Romney was never ahead not even once in Ohio. How can trump pull it off?
Romney was never ahead not even once in Ohio. How can trump pull it off?
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Trump isn't Romney. He's gonna win too.
He's going to obliterate her in the debates
Because Northerners could never hold their nose to stomach True Conservatismâ„¢
He's already ahead you dingus.
>Is eating your own cum degenerate
The "he's stupid meme" is not believable any more desu.
>He's gonna win too.
According to the polls he won't, leafy
People are tired of the fucking spics.
>those fucking tabs
haha had a good chuckle
kek'd at the tabs
He's 5 points ahead lel. Crying Hitler doesn't work anymore.
Heroin has hit Ohio very hard. Conservative communities had simply succumbed to liberal incrementalism, but the reality check of the heroin epidemic, combined with BLM and the European muslim invasion has shattered the illusion, likely for a long time to come.
He's on his way up, especially with the whole illary and the new "let's be like germany and import those nice refugees" shit that the democrats announced recently.
you know the answer
Why does everyone keep posting Ohio? Is it important?
its one of the swing states that must be won
He should be shooting himself in the foot
>Is it important?
Imagine going to a job interview without putting your pants on, that's what it's like trying to become president without winning Ohio.
its impossible for trump to win without ohio. no republican has ever gotten to 270 electoral votes without ohio in the last 100 years i think. it's pretty much the most important swing state along with florida.
>he won't win according to the polls
>he's up in all the crucial swing states
>up +5 and +6 in national polls
>23% black vote in recent rasmussen poll
Let me guess, now that he's winning the polls don't mean anything, right?
What exactly is so different about Romney and Clinton politically? Not much
Nice Jewish propaganda but the entire decline of America is due to dysgenics
In fact White America destroys the UK in testing
Romney, Clinton, Bush, Obama. Different sides of the same coin, and all owned by jews.
No Republican has ever been elected president without winning Ohio.
No candidate has been elected president without winning Ohio for fuck knows how long now. As goes Ohio, so goes the nation.
[Nervousness increases]
Daily reminder that PPD is five thirty eight with out the jew liberal
If they had some decency they would discard those 3 week old polls
kek. are the frames of that gif legitimate screenshots?
So it's just supersticion. Loling @ ameriburger system
Romney is a Mormon. That's worse than a literally Hitler.
Your tabs were funnier than your post
Why red color for the republicans ? Red is the color of communism and socialism
Stay in denial, it will just make the loss hurt you more. If you accept it, you'll have time to cope before it happens.
blue is the color of my car got rekt when an uninsured druggie ran into it
Ohio didn't like Rmoney, Trump is everything Rmoney isn't.
Nice try CTR
What matters are the battleground states Dagbert Dusseldorf
People didn't show up to vote. That's why republicians lost, they were told to stay home and they did.
>voting for Romney
I wonder why. The GOP had the dullest candidate since Bob Dole.
In 2000 news media decided a standard color scheme for all their maps, reversing the previous red = left so people wouldnt associate it with communism.
Trump is actually attempting to bring in black and minority voters that the GOP felt was a lost cause in the past
You are all fucking retards. Its simple why Trump is doing better in Ohio. The democrat cannidate isnt black this year. Thats it. Blacks oberwhelming vote for other blacks.
I really fucking hate Romney. He will always be known as the failure while Trump is the one sitting on the Golden throne. It will kill him each time he hears the words president Trump.
look at Detroit dem mayor you do the math the worst citys are run by dems some black people want something better niggers are another story
>a quantitative pattern occurring for over 150 years without fail
Oh, and as a follow up, since the switch, hillary is the only nominee on either party to go with a predominantly red logo. Which is why she swapped it for two blues and no red at all recently.
Will MI go red this year?
will you send me syrup ?
Romney was right on so much though.
He just can't accept that its time to get in the gutter and fight on even ground with dems.
Detroit based Ford just announced moving a their small car production out of the us to mexico
Michigan is about to have a lot more angry trump voters.
oh yeah he has it just wait
That's good for Trump tho.
>Brazil in charge of understanding math
Some states always go red. Others always go blue. A small handful are a tossup each election. Ohio is one of those with a large number of electoral votes.
duh Detroit is run by a dem
California is going to go red with how split the democratic votes will be between hillary and burnout write-ins.
Ohio is locked up
The final tipping points we need to win are just one of the following, in order of likelihood
New Hampshire
Rhode Island
New Jersey
And what about Alaska ? Is it important ?
>If you accept it, you'll have time to cope before it happens.
Shit's not even that serious.
If just one blue rust belt state flips for Trump than he's got it. Got a good feeling about MI this year though
While large Alaska has a pretty low population so it's not worth much in the election.
The numbers are the electoral votes. Alaska only has 3, is far away, and is solidly red. Nobody is going to fight over it.
Republican primary turnout reached record levels this year
Trump set a new all-time record for votes received in the republican primary.
Against 14 candidates who fought to the bitter end of the convention, many of them staying in when they had no chance to win, only to spite Trump
Democratic primary turnout is at much lower levels than 2008 and 2012, when the black vote was uncharacteristically high
consider also that polls do not reflect voter energy or apathy; there is a difference between calling someone at their home and asking who they will vote for and that person actually going to the polls on election day
Trump has the benefit of the doubt in polls where he is close; where he is leading, it is likely that he can win because his turnout will be much higher than hillary's
if you want a brief glimpse of voter energy, just look at the massive crowds trump pulls compared to hilldogs crowds
Yeah but atm its only 37%
Literally was 34% today, I just got back from work and literally keking at how its increasing.
They always say that trump supporters are dumb people or poor rednecks ... How are the people of Alaska ?
Swap WI and NH then you are right
Alaskans are literally nice white people who give you free food and shelter.
Republican Primary turnout reached record levels in 2012 too
Against many other candidates who fought to the bitter end of the convention, many of them staying in just to spite Romney
Democratic primary turnouts were extremely low, much lower than 2008, when the black vote was uncharacteristically high
Seriously. American Polling is different than britfag polling. If it shows someone winning on an aggregate (overall) then they are winning. Its simple math.