Red pill me on the wage gap and inequality of pay. Is it actually real or is it just Marxist propaganda?
Red pill me on the wage gap and inequality of pay. Is it actually real or is it just Marxist propaganda?
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Women as a group make less money but it is by choice, and has nothing to do with systemic sexism. That's pretty much it desu
in my country its very rare you will find a women being paid less than a man for doing exactly the same job.
normally the wage gap exists because women choose professions that are generally paid less
>What would happen if people started employing women cuz of muh "77c to the dolla"?
Women make less money because they choose to work less or less harder job.
And they are mad because men who decided to do longer and shittier often deadlier jobs make more than them, and it's muh soggy knee.
Even if it was real, the fact remains that men still do all the dangerous and difficult labour in the world. You will never see a woman in a mine, on an oil rig, in combat or even riding on the back of a garbage truck. Instead they whine about equal employment in STEM jobs and such.
There is documented proof that women on average get paid less for thr same work with the same qualifications.
>retards posting the same shit about picking low paying jobs every thread
This is a shitty 1:1 comparison of the same jobs
You can find proof easily through google with documented studies
>There is documented proof that women on average get paid less for thr same work with the same qualifications
Go on, post it.
No it's easy to find on google, i don't care what pol thinks they rejected even the most infallible proof.
Knowing the truth myself is enough, just pointing the OP on the right direction.
propaganda and shitty statistics. Unreported my asshole. If people are so fucking concerned takeit up on a small scale.
>hey guys, X!
>prove X
>no fuck you
10/10 lad
Woman spotted
Damn its almost like you get paid differently depending on the field and your job duties? What a fucking travesty amirite?
why is this wrong? just because I want to be a teacher doesnt mean i shouldnt be compensated the same as an underwater welding technician
>stacks of paper cash vs bags of coins
women get paid more I guess.
>Equal education
Now that's something that might be worth talking about.
Education for children is biased to girls. Boys get dicked for tolerance and equality.
>Woman outnumber men in college.
>On average, college educated women make about the same as men out of college.
>By age 30-40, women make significantly less than men; due to having and caring for children.
>After 40, women's average pay rises to catch up with men, but men still earn more; likely due to men having more experience in their career and children being old enough to where the mother can go back to work.
Women would be making the same as men if child birth and care didn't require their near full attention.
Collectively, there is a wage gap, women make 79 cents to every 1 dollar a man makes. But to say that the 21 cents difference is all due to sexism is partisan propaganda.
A person deserves to be repaid for their work. How much you get repaid depends on how much you work. Men on average work harder, for longer, at more dangerous jobs, with less vacation taken. Men work more, therefor men earn more money.
The wage gap certainly exists, because women work less, and as a result they earn less money. I'd also mention that education is certainly not equal, common core is designed to better accommodate girls preferred style of learning and affirmative action discriminates against whites and males, the program is fundamentally racist and sexist.
yes it's real young women earn more than young men
My lady.
kek, its not like most women are getting Engineering degrees or degrees in fields that pay real money.
fucking roastie, you type like a roastie