I really hate white people

i really hate white people

whatever you say worthless nigger

We all do user, we just work it out by ironically pretending to be white people who hate "niggers"

Nobody cares about roaches.

I really fucking hate turks I wish you cunts would leave australia how can you still wave turkish flags around either become australian or leave you sub human shits.

Then stop using the internet, which was invented by whites. Stop speaking a white language. Turn off your electricity, because that was invented by whites too. Might as well go back to living in mud huts, you filthy turkroach, because white people are the only reason you're not. You're welcome - sincerely white people.

That's just jealousy and the realization that you are inherently inferior.. Don't fight it, just embrace it.

We know.

Do the best thing and take a gun and shoot at skin heads, or fat fucks.
You might catch a storm fag or Sup Forums chan.

Eitherway, a net profit for humanity.

Don't worry, hopefully soon there will be a racial/culture war and we can kill each other

I missed the get so I'm using your thread to find it

k thx bye

I really like Turks. No matter where you go, you brandish your flag like alphas asserting their dominance over meek whiteys too weak to do anything about it.

But user, Turks are white.

Get out of my country


Leave this board and never return please

good you wont be able to jump on the train of uniting us all, were all going to die from the jew world order anyway.

I wish I was a person of color, not a boring white person with no culture.

>being black automatically makes you cultured
sure thing

The funniest part of the whole multiculturalism thing is that it's just fetishism poorly draped in poorly read critical theory



this is the only albanian I want to hear noises from if you cat h my drift

ps we should revoke your flag it looks too good for you




Just bide your time man. Whiteys are destroying themselves. We just have to wait. 2050 population predictions are looking good.

>against white people

Sweden the eternal cuckold

Anti-racism is a codeword for anti-White.

It's true, white people are basically pointless nowadays. It's like that old English comedy skit, where it goes something like

>Yes, immigrants have given us great food. But now that we have the recipe...

Basically, thanks for the technology and science. Now let the rest of the world, especially Asians, live in peace and use said technology to create a much better world where white faggots aren't going around the globe ruining everything with globalization and multi-national corporations exploiting everything and everyone they possibly can.




your waifu is brown as fuck, she just plasters a lot of clown makeup on her face

or his face

>i really hate white people
Then why are you using White inventions (the computer, internet, electricity etc) and speaking a White language (English)?

becase fuck you you cant do anything about it

Way to regurgitate my post, passing it off as your own. kys

stay mad, roach

>2050 population predictions are looking good.

Yeah everything in India will increase, except Toilets

why do you hate us?
you guys are the ones that invaded us

we know.

>live in peace

Yeah because the Middle East & Africa is so peaceful
Don't even get me started what wars would break out in Asia if America pulled it's bases out

Do the best thing and off yourself up u filthy mudslime deformed shiptar shitskin

Turks are butthurt they lost the Ottoman Empire & are now owned by USA

i hate how white people see themselves at the top. i also hate how you guys dont care about attacks in turkey or any other muslim/brown country.


we got our own problems pal
we also have enough of your people here to care about you over there

yeah i hate you


That's your perception though. It's like you're ignorant of the millions of white(mostly americans) who do support and try to spread awareness of these issues. The highschool in my hometown builds a school in Uganda every year...I have friends in Lebanon that are in the film industry there and I'll I do is support her causes, which btw, are bringing attention to the atrocious social issues occurring in Arab/Persian areas. Like I get it, a lot of whites literally dont care(mostly out of ignorance due to media/government) but thee ate alot that ate literally signing petitions and holding rallies...all kinds of shit. There is no average either way. This is almost aa bad as the "all Americans are fat" meme. Come to iowa mate, only the old people and the redneck's are fat..everyone with a college degree os skinny and all the white/black/Asian women are fit and athletic.

I'm just gonna write you off as a butthurt bigot, who like the stupid people here in my country, just believe what they are told with little actual research.

Sure white people have cause problems on the middle East, but tribal infighting, ethnic differences and religious issues were already fucking you up before our post WW1/2 shit started fucking with you

>Turks aren't white

Also I'm posting from mobile so excuse my quite frequent typing mistakes

k sand nigger


>daily reminder leafs are ahead in the Shitposting Wars.

I hate niggers and shitskins. Now we're even you knuckle dragger

Step it up, Aussies.