You're at your LCS and walk up to the counter with your stack

You're at your LCS and walk up to the counter with your stack.

This happens.

What do?

Other urls found in this thread:

Make sure the driver is okay and help clean things up if I have nothing better to do?

Probably get killed knowing my luck.

>buying comics
>reading comics


Say a bad one liner

Another reason to go digital

Thank god the gumball machine was unharmed.

Help the woman driver

I'll be back tomorrow, for the scratch and dent sale.

Dude, it's a comic store, not a kitchen.

I like how the store seems to be more like "holy fuck that was awesome " in the YT comments rather than "AAAAAARGH WHAT THE FUCK"

I still don't understand how people just plow into buildings going 100 mph. Like... how?

>Is that a truck, or are you happy to see me?

I don't think anything you could do would improve her driving.

Apparently he was going downhill while having a seizure. His leg might've locked up against the peddle.

>Make sure the driver is okay
Why would you do this? The guy was most likely drunk and almost killed you

Oh shit, that's awful. I always thought these things were "I meant to hit the brake and slammed the gas for 30 seconds instead" things.

that shelf collapse at :30, comedy is all about timing.

Because its what Superman would do. And dead men can't pay for all this property damage.

I take the driver back to my place and feed them some eggs.

Considering the layout of my LCS? I'd be dead. Cashier too.

Happened to my roommate, but it was a game store. He got to make a call to the owner and the store eventually went out of business.

As he describes it:

Him: There's a car in the store.

Owner: What?

Him: There's a car inside the store.

Owner: What?

Him: A car crashed into the store.

Owner: ...

Owner: Fuck.

Then later a guy crossed the police line came in through the hole and tried to buy batteries.

Ask the driver how he completely failed to realize that the cover of "Action Comics" #1 involves throwing a car into a boulder, not driving a car into a store.

>clearings to the left and right of the store
>car veers right into the building

This is like that one episode of Bob's Burgers.

Well at least it was a comic shop so you know that no one was inside to be in harm's way.

>673293234 cameras for that tiny ass store
Is this an insurance thing or what? You can see most of the store from the desk anyway and you can spot the kids who steal pretty easily

the owner believes in ghosts and has been trying to find evidence of them

That dude manning the register seemed pretty damn indifferent.

>Then later a guy crossed the police line came in through the hole and tried to buy batteries.

That's actually kind of hilarious. Although "buying batteries" was probably a cover to steal shit.

Or had a stroke and needs immediate help?

Only retards and nerds read comics

It's the only other customer he was getting anyways.

She probably got lost then.

>mfw it's my actual, honest to god, LCS

Be the first to scoop up those scratch and ding deals.

Congratulations on your future deep, deep, deep discounts.

I'm not really into table top gaming.

If he had gone a little to the right, he would've plowed into the bathrooms and the subscriber boxes room.

Shit that hits too close to home
>Used to go by that comic store\
>Have seizures

>YFW this exact footage gets put into a comic book movie

In the description they say the man had a seizure while driving.

>females in a comic book store
In your dreams.

Right into the mini's, damn.
Only silver tower made it out unscathed.

See if there's a relief effort you can contribute to

Fuck, I'll merch them off you if the prices drop low enough. Nothing a little Green Stuff can't fix.

>Still includes Stormcast Eternals

You'd be surprised how dumb people get when you work around enough of them.

I worked security in a casino and I've had people walk through a snow storm during a city wide shutdown due to weather trying to come in and gamble or ask if we were open.

We weren't.

Is that people being dumb? Or gambling forming psychological addictions in the desperate?

People being dumb

I'd be at work helping the front answer the phones

75% of the calls were are you open

Dumb. The regulars stayed home, it was mostly people that go there every once in a while and thought they could come gamble and get coffee while the city was in a state of emergency.