What does Sup Forums think of homeless people?
What does Sup Forums think of homeless people?
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I don't
You have to fuck up pretty hard to be homeless in the US.
And that's as a male. As a woman? I won't even give her a look when I see one begging with a cardboard sign.
A woman who is begging by the side of the road is either scamming for fast drug money or has burned every bridge she ever had, ran through every beta orbiter she ever had, destroyed every family connection she ever had, etc. (and still wants fast drug money)
They're mostly mentally ill.
1960s was a mistake.
some of them just want to tune out of the hastle of the modern world, and i'm ok with them.
Beggars can fuck of. Especially professional foreign begging gangs.
he looks like he belongs in Williamsburg - drinking kombucha and writing limericks on a typewriter
The hat-in-hand people are'nt so bad. Most are either mentally ill or addicts. I'll give em a buck or two every now and then
The "hey can I talk to you for a minute" types playing intimidation games are what I have a problem with
It's their choice
should be taken care of instead of importing achmed rapists
Feel sorry for them and because many of them are eternally fucked by the alcohol Jew.
As for the beggars, most of them on my campus take the bus back to their homes at night and only pretend to be homeless because they make good money per hour. Fuck them.
This. We used to have asylums to put them in. Then psychoactive drugs became prevalent in the 60's, so they just gave them meds and let em all roam wild
Not if they're schizos. I would agree it's their fault if they're addicts. Mental institutions have been closing down since the 1960s. They've tried to integrate them into society in Canada but no landlord is going to house a guy who "collects" hundreds of bicycles and trash in his apartment, while cooking an eternal life elixir out of dead pidgeons (true story btw).
either crazy, burned all their bridges asshole, or drug addict.
They're a lot of wasted tax payer money and private money to help those in need.
So its either crazy, burned all their bridges asshole, or a drug addict.
You can't help everyone.
They need help and i mean real help to get back into being posative members of society, not bullshit temp housing or anything like that, just clothes, a real job, and a rent agreement.
If they fuck it up, gas them, same policy goes to everyone
They don't have homes.
Nice slide thread, shit bag.
Homeless bro here
Fuck most of the homeless I can't stand those scummy fucks. A small percent are good people that have fallen and can't quite get back up.
What do you reckon the homeless reaction would be to this?
We have an infestation of them in my rural coastal town. Makes it extremely uncomfortable when I go out, I'm constantly looking over my shoulder, and several have already come up to me and chatted to me and stuff, nothing bad has happened but I don't like it and I don't know how to handle it. Yesterday I was at a cross-walk with my baby and some homeless guy walked over and started touching him (my baby just learned high fives and offers them to anyone within reach)- I didn't know what to do but I was like "REEE stop touching my baby!" on the inside
I have a certain level of empathy for them. 6 years ago I was homeless for quite a while. My wife had died and I couldn't keep the place we were living since it was now just my income and the life insurance payment (which only lasted about 4 months due to bills) ran out so the house was foreclosed on. Our "If you ever need anything just ask" friends suddenly vanished when shit hit the fan for me and I don't get along with my family so I was left on the street. I did odd jobs for cash, slept at a few homeless shelters, but was on the street a lot. People complain about police attitudes towards minorities, but homeless people get it bad too. I literally had a Rambo moment when a cop arrested me simply because he didn't like the way I looked. I was held in the drunk tank for 48 hours AND they "lost" my only coat I had in the middle of winter.
You're right. People who can move on up with help are worth it and the one's who can't fuck em
I have no quarrels with the homeless, just filthy no good beggars.
And what am I allegedly sliding?
paying welfare is like paying insurance against homeless
sucks, but thats the price of not having beggars on your streets
Some of them are disorganized schizophrenics.
Feels bad to see em like that.
Mental illness
I give them food and clothing, they stole drinks for me
A drag on society that must be removed
Everytime I see a 18 to 29 year old able bodied male homeless in America, I wonder why they didn't just go to the military.
Really has a think
They shouldn´t exist. Social cleansing was a real thing in Bogota just a few years ago. The homeless here are on another level...like caveman zombie bums. Kill em all, use their bodies as fertilizer.
Feel free to move in at any time. Empty doesnt mean livable.
I love this argument
it's like they've never even met a homeless person
they're never homeless due to misfortune alone
I feel sorry about veterans who live on the streets though.
