He had a BB gun and was trying to rob people. He pulled it out when police arrived and got dropped.
Chimp out coming soon?
He had a BB gun and was trying to rob people. He pulled it out when police arrived and got dropped.
Chimp out coming soon?
God bless our every day heroes, the policemen who willingly confront the beast and his death cult.
>can't play ball
>can't rap
>better rob some people I think
Don't these niggers go to school or something?
>be young nigger
>pull gun on policeman
>get shot
please riot , i need the sweet cathartic release of a
First post best post
Like he would've contributed anything to society. Nothing of value was lost.
Was he really robbing people with it?
>Was he really robbing people with it?
Does it matter?
Good news. Salud
no, he was gettin his life back togetta wiff da help from dem programz
Read the article Hans.
>Tyree King
Kid wuz literally a fucking KANG
>We neez mo' money fo' dem programs. All cops is racyis.
>Another black teen killed?
How will Sup Forums justify this?
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
He pulled a gun on a damn police officer. What other outcome is possible?
>no, he was gettin his life back togetta wiff da help from dem programz
En school brikfuss, lunch AND dinner.
Keedz caint learn if theyz hungry en shit knowm sayin?
I don't think any kind of justicifation is needed to kill those apes
What the hell Fritz do some fucking research.
the only good nigger is a dead nigger
Baby din du nuffin he be gud boi da rsycis white made him do it fuck whitey
There WILL be a large amount of media attention on this. Trump WILL somehow be brought into it and maybe even blamed.
Phrases like "this will be more common in Trump's America" will begin to appear.
he was a nigger
...And nothing of value was lost. Move along.
I'll just leave this here for the white people...
I'll wait for a logical response..
When will you grow up?
You guys got it all wrong, he a good boy
>He wuz Kang
It barely exists. White violent crime rates are on par with Europe.
He was always a good boy
What about "black on everyone else" crime?
Answering a question with another question means they don't know the answer or don't want to say it because they're in denial
Black vs everyone else crime is higher lol
Disgusting behaviour by yet another American cop, don't they know how to take down somebody without shooting first ???
Poor kid...
Reading is for faggots.
He ain't do nuffin just point a gun at a cop
Nice bait, Helmut.
Seriously. These cops need to wait to be fired on until they respond with deadly force. If someone pulls out a BB gun or an actual gun, they should wait to be shot before pulling out their own firearm.
Na he was spreading the word of Jesus
im due for a good old chimpout
ok, roach, this little niglet pulled a gun, when we take into consideration fact that, 50% of homicide crimes are commited by blacks, cop was concerned for his own ald public well being he couldnt konw if it was real or not, but i would not risk my life for nigger
here we go again
Charter School in Ohio? yeah right, that's not school
what about it?
Another one bites the dust!
>We need mo' money for dem programz
Wtf I hate cops now. Imma burn a car
rip harambe
Black against everyone else is larger
Did we or did we not guess that this would happen with the recent email leaks? just another diversion
a couple of the articles say he was "demanding money", like I suppose that's the "undocumented citizen" version of "robbing"?
"Police were initially called to the scene to investigate reports of a group of people, one of whom appeared to be armed, demanding money in the area."
Wtf now i hate white people!
yung nigga shot by pigs again.. smfh we tear dis shit up 2nite
>Did we or did we not guess that this would happen with the recent email leaks? just another diversion
seriously dude, seek therapy.
goddamn. why the fuck do you crazies want to pollute Sup Forums. go to fucking .
GR8 B8 M8
I'll just leave this here
But arresting and jailing blacks is racism.
A black has never committed a crime.
Can't even pull a gun on the police without getting shot smdh fucking white people.
What about either of them? You're not saying anything. I have nothing to add to A conversation I'm just told to provide input to without any context about what you actually want me to support or refute?
Do you want me to say it happens? That it's justified? That it is great? That it's prevalent? The opposite of these claims?
You can't just say "What about X?" and ask for a logical response.
My logical response to your question is "What about it?"
(Not that this isn't bait, but still. It worked)
A black man cant even rob a bank without being shot by five-o.
What is the world coming to?
No first BLM has to get involved then riot then beat up white people. Just so I can laugh at libtards that say BLM is a peaceful movement.
Next time some nigger says whites are racist ask them why it's only blacks who get shot and not Indians or Chinese. If whites were truly racist they'd shoot everyone
These NBC articles are written so disgustingly one sided. I fucking hate these people with every fragment of my existence they are such disgusting human beings
Why didn't the cop just shoot him in the arm?
This, there is this protocol now for any dispensation of justice
>All majority bla-
>What's this?
>liquor laws!
>Damn you native americans, preventing the blacks from having the gold on every crime statistic.
Every one of them
What a moron.
> pulls out gun while police are coming to arrest you
> not dying
This user has a point. The only India people getting killed in America are if a nigger gets trigger happy or stab happy
Spoken like true t*rkroaches.
And they dont even have a comments section for you to critique the article.
Have you ever fired a gun? Do you know how hard it's to aim for the arm? You shoot center mass because it's a guaranteed hit. The kid shouldn't be out robbing people with a gun, it's the parents fault here
Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Ohio negros are usually more chill then others so I doubt a chimp out will occur.
This, asians and poo in loos mever get shot
Play stupid games win stupid prizes
>He's dead
>His shirt says Livin'
>poo in loos
Busy pooing
I called it in a Hillary Mail thread, shit was leaked again, a dindu's gonna die to shift attention.
>niggers going all "dindu nuffin" and "black lives matter"
>white cucks are supporting them
why is it always the same shit all over again?
In other news, shops all over Columbus are arming themselves in preparation for the impending lootings.
Columbus Sup Forumsro here and nah. People here aren't usually as agitated. Some fuck nuts might chimp out with their friends but it'd be a small scale thing
This just helps Trump, kid pulled out a fucking gun, read the comments, people are not falling for it
This probably includes hispanics as whites though
Feeling bad that a future bull got shot? It's okay we'll get your wife another one, there is no dearth of them in your nation
>Don't these niggers go to school or something?
This one is better
>pull gun on cop
jesus christ niggers can't even think ahead by 2 seconds to realize maybe this is a BAD IDEA
Picture someone pointing a gun at you
Now tell me how easy it is to hit the arm
Now tell me even if they did hit the arm where the bullet would go next.
Also, you know google is total shit, just look at this BS
almost all whites. And if you leave out "people" it never even gets to the black people pointing guns. Tha fuck google?
Kek approves. Laughed hard user, thanks for the tea on muh dick
>bringing a plastic gun to a real gunfight
Niggers are the dumbest animals out there
>DUDE just wait to be shot to make sure his gun is real!
Poor b8 m8