Make America Great Again

>Make America Great Again

I don't remember America being great in the first place...

Exactly the problem, you're too young, you can't remember something you haven't experienced. Leave this to the adults kiddo

1.2 million.

It was.

Same way Germany was comfy as fuck through the 90s. Your old people could fuck off and drink mineral water at their little resorts.

Your workers could take a long lunch break, drink a liter of beer and train some based german shepherds.

All kids on both sides of the pond could fuck off and not have to be glued to a cell phone and otherwise tracked and hen pecked.

A greater breadth of young people were actually undertaking sexual experimentation with their hetero peers.

Fags were still frowned upon.

Our niggers were still cooped up in dense housing projects away from the suburbs.

There was a lot to enjoy.

Right around the time we beat you in WWII

Exactly. Americans should start chanting make america top 10 again. It will make more sense

How's that shit colored skin treating you, ahmed?

Holy fuck damnit hell shit cunt twat fuck. I miss it,.

>I don't remember America being great in the first place...
Get back to us when you can do this....
pic related

Cute dogs

Me too.

>muh deers


Yeah, that's because you were born AFTER 1948, in ingrate kraut fuck.

>muh deers

those deer look tasty

venison time

Yikes. I'm not sure where to begin here...

Fuck it.

That's because you're 7, underage b&. Enjoy, faggot.

beat me to it by < 1s

Mmmm, next month, can't wait!

>muh DEERS

Arent you dependant on russia for your space activities now?

Its not about america. Its about the whole west.

What happened?

Fucking liberalism and trade deals happened allowing our industry to move to places where labour is cheap (Asia), hence the loss of capital.

In Europe is even worse because the EU crashed both the primary and secondary sectors of productivity of peripheric countries so that central powers didnt have to worry about lower price competition.

Krauts are oblivious to this because the regulations were made by them and for them.

Everyone can do This now.

hur hur hur

>mein deers

Euros are literally less manly than our young girls


I hunt all the time and deer are pretty cool, now go choke on a cactus, this is unrelated to the thread at hand.

My dad used to have his .308 and his garand over the fireplace - I can't imagine some of my friends every talking to me again if I did that, or even being able to afford a house with a fireplace for the next ten years.

your friends are turds

What's up with that water? It's pretty, but why is it like that?

Oh but it is you cock sucker

This kraut always creates thread with deers.
So I'm bumping his thread with deers you fucking twat. So shut up and enjoy the bump fudge packer

>I can't imagine some of my friends every talking to me again if I did that

lol wat? I keep my daily carry on my coffee table. You would lose friends over having guns on display?

You need to evaluate your friendships or your entire surroundings. I can only assume you live in libshit fairyland.


>deer are pretty cool

No. They are stupid as fuck and jump in front of traffic all the time. They also breed like rats if left unchecked and need to be purged.

More like AmeriCANT! lmao

Name me 1 country greater than USA that isn't Canada, pro tip you fucking cant.

>More like AmeriCANT! lmao

That was flippin sweet.

Can I use that?

Then you have to go back Ahmed.

I want to pet those things almost more than I want to eat them.

>Liking the antler'd Jew

You sheltered faggots have clearly never actually interacted with deer. Complete cunts.

I didn't even own a cell phone until I was 19. My wife's younger siblings can't get out of bed without a phone. All I feel is anger.

>You sheltered faggots have clearly never actually interacted with deer. Complete cunts.

Delicious Danish dubs.

Great Britain

>mfw i don't have a thicc bowhunting qt3.14 to go to deer camp with and bang after a day in the woods

Was waiting for one of their heads to pop open and the rest to run for it.

I bought my first cell phone at 27.

Before that, I'd say I'd be somewhere at a certain time, and then I'd make it happen.

should have nuked you fuckers also

sorry but your well wrong were a fucking prison over here

That sounds pretty close to anti-social behavior, Nigel. Police will be over momentarily.

dude.... our space program was run by captured German scientists.....

And the majority of whites in America are of German descent. White America is German America.

Most the Germans who came to America, came along well before the two world wars, just means we have the non-cuck version of Germans.


Pardon my wolf3d speech but,

MeinGotten inn Hemmel, this pic, where from, Germanbro?