>whites are allowed to go and live in any country they want
>immigrants come to their countries and they want to build a wall, send them back etc
Why are whites so hypocritical?
>whites are allowed to go and live in any country they want
>immigrants come to their countries and they want to build a wall, send them back etc
Why are whites so hypocritical?
Other urls found in this thread:
White makes right.
>guy did thing
>different guys did different thing
Explain the hypocrisy, white hating racist.
White people have no culture, so they're scared of people that do.
>whites are still treated like outsiders in foreign countries
People take preference for their own kind the whole world over.
>immigrants yadda yadda
Illegal aliens only.
I'm on my lunch break and this is the best you've got for me?
Seriously? Come on, Australia.
Tell me a single country a black dude just out right isn't allowed into because he's black plz
What about Ukrainian immigrants?
They are not welcome in EU despite being white. All while we get flooded by sandniggers.
Bullshit argument.
If a white christian goes to Most Muslim countries he can't profess his religion.
If they go to Africa they are likely to get shot because oof their religion/robbed because of their skin color.
In South Africa there was a genocide against white people, for ages now Japan has tried to keep an immigration policy inclined towards not letting anybody in, regardless of their skin color.
Ultimately, most of the civilized world is white, so that is the reason there is a feeling everybody likes white people, because you just can't hear the voices that don't like us in poor countries (AKA non-white).
Not only this but countries WANT white people. White people are rich, they bring wealth and business(look at how the indidn people looks up to us).
If niggers, mudslimes of filthy abos brought wealth and social developmente they would be accepted, but it's easy to see that they don't.
Niggers are savages, mudslimes are the most discriminatory human group in existance as of today, Abos sleep in the middle of the road and have an avg IQ of 60-70.
Latinos are just fine but they tend to bring a lot of criminality sadly; they indeed are cheerful and even intelligent people but that's not what business cares about.
It's not discrimination IT'S HOW THE WORLD GOES.
What is the race that created today' world? It's whites. Not fucking niggers.
I thought Aussies had a knack for bantz. Possible Abo confirmed?
So which African country can I move to and live there off welfare?
It's a question of legal immigration vs illegal immigration.
>Whites goes somewhere
>Everyone prosper
>Asians, jews or arabs go somewhere
>Only they prosper
>Nigroes no somewhere
>No one prosper
White people culture:
>killing of indigenas
>building oil pipelines
Thank God you have no culture anymore.
Because Whites actually improve the nations they immigrate to. That is why no one cares.
Good luck just moving into Japan as a white guy.
See: arudou debito
But docile white people can help others.
>white people have no culture
sorry sven,but you are not considered white anymore,so the correct sentence would be
>progressives have no culture
You subhuman baboon. You literal nigger.
How dare you speak, you swarthy jungle monkey. How dare you open your big lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?
You are human trash, Diego Tyrone LeShawn de Maradona. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your nationality and skin tone offers no hope to the world that South America can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the Brazilian jungle you came out of, you literal orangutan.
Take your black hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about the human species again, you mockery of our supposed shared ancestor.. No amount of olive oil and wheat flour slabbed on your face every morning will make you white. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of European heritage.
You nigger.
You make Bolivia look like a beacon of civilisation.
You are the Baltimore of South America.
Go fertilise the pampas with you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life, nigger, you have a job making food for beings vastly superior to yourself. Uruguayan cattle. Coincidentally, it would be the first time a Brazilian "man" provided for a family.
Die, Diego. No one would miss you. Except for Australian Aboriginals, who now would have no one to make them look good.
>blacks say they are proud of their heritage, culture etc
>rather die in the streets fighting "racists" cops than go to any black country that would love to take them in
Nothing hypocritical at all.
Whites are the strong, alpha, and we do what we like because no one can stop us.
That is all.
oh man
The fuck are you talking about?
White countries take in more migration of any colour than countries of primarily any other race.
Nobody even wants to completely change that, either. We just want to up the criteria for people to come here.
Canada has always had good criteria and that criteria stands to this day.
I think that Trudeau is changing this tho.
