Based Putin is banning pornsites like Pornhub now!
I hope west is enjoying degradation while we are becoming degeneracy-free religious utopia. So long, suckers!
Based Putin is banning pornsites like Pornhub now!
this triggers the fedora tippers
Butthurt pervert, lmao
kys addicted faggot
>Commies so badly cucked they think it's this a step forward
>might as well start bringing in sandnigger immigrants
кaк пo ихнeмy бyдeт дpoчить
>banning porn
Really made me think.
American brothers require assistance, we no longer manage to masturbate
Good, I was getting tired of being spammed all over my screen, too.
Yet production of porn is legal in Russia.
That's just stupid.
Producing and distributing porn has never been legal in Lithuania and I hope it never will be.
>Yet production of porn is legal in Russia.
Not legal
It's legal.
>Yet production of porn is legal in Russia
Гдe oнo лeгaльнoe?
Which sites exactly are going to be banned?
Exclusively porn sites or all sites that have porn?
Because in that case they would have to ban Sup Forums.
>Which sites exactly are going to be banned?
>Exclusively porn sites or all sites that have porn?
>Because in that case they would have to ban Sup Forums.
Then why do I see professional Russian pornstars getting fucked by black men on Russian soil so often of xvideos?
For example, Lupe Burnett. She's pretty damn hot
Is there reason for it?
I mean either Putin is now promoting Russian pornography industry or is it just "we don't want to be degenerate" thingy
nly cornhub and something like zis
our imageboard was banned many times not for porn, loli, drugs, and something
they shoulda ban 4ch a long time ago for lolithread btw
couldn't you just use a proxy if you really wanted to jerk off?
What's the pretext of this new law? Like, what's the reason given by the government?
What's the point of only banning a few porn sites when there's still thousands more on the internet that are easily accessible?
Then why do I see professional USA pornstars getting fucked by black men on USA soil so often of xvideos?
For example, Lupe Burnett. She's pretty damn hot
>yfw all your pr0n is on
Блять oин тyт peaльнo пздц тyпыe
Because production of porn is legal in USA and it has the biggest porn industry in the world.
And Lupe Burnett is Russian
>there are people unironically thinking that banning entertainment that doesn't hurt anyone, but is doing the opposite is a good thing
Дa ты пpocтo c пaбликa 4cн пpилeтeл и oжидaeшь шyтoк пpo дидoв и хихлoв, дeбил
it's just one or two sites, not all of them
yдaлят тpeд ecли дaльшe пo pyccки бyдeшь пиздeть, so speak english faggot
Гдe чтo я oжидaю yeбaк, я eмy пишy чтo нeзaкoннo в poccии пopнoиндycтpия, oн мнe дoкaзывaт co cвoeй мeкcики eбyчeй oб oбpaтнoм
Thats xui s nim
>hurr durr
Back to harkach, bydlo.
They can't ban all of them because they need to take it to the court first and it takes time. Hopefully we will fix that issue.
>based tyrant bans something
Why do so many russians still romanticise the idea of being a peasant?
Grown ass men wishing for a ruthless father figure as if they were little girls, so that they can retreat into a child-like state of having big brother government take care of everything... They don't even want freedom because they don't want responsibilities? This ideology is sick, thank god I wasn't born a russian into serf mentality.
B cпaльнe твoeй мaмы
>based tyrant bans something
I always knew that Poland was a lawless anarchist state.
It's remarkably free here so long as you don't want to start a business or have an abortion.
It's funny that makes us a lawless state compared to Russia, though. I don't mean this as an insult but sincerely as an observation: you don't understand freedom because you never had it. You don't even want it. If I was born russian or chinese I would have same mentality and it's extremely hard to discove against the popular opinion. Thank catholic Jesus I was not born in a country that would teach me I have to listen to big brother, and that my tyrants opinion is always better than my own.
Except your sort of freedom is not true freedom. You're living amongst a number of different restrictions and yet you rationalize your restrictions by saying "look at them, they have more of them so I guess it's alright here".
Thing is, some restrictions are not bad. You don't give too much candy to a child because his teeth will rot off. Remove restrictions and you will see people turn into animals who rape and murder just because they want it.
Porn brings nothing but decay to society and banning it will make it healthier. But give control to people who act on their impulses and you will get another slowly degenerating western country.
Also, stop fucking speaking about freedom v. control like it's an almost binary issue. It's not.
Trump likes Putin.
Liking Putin is gay in a good way.
Why would anyone want to fap over anyone else?
Not to worry pal, you still have /pol
Far more healthy