So I guess Trump Jr. really does browse Sup Forums



why do you need to "warm up" a gas chamber?

So Jewish feet don't get cold

why would we give a shit about the jews' feet? we'd gas them anyway

Zyklpn B requires the pellets to be heated in order to produce gas.
Iirc. I'm no expert.

Because the Nazis with foot fetishes could play with them after.

Remove the previous load of Jews first then prep the zyklon

>tfw you shitpost alongside the son of the future president
What a time to be alive

what about the nazis with foot fetishes that are into necro? cold feet is best for them

We both post here all the time

Definitely a plus but there aren't as many necros as foot-fetishists, so the decision was made purely for the sake of the foot people.

>aren't as many necro as foot fetishists
are you sure about that? feet is definitely at least as degenerate as necro.

2016 will probably be the high point of everyones lives.

>flag reads "unknown"
thefuck. Where you from, poo flag?

love you dtrump

t. straya

Maybe in Pajeetland, maybe in Pajeetland....

Notice me senpai

Honestly, the losers here are so conservative that I may just be the only necro pedo foot lover in over billion people here

can I fuck you up the ass?
t. pajeet

He's obviously referencing US execution chambers, nothing to see here.



you what cunt?

what is it with you guys and asses

>thinking of the possibilities of un-PC president and family trolling the world

Kek be praised

andorra so basically special snowflake spain

Prove him wrong.

Bonus points, prove the Holocaust was real.


shit fail


gas chambers aren't exclusive to the holocaust hes obviously referring to the ones used for execution in the US

It's just a ruse to get people to question whether or not there were "gas chambers" used during the Holohoax.

Eeeeh, but he's right.
Media will blame Trump even if he cured cancer.
They'll say he left too many oncologists without a job, and one of those was a trans nigger refugee.

He's right. Are they really going to get their panties in a bunch after calling his dad literally Hitler for the whole year? Faggots.

You fucking Poo in Loo how did you not get the joke?

>The gas chamber also had to be heated, as the Zyklon B pellets would not vaporize into hydrogen cyanide unless the temperature was 27 °C (81 °F) or above.

Maybe, but Potassium Cyanide is usually activated using sulfuric acid to release HCN

Are there actually people on Sup Forums now who believe the gas chamber stories?



gas chambers are used for more things than gassing kikes

hhaha... jewfight!!!!

Should gas the Rothschilds and the rest of the globalists