Really makes you think...
Really makes you think
this is really getting pathetic
I kinda feel bad for them. Whats next sucking people off in a dark alley for votes ?
>All those comments calling out CNN and Hillary
Is Twitter becoming red pilled?
Wait, it's real?
> sally fucking kohn
This is the most cringeist article I have ever read.
The totally cool hip kids of Reddit are voting for Hillary. I don't want to be a total loser, so I'll vote for who the establishment tells to vote for. All of my professors and school administrators are telling me to vote Hillary and kids are well-known for doing what they're told.
Retardo extraordinaro.
>Hip hop both reflects the diverse America we are today, and the diverse America most of us embrace for our future. Country music, in stark contrast, is reflective of the past. That's not a knock on country music, which by the way I love. It's just a simple fact: Hip hop is significantly more mainstream because it reflects social and cultural aspirations -- or, in other words, what's "cool."
>You are cool, aren't you?
This is how you know Trump is winning.
When the media get so desperate to win votes for Clinton.
Praise him
>feeling the emotion called pity
>Martsharter media
I hope based Trump sends some pipe-hitting Spec Ops motherfuckers to raid these cucks once he's pres
>cool kids
No one thinks CNN is cool though
They're shooting themselves in the feet by doing this.
so did we see her since she died?
Holy fuck that comment
I wanna FUCK that rifle
MFW that's my tweet
Well, at least I can buy these in my mart without getting ID'd and background check'd.
That was a fairly fucked up moment. Just saying.
She is a lesbo
What was delet?
They said she's supposed to be campaigning again today. I'll Believe it when I see her full face not conveniently hidden behind seizure glasses.
That's not surprising, the most cool kids are normally the most plain ones.
Hillary decides to try horseback riding, even though she has had no lessons, nor prior experience. She mounts the horse without help, and the horse immediately springs into motion.
It gallops along at a steady and rhythmic pace, but Hillary begins to slide from the saddle. In terror, she grabs for the horse's mane, but cannot seem to get a firm grip. She tries to throw her arms around the horse's neck, but she slides down the horse's side anyway. The horse gallops along, seemingly oblivious to its slipping rider.
Finally, giving up her frail grip, Hillary attempts to leap away from the horse and throw herself to safety. Unfortunately, her foot has become entangled in the stirrup, she is now at the mercy of the horse's pounding hooves as her head is struck against the ground over and over.
As her head is battered against the ground, she is mere moments away from unconsciousness when to her great fortune Frank, the Walmart greeter, sees her dilemma and unplugs the horse.
Just $11,000 and you can Fuck it all you want
Oswald saying Hillary is strong for campaigning while ill.
Guy told Oswald that if he was able to recognize as seriously ill woman he wouldn't be a widower right now.
Hillary Clinton is TOO COOL.
I bet she has all the best Pepes.
Saved it
Dude she uses the word "cool" like 100 times
>it's real
Jesus. How desperate are they? They've also got several other tweets attacking Trump, a few of which are just quotes from Harry Reid.
Oh yeah I saw that one. Pretty rough.
Wonder why it was delet.
>mfw CNN is hiring the same writers as Smosh
Toppest kek there m8
twitter redpilled confirm 4646
trump will win
>Is Twitter becoming red pilled?
No. Progressives are brain washed to the point where it can take years for them to be deprogrammed.
Anytime one of these stories are posted on Sup Forums or drudge report ect ect then conservatives usually pop in to mock their news posts. Nothing wrong with that, but lets not get ahead of ourselves that many of these people can easily be saved.
It was when his brother was talking about how their parents would have been proud of him.
Huh. Makes sense.
That dead bitch is probably responsible for brainwashing him.
anyone that could be influenced by this will not be old enough to vote for 8 more years.
>Believing this to be fake
>Give it the benefit of the doubt by googling it since it's The Huffington Post
>mfw it's real and this is how far Western Media has fallen
Ayy fucking lmao.
(((Media))) is foreseeing Hillary's collapse and they're fucking desperate now.
>To put it simply, the culture war has been a fight over what is "cool" in America. And perhaps more than any recent moment in time, the 2016 election highlights that the liberal left has decisively won that fight. Whatever you think of Hillary Clinton and her policies, it's clear that the cool kids are with her.
I guess that's why Trump is 1000% more popular online....
>sally kohn
Pure coincidence.
>cool kids
> "cool"
> only lists things that women like
> shitty female celebrities and hip-hop
that isn't her. that looks like her professional impersonator
Nah, tweets attract the detractors. If you read Trump's tweets for example, 90% of the responses are "ur stupid drumpf" and so on.
If trump is more popular online then why does hillary have to pay online trolls to say good thing about her? Wait
Fuck Clinton. If Trump doesn't win, all hope is lost.
> wtf I want to be cool now
show us your pussy
Dong you mean (((kohncidence)))?
After all that nonsense about not bullying the non cool kids, she campaigns with that clique song "be like the cool kids" pathetic
The american media is so fucking corrupt and bullshit you can spot this from a mile away. Not even our shitty gypsy televisions do such shit tier propaganda.
ME #1
she actually showed up to south carolina rally?! Can't believe she's alive
Good work lad
>it's real
BTFO by "the cool kids"™! How will Sup Forums ever recover?!
Keep on memeing.
Underrated as fuck
Haha what the fuck. I thought for sure that this was fake.
>better vote Hillary now, wouldn't want my friend to think I'm uncool
Nobody is stupid enough to fall for this.
>Sally Kohn