>when history books are written for this election pepe will be mentioned to some degreee
We memed history
>when history books are written for this election pepe will be mentioned to some degreee
We memed history
Other urls found in this thread:
16. Age of consent. Consensual sex. Rape. Niggers.
It's 15..
I thought one coconut was the same as the two coconuts because they cut it down to save space. If that's not the case, then it is 15.
Thus, not niggers.
Australia please,
Apple: 10
Banana: 4
Coconut: 2
How do you even make 15 out of that without resorting to Common Core bullshit?
Neither pepe nor Sup Forums will be mentioned. This page and its memes are completely irrelevant to the wider world.
2 coconuts on one line
1 coconut on the next
i fell for the trap too
t. refugee from syria
>Neither pepe nor Sup Forums will be mentioned. This page and its memes are completely irrelevant to the wider world.
What did he mean by this?
It is 14 you fucking niggers.
This, we will be nothing but a footnote.
>in 2016 a fringe radical movement known as the "alt-right" appeared, they mostly did nothing of any value because they were too busy fapping to their 2D waifus and shitposting.
the answer is 14, anybody that says 15 or 16 is mentally retarded
14 niggers
only 3 banana bunch on last line
= 15
answer is 17
I believe this will be exactly how the footnote will read.
No idea. Care to explain?
One coconut = 1
One apple = 10
Three bananas = 3
It's 14.
3x apples divided by 3 is 10. one apple is 10
18-10 divided by 8 bananas is one. each bananas is one.
you have four banananas minus a whole coconut equals two, half a coconuts is one
one halfs a cococnuts + one apples + THREE bananans is 14
retards who can't math and don't pay attention to detail ALL BTFO
Answer doesn't exist because fruits are not numbers.
it's 14
only 3 bananas in last line
letters aren't numbers and yet y=5x+12 is a valid question with two valid answers. dumb fuck, if you can't do even basic algebra you need to go back to the
Those other bunched of bananas had 4 too, the fourth is almost completely hidden look close
apple = 10
1 coconut = 1
1 banana = 1
last line is 3 banana 1 coconut 1 apple
>letters aren't numbers
But letters aren't fruits too.
Or on mobile and picture is too fucking small to notice minute detail of one less banana on last line.
>goes to post and looks at Captcha
Just fuck my life up Captcha
too bad. if you can't see one less banana, you aren't white. you might as well join the niggers on the unemployment line.
I think that nigger actually wouldn't miss banana
13 you niggers*facepalm* there's only one coconut so 1+10+2
confirmed non-black