It is cheaper to leave them on the streets and "police" them than to lock them up. Cheaper still would be a basic income of about $12,000, plus some kind of public housing and feeding program, outpatient mental health services, and yes, drug maintenance for addicts. Reward them for refusing to be worker drones and staying out of the public way. Or spend far more chasing them around and locking them up.
I thought I was jaded.
Too true though, too true.
Where and when was this?
totally redpilled. one told me there was a government camera in my mail box
I live in Portland and I say fuck them all to death.
without them i couldnt feel privileged
Hard to say.
I feel bad for homeless war veterans and other folks who have clearly had a hard lot in life and struggled with mental illness. A former friend of mine who used to work in a soup kitchen in mid-Michigan told me that most of their visitors and guests were afflicted by a host of medical and mental conditions. One man was apparently quite wealthy but started having psychotic fits. He'd go around dressed in rags and pants made out of duct tape, having forgotten that he owned a multi-million dollar condo and not having any friends or relatives willing to help him get proper treatment.
On the other hand, I have zero pity for "down on their luck" young people who panhandle. Fuck off. I'm a liberal but I'm often tempted to tell some of those layabouts to get a job and stop trying to guilt working people into giving them free shit.
Here in India it's much more complicated. Even the beggars who are part of organized rackets have very hard lives and come from rough villages, neighborhoods, communities, or families. Their lives genuinely suck and there isn't much they can do about it. Likewise, there are a lot of folks who work their asses off to send money back to their families in villages. You see a lot of cycle-rickshaw drivers sleeping on blankets underneath the carts in some localities. Those guys I do feel bad for - they work their asses off every day for a couple of dollars.
But really, as bad as poverty here may be, you do stop noticing it after a while. It's everywhere.
I give them poisoned meals here n there.
I am a homeless traveler its kinda old i think ill get a house desu
Fun while it lasted though its the ultimate neet life i literally go from town to town getting wasted eating dank trash food and hanging with other travelers and my dog playin music and shitposting
If you manage to become homeless in this socialist hellhole you're literally incapable of modern human life and should just be moved out to a kibbutz in the countryside or something, or go and die in a ditch somewhere
Gypsies are another problem, their entire culture is based around being scum
I feel sorry for a lot of them, many have mental issues or drink/drug problems that are keeping them on the street. The thing is anyone of us could become homeless, all it takes is a shitty run of luck and there you are sleeping on cardboard in a shop doorway.
Also many of those homeless druggies/drunks didn't end up on the street because of their addictions, some developed them whilst homeless. When your on the street and society treats you like absolute dirt many turn to drugs to escape their shitty lives because why the hell not, things can't get any worse for you right?
My cousin lives out of his car by choice. Gives him "freedom" (not paying bills). Must be hard picking up chicks though, most respectable women want nothing to do with him when they find out he is a day laborer who lives out of his car. His standards have gone down considerably, now he is dating an ugly beaner girl.
They're pretty Redpilled
A homeless guy in my town says the CIA stole his brain
I think being homeless sucks
Patrician lifestyle
Lots of fags ruining it for the rest of us
theyre not crazy drug addicts , theyre victims of society and have simply failed to be able to make a living. they dont make enough money thats the only difference between them and you
theres nothing in society that guarantees you can make a living. the government doesnt give you a job, ive tried. they have programs to assist you in finding a job in the private market but they dont GIVE you a job so its never guaranteed
the addictive behavior is a result of being a failed member of society with depression and trying to cope
Travelerfag again portland bums are the worst fucking tweaker degenerates surpassed only by crackhead niggers
And then the rest are just litteral autistic shelter kids
I dont want to become one.
youre not comfy dude homelessness is not a good state for anyone youre trying to cope by making it seem like traveling instead of homeless
i think its probably one of the worst things there is
and the fact that it exists in america is an outrage when all the money should be pouring towards these people BEFORE any other priority but men are sick beings they would rather fight wars than get people off the street
The government probably should've focused on helping them instead of importing millions of new people that we can't take care of.
They're illegal in my country
We have money for wars but not money for the poor and homeless? I feel really bad but I never see them because I live in a rich area.
>Have criminal record
>Have revealing or deemed inappropriate tattoos
>Have STD
>Mental health issues
>Be a fat fuck
Well, there are requirements to join the military
>They're illegal
so theyre in prison
thats even more sick they get to thrown you in a cage for not making enough money to afford rent
you better hope you dont lose your job or youre going into the dungeon
basically how it is here effectively because homeless will have tons of trespassing violations for trying to live
No they're in special home where they give you food and help you get a job etc
This. Where I live (the liberal paradise of San Francisco) there are countless homeless to the point that "tent cities" take over some blocks. Pic related. Some of the homeless are cool and I'll chat with them for a bit, but those living in tent cities are pretty scary.
