You can make the mods delete ANY type of threads, which one?

You can make the mods delete ANY type of threads, which one?

Christian generals, completely unrelated to politics.

trump threads, in an ideal world pol would be completely kike-free

Anything started by the fucking leaves.


literally anything about trump

BLACKED threads posting by fucking leafs

Threads started by Canadians.

"Now when the dust has settled, what is your opinion on breivik?"

>hitler followed his conscience about what he believed was best for Germany
>got into heaven according to the pope.

>by leaf

Thats an aussie tradition, friend.
On topic;

Is x degenerate
Are x white
Is x redpill

the mod just deleted a pepe post. kek is not pleased :/

How about you use the fucking filters you lazy fuck.


"sweden yes!" threads.

Totally unnecessary since there is literally nothing wrong with letting a black bull mount your Freja while you watch over them like Heimdall watches over the gate to Asgård.

I wish you disgusting racists could see the beauty with it as do I and the rest of Sweden.

>Those are already prohibited as per the sticky.
GTFO, Leaf, we don't like your kind around here.

Christianity is the most important thing in politics right now


I was going to say cuck threads or hmm really makes you think threads, but then I realized that they're always started by fucking leafs.


drumpf generals

Almost forgot

>Prove me wrong. protip you can't

This, not just threads but all leaf posts need to be deleted

I wish they could intelligently assess when we're undergoing a CTR raid and delete the spam accordingly. We don't need a dozen TRUMP IS OBESE!!! threads shitting up the catalog, one or two threads to deal with the latest media-generated faux scandal is sufficient.

anything not related to politics, like this thread

Lemme help ya

Posts made under a government agency's payroll