Sup Forums humour thread

Sup Forums humour thread

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That's pretty awful, Italy.

Leave our Mediterranean friend alone, it's not his fault they eat too much pasta and can't meme. Italy had a hard life.


not sure folks


what was the

I accidentially called her "Drecksjude" ;_;


A fucking leaf asking for an AI waifu/gf.

A total waste

>mfw these threads used to be funny

let me help you




Still assblasted that Tay is officially Canada's girl?




This is the best


I accidentally called my dad a kike after he used all the gas in my car and didnt refill it.

also, (((they're))) coming


That is a cute pupper. :^)


That will never cease to make me laugh.



Is there no decent moment canada wont destroy? The second wall is for you leaf.








isn't it just?

I do wonder why he's so sad though ;_;




>tfw being black and being blacked








kek, best one



Updated version

>any gogurts left

I could go for a gogurt right now, actually.


Nigger is the most common insult in my social circle.

My best mate is from Africa.


r8 my shitty oc


turn the fucking picture in the right place


more like germany and sweden

Feeling a bit stressed there Kemal?




what is the name of that meme where types of arguments are exposed along with badly drawn stereotypical characters?

Like one of those was "wow your argument doesnt fit my preconceived stablished views, looks like I win the debate again" or some shit

Nice proxy Australia


>The multiplayer is too large.



Sweden looks so fucking goofy, I bet he'd be fun to hang around with.




It's called Brazilian twitter


is this legit?

You don't even have hands up don't shoot, it's a given you surrender :)


that doesnt even make sense you dumb fuck







Kode with Carlie!





according to political compass i'm slightly on the lbertarian left
>have a job
>strongly pro trump
it literally put me there only because i'm non religious, and i'm not even against religion in principle either.

Wow that image makes a lot of sense. This board is full of kids. I actually thought kind of retarded adults posted here.

Fucking kekked mate, 10/10

>be black man
>trying to just do my job
>prevented from doing so by protesting niggers who don't care about costing me my job

Man, I feel sorry for the guy avidly trying to work

kek, this is pretty fucking good.