But beggars are the worst. They just want to guilt trip you. Paying out only rewards them so they stick around longer. Not paying out sometimes makes them angry. I've seen fights break out between beggars and restaurant owners when they refused to give out free food.
Also a Swiss prison it's probably better than living in the street I heard you can also make come escorts every two weeks
they taste bad
>What does Sup Forums think of homeless people?
I'm sure most of Sup Forums hates homeless because deep inside they know they would all be homeless without the benefits of social security or their parents due to being NEETs.
well thats good then that more humane
the homeless shelters here are like hell on earth and theyre like concentration camps
i was homeless and i was pulling up to one in a bus and instead i just kept going on the bus and slept in the grass somewhere i probably would have been killed if i entered it
there was swarms of ghetto niggers
>A woman who is begging by the side of the road is either scamming for fast drug money or has burned every bridge she ever had
Most are using it as a cover for prostitution. Talk to one and ask how much they want for a blow job. You'll see what I mean.
I think most of them are there by choice, at least on the west coast.
Weather is comfy enough here to live outside. I know Portland has a bunch of suburban kids who wanna rebel against their parents so they dress like punks, live in the woods, and act like fucking gypsies.
Honestly, is being homeless in a city with mild winters any worse than working at fucking McDonalds?
When a sufficiently interesting hobo comes up to me asking for money and I am bored I'll usually tell them to walk with me and tell me their story for money. It's an interesting way to learn just how NOT to do things, plus they get a little money for the crack rock. Everyone is happy
actually you never did that
some of them are rad, the ones that busy themselves with busking or collecting shit to fuel their addiction are kinda bro tier at least. fuck beggars though
I think we need Donald Trump to give them a decent job!
I WISH i could have set up a tent somewhere to live in I would have died for that opportunity
but the regulations of my city and the police wouldnt allow it
the homeless here result to sleeping on concrete sidewalks with no pillow
this is why i hate the police
>read obviously, undeniably, positively bullshit post
>get slightly mad that someone would even think anyone would believe said bullshit post
>see flag
>stop being mad, just get sad
always the same story
God damn the homeless are the worst. Half of them around here are faking it and stutter up a halfassed backstory or "I don't wanna talk about" when you ask, and the other half got themselves into their situation in the first place. Ive yet to meet someone homeless where it wasn't their fault. The persistent ones need to fuck off and not try to grab people when they snub you. Twice I've had to put my hand on my carry piece to get ones like that to go away.
Being homeless in the US is basically saying "I'm retarded please do everything for me." With all the assistance programs around.
see this is what I don't get about being homeless. If you're homeless you basically have to be breaking some laws just to survive unless you're in a shelter I guess, so you get fined or whatever which just lessens the chance of not being homeless. It's basically illegal to be homeless but throwing a homeless person in jail is just going to make things worse and not fix anything.
Most are mentally disabled. Doesn't mean they are not annoying.
Private charities should get them help, leave my fucking tax dollars out of it.
>"I'm retarded please do everything for me."
which is always going to be a part of society
some people are just dumb and dont know how to make enough money on their own
retards/mentally ill exist dude.
that doesnt mean they deserve to live on a sidewalk
they deserve a home like every other human deserves for being a human
thats it
its not like its unattainable to house every homeless person in the US
it is attainable
A homeless woman is probably the most pathetic thing ever. (Excluding those with extreme mental illness)
If you're a mentally healthy woman who is living on the streets, then you have to be absolutely fucking retarded.
Incoming feels. Wish I could do something like this.
I was homeless for two years back towards the start of the 2000s.
In a nutshell, it was honestly entirely my own fault. I broke up with my live-in girlfriend cause she was a fucking psychopath, and rather than do the smart thing of finding a friend to live with for a couple months, I threw as much clothes as I could fit into a backpack, pawned all my stuff, and hit the road, walking west and then north. For some reason, I thought I'd be able to hit the coast of California, cruise north, and go fuck off and live in the Alaska wilderness or someshit. Didn't work out so well. I wounded up in some city just below the Oregon border, joined the CCC cause I was still young enough to join, and got my life back on track.
