi cultural in itself would be enough to characterize a state as traditional, which Switzerland clearly isn't.

The cultural extraction of the ruling class does not mean much in a traditional country. Diocletian was from Dalmatia, a lot of roman emperors were from Hispania or north Africa.
In my experience, coming from a family of minorities in nation-states hellbent on the destruction of said minorities, I can tell you there is much more to fear in terms of your culture disappearing in nation states rather than in empires.
No one ever came to our house to tell us what to speak in private under the Habsburg; in the war museum in Wien there is the soldier booklet in 11 languages; no Austrian judge ever forbid the use of our centuries-old surname because it sounded "too german" or "too italian".

I'm studying the Trivium in my English comp. course. One of my first assignments was a creative writing project analyzing a Gloria Steinem quote.

So its a mixed bag.

You seem to be lucky enough to have a different sort of professor

Completed a history undergrad and postgrad here. In both modern and classics.

It tends to be that the further back in history the historian looks, the less influence Marxist thought has (being a modern "science"). They tried to rectify this by focussing on the common people in history classes, but due to there not really being an abundance of written work, and archaeology (and it being really boring), this is undermined. The result is that you're forced to see things from a higher perspective.

WW1 is a tricky one because Austria-Hungary was too busy playing empire with mainly European folk. Meanwhile, the other European powers were content with their European possessions and focussed on their colonies. There was a safe divide.

Either way, the main reason "nationalism" was seen as good was because it was used as a tool in which to undermine Austria-Hungary's powerbase. Italy, for instance, only joined the war on the promise that they'd receive most of what would become an independent Yugoslavia. Their allies also didn't give much of a damn for European nationalism, save that it would assist in curtailing Austria-Hungary through uprisings.

>mexican intellectuals

Of course it depends on the Empire, but I believe you're right in regards to the Habsburg domain.

If I were to take your definition of multiculturalism, then all Empires through history would have been such. I prefer to use multiculturalism to refer to the current policy pursued by what were once monocultural nation states.

You keep saying "we", to which ethnicity do you belong?

He didn't start a single war, you fucking retard.

To elaborate further on my last point, Marxists aren't so interested in rewriting the past these days. They can simply slap the label - "patriarchy/barbarism/colonialism" on it and don't think twice about it. They also write terribly boring and apologetic histories. What's concerning is when all of the contemporary historians and academics are Marxists, as they are dictating how events are being understood and overstating/understating significance.

I'd sum their attitude up as; why piss on the grave, when you can poison the well.

>Invasion of Russia never happened

>Partitions of Poland never happened

This disproves the point, how?

>You keep saying "we", to which ethnicity do you belong?
I'm Zimbrisch, and our culture is almost extinct (it will be in the next generation) in the valley I come from. The other half of my family is Venetian, which is another persecuted minority.
I immigrated to Canada.
My grand mother always says that the gold and black empire is where we belong, because our millenary customs weren't in danger when the "germans" were in charge.

You use multi-cultural in a Peter Hitchens sense then, I see.

kys yourself
Napoleon was good guy, but too overconfident and refused to listen

So, you're upset about the modern entity of Italy wiping out the cultures of two medieval Germanic migrant groups that only flourished during the principalities of Italy. They have no historic claim to the region any more than any other culture that invaded Italy after the fall of Rome.

just like with you, there is no way to tell if these folks were just naive, or just subversive cunts.

which is why all of them have to go to israel, where they can be part of their OWN people, and their OWN national parties.

I have an anarcho-communist friend who hates the Jews

You mean to say you have a closet fascist friend who hasn't admitted it yet.

I've had a similar experience with my Antiquity professor this semester. He has claimed that there is only one race (yawn), but does indeed talk in length about the cultural differences that separate people(s) and how cultures aren't naturally compatible, currently representing the Assyrians and Akkadians.

He's a Jewish Viet Nam veteran, too. So that's pretty legit.

Venetians are not germanic, first of all.
What's a "historic claim" to a region? We have been living in that valley and naming mountains and rivers in that valley since the battle of the Rauti plains, which by the way was before the fall of Rome.

Venetians migrated to the current area of Venetia much before Rome was even founded!

Even if those facts were not true, how can you stand by the ethnic destruction of a native european group? By the same reasonment, shouldn't you leave Australia and I should leave Canada to go back to where our ancestors 3000 years ago were?

It's never those who end up being an israeli farmer that are the problem. Israel has literally zero impact on what the capitalist international elites decide to do. If it's not Israel it's the UK, if not the UK it's the USA ... they always find a home.

As an Italian speaker, Venetians sure do sound Germanic. And no, I'm not saying they are.

If you want to play the ancient card, you're basically a Gaul. Except you're not. Cimbrians were Bavarian migrants.

Italy, especially the north, passed through the hands of everyone. What do you propose modern Italy, a nation state flailing to establish a coherent nationality for the past 150 years, does? Totally Balkanize itself because Venice was once a relevant power with a distinct culture? Split the far north off because there are speckles of medieval migrant groups still enduring?

I don't propose one thing nor another, but I can't see your logic. You espouse nationalism but then demand the needs of a tiny vaguely historic minority be upheld above the majority nation.

Pick an argument.

It has everything to do with stem as the OP talked about how op is surprised that he found conservative values in what is normally regarded as a libtarded fuck pool. So I countered with "not all college programs are populated by libs"

Try and keep up pablo

Communism, in its true, utopian form never happened. Jews did not lose anything when they joined the party. They only rose to power on the the ashes of the former elites ruined by the bolsheviks.
They were also the ones most eager to prove themselves in this new, wicked reality, often unparalelled in their cruelty.
Most of the prominent NKVD officers were of jewish origin.

I know this was tongue in cheek (YOUR A FATASS SUCK MY DICK AMERIFATASS, um, sorry about that), but at my uni we had an ANTIFA poster on the blackboard (the cork thingy you put important notices on, NOT the thing you write with chalk on) encouraging people to report racist/sexist/ANYTING*ist professors / students etc.

outside the uni building is littered with "refugees welcome" stickers. and in the city we even have pants-on-hat retarded slogans like "borders kill - ABOLISH BORDERS".

It's called a bulletin board.