He's right you know...
he had has moment now noooobody gives a fuck
Only in a certain way, its not as if abortion IS the biggest conspiracy around, it is however a very small part of it.
He found the truth by faith but became blinded by it before he saw it all.
I do
it's not a conspiracy, it's thousands of legal murders a day
What's golden is how faggoty the BSE subreddit reacted after the vid came out.
I agree. They called him a cock for standing up for people he believes are being murdered? Isn't Reddit supposed to be a progressive site that tries to unburden oppressed people? It seems like double-think to me that when someone stands up for something they believe is a human right, and it doesn't coincide with the leftist view they act like there is no argument. It really saddens me senpai.
It's mainly blacks being aborted, so it's okay.
If it can be proven somehow that it is tied to Moloch as well as digits are tied to Kek, I'll worry. Otherwise dead nigger babies are ok with me.
this guy was behind Abortion in Canada is name : Henry Morgentaler
Pure coincidence ?!
>Causes such reddit buttmad they actually started to donate to planned parenthood en masse.
Its a victory on both fronts.
If you agree with him, buttblasting reddit was amazing
if you like abortions, reddit gave tonnes of money towards it.
this is not what God wants. God wants all brought to his kingdom. He created all for life.
Thats what I'm saying.. its a very small part of a larger thing.
Why do people die then? General death and death in the womb.
But the kikes are chosen, how can it be that they're so evil?!?!?!?!?!
Please present the evidence
Then hell will be okay with you too.
I'd be against abortion if not for it being the prime curb to stomp the nigger population.
Exterminate niggers or at least get rid of their violent culture and I'll be on board to illegalize it. I wouldn't be surprised if the nigger problem was made exactly for that benefit.
Who is this guy? Someone post link.
>it's OK if I'm not allowed to live, as long as 2 blacks are not either
Easy for you to say
people die because this world is the plane between life and death. You start in death, as nothingness, live here, constantly returning to death, and when your soul has perfected itself on this plane, you will ascend to the plane of eternal life, as an angel.
God created the universe, which includes all people. People are Gods highest creation (at least on earth) and he wants us to bring those who are far closer to him. Closer to love and life, production, smybiosis, and success.
Abortion is good, it gets rid of 'people' like OP
Why would you want to insist that a mother carry an unwanted child to term, when that child will more than likely grow up to claim welfare benefits and commit crimes, as well as make the mother more likely to do the same?
because it is a person that could be saved from a poor life if everyone worked to help everyone, if people took the time they have on earth seriously enough to make a difference. it is up to all of us, always, to do the right thing, the merciful thing, the fatherly and motherly thing.
except people dont help nigger. thats why its ok.
the amount welfare costs the taxpayer is ridiculous.
Who the fuck are you to say that I have to except more worthless spawn to live on our dime.
God only exists in your tiny mind, faggot.
but you can help... and you can encourage those you love to help. you are so concerned with how comfortable you are that you fail to see your true calling, which is to move humanity toward angelicism. you aren't expected to save everyone, but if you inspire someone, you might.
I've been away from Sup Forums for a while, can someone explain who this man is and why his face is everywhere? What does he say about abortion?
I don't know why you are attacking me, I've tried to adhere to the actual doctrines of Jesus. I don't care about a virgin birth, or a miraculous resurrection. I think all of this is a miracle, every stone and flower. When you say my God doesn't exist, you are saying my universe doesn't exist. My universe does exist. You are a part of it, and you can't deny my universe any more than I can deny yours. My God exists everywhere my friend, and he shines on all of us, good or bad.
>south korea
fuck off russel, you failed
yes i know
I do apologize for making a duplicate thread. I am an American in South Korea with no ties to BSE other than agreement.