Most homeless in the cities are shitbags. Some of the homeless living in the forested or rural type areas of California are super swell. I spent a few months living in a mini tent city down by some large river. I say mini cause there were only six people there, myself included. We grew our own tomatoes and "herbs," one guy had food stamps so first of the month we always ate like kings, and I learned how to build campfires and roast chicken drumsticks.
But when I was in the cities, I fucking hated other homeless people and did everything I could to not look homeless. It was always fun watching the cops berate, beat or harass the other homeless while they never looked twice at me.
Such a mentality should not be enabled. It should be stomped out. Legitimate mental illness is excusable, but plain stupidity is not. Sink or swim, but don't try and drag everyone else down.
Here is another one, but I don't think the homeless guy is so homeless.
We could put every homeless person in a home.
A sizeable chunk of them would turn the house/property into an unliveable shithole within a year. It also wouldn't address the underlying fact that they're just shit at making sound life choices.
I've known two poor women for example who can barely afford the rent of a shithole they live in. Yet have no problem driving 100+ miles on weekends to attend parties. What attempts they do make to expand their education/skills amounts to shit like taking out loans for photography degrees and applying to grocery stores by pen and paper.
With that said, you can't save everyone. Best you can do is expand welfare and make it a fuck off insurance.
>if you're mentally healthy you're retarded
>sink or swim
And in the automated technological future where all the current poverty level jobs are replaced? What then?
Society is going towards a basic income mark of the beast type shit whether we like it or not, unless you have a novelty based skill you're going to be right there in the unemployed "dragging the system down" basket
>It should be stomped out
then we would have to exterminate all of africa then because theyre pretty much living off of 1st world donations
because they have very low IQs and cant really get out of the struggle
actually how about no, how about we all swim and do everything we can to promote the best conditions for everybody
theyre not trying to bring you down theyre trying to have a roof on their head so they dont have to sleep in the rain and the bugs and the hard ground with no mattress
some people are naturally stupid or low IQ or a mental defect and will be underemployed and cant pay their rent and theyre stuck like that
it doesnt mean we need to exterminate them or "stomp them out " as you say
theres no such thing as "enabling" someone. thats a tactic used by wicked normies who hate homeless people
they say i dont want to enable them
well then you support them getting even worse and dying
because taking away their food isnt going to help them in any way
First post, best post.
I'm going to start disregarding them. They should seriously just lol themselves. Literally all they need to do is join the military if they don't want to be such wastes of biomass.
This can't be real, tell me they went to jail.
met a bunch of them in detox. some were legit crazy, but a lot of them literally had no desire to get better and relied on welfare. its hard to say. I am a Christian and want to help those in need. Who am I to judge? I was a white guy in there with the rest of them.
You're somewhat correct, but solutions are being implemented
Making the homeless jump through hoops for benefits or housing isn't going to solve the "visible poverty" problem so many people have.
Give them a shack, Netflix and a prescription and 90% of them will stay in it.
I was almost homeless in 2014, severe health problems, married that psychopath girlfriend and two years later had to leave her after she threatened my life and I move in with my cousin and her WEED DUDE friends because I wasn't on the best of terms with half my family, then moved back in with parents, gave my life to Christ and life has been good ever since. I'm stubborn as hell. If I was healthy at the time I would have ended up like you did, but because of my severe physical health issues and major surgeries I was just trying to survive. God bless
>First post, best post
die nigger
I think they should GET A FUCKING JOB.
But on the real, the majority of them are mentally ill and its a shame they are ignored and literally thrown onto the streets instead of given proper help that might make them productive members of society. I used to talk to alot of them when I worked in a ghetto 7-11 and they were decent people that I could tell had pretty severe schizophrenia, BPD and other debilitating diseases that basically had no choice but to live on the streets once their caregivers passed away or they succumbed to addiction and got tossed out by wives, family and friends. A lot of military vets with PTSD as well, really fucked up.
I offered this one guy who came in when it was cold a trashbag full of donuts to give out that we were just going to throw them out anyway. He said thanks, walked a block over and threw them all away. I asked him why he did that next time I saw him and he said the donuts had tracking devices in them that would let the government find him and his friends if he gave them out, but it wasn't my fault, they put the tracers in when I wasn't looking.
>tfw I give money and food to white homeless people but not minority homeless people
free market bitches
Christ helped me too, unironically.
*walks by homeless women screaming at the sky, face full of bloody scabs shitting all over herself*
Sheesh just leech off a man you dumb whore what's your problem
>mfw fentanyl abusers near me