This was a bait thread I am white I hate shit skins, niggers, mexicans, asians, indians thanks for participating.
Whites do not mass migrate and overwhelmingly abuse welfare in the countries they migrate to
Whites are the only ones who might become a minority in their own countries due to the scale of the immigration. If you think a few weebs moving to japan is the same as millions sub-saharan africans moving to france you are delusional.
>thinks hes politically saavy
>doesnt understand that every country has its own requirements for citizenship
We know.
We bite it anyway, why not?
Whites are allowed to visit any country they want, on a temporary basis.
How many white citizens of Japan, Korea, China, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan etc are there?
>whites are allowed to go and live in any country they want
That's not true
t. David Wong
Nobody is really trolling anybody anymore
because whites create and everyone else, except oriental asians, destroy
It was so obvious it was cringe worthy
The fact is, they are not allowed. They are also not tolerated in black countries.
>whites* are allowed to go and live in any country they want*
*with money
*excludes 99% of Arabia, 78% of Africa, 70% of Asia, and 60% of South America
Except for South Africa and Zimbabwe where else are whites not liked?
Also they're not liked but nobody is actively trying to murder them.
Hey OP. Do you not realize how much racism is going on in African countries against Chinese?
Kek has spoken
Haha that's nice because the Chinese are doing 100 times more than whites ever could.
Some random King mentioned that white people at least brought culture and manners to them, unlike the Chinese that just went on and exploited the fuck out of them.
Also, got proof of that prejudice going on with the Chinese there?
>Illegal immigrants
fixed that for you faggot
>build a wall
So that all immigration is through official channels, so contraband can't be smuggled, and to prevent dangerous people from entering
>send them back etc
People who break laws shouldn't receive the benefits of their lawbreaking.
>didn't take the bait
Lol fucking it was so obvious, which means guaranteed yous
>Also they're not liked but nobody is actively trying to murder them.
False. A white person will be killed in some parts of Africa just for their money. Whites always have money.
Imagine if white folk just up and moved to a black country and """lost""""" all documents relating to their birthplace. Then demanded fair treatment and allocated resources and money.... It would never ever happen, even tho it should. Dont bitch about white people because we have living standards and after 100's of years they still cant even get well water
>>whites are allowed to go and live in any country they want
Now this is shillposting.
Fuck off Aussie trash
>be white working man
>move anywhere
>wait 10+ years for naturalisation and citizenship
>be lazy, ungtateful nigger
>get citizenship and free money because muh refugee status although I Iikely didn't even come from a conflict zone
Pick one
>whites move to other white countries
>have to pass background checks and meet standards for citizenship
>seamless integrate into new society as a productive citizen
>whites move to some 3rd world shithole
>within a generation it's an agricultural, industrial rising star with white people at the heart of it
There you have it OP.
Zim is not as unsafe as it seems like, it is 4x safer than Brazil.
Also, whites will not be allowed to own land they stole so there will be a decades long ban on it, but they can own everything else and that came from the most radical anti-white President in the whole Africa.
Prospects are not as bad as they seem. In other ages they would be calling for the full blown genocide of white people in Africa. That does not happen anymore except for maybe in negro supremacist Sup Forums, stormfront or something like that.
And naturally natives will learn to do the same and kick them out, nothing more natural.
That's what I like about whites, always feeding the pig to be killed later.
>Also, whites will not be allowed to own land they stole
From niggers who weren't even using it for anything. Land was just a status symbol like in most parts of sub-saharan Africa. You wanted land just to be part of the elite class that owns land. Mugabe chases whites out of Zimbabwe gives all their land to niggers who can't farm and they tear up the irrigation to sell the tubing so they can get drunk and hold parties on their new land. Zimbabwe then faces famine and spiraling economic collapse, going from African breadbasket to one of the poorest nations in Africa that has people crossing the border just to buy toilet paper.
Meanwhile all those white farmers he kicked out move next door to Zambia which is now producing so much maize they're exporting it.
Yeah just look at Rhodesia, kicking out whites worked so well for them. Oh wait.
None you can't be a citizen in those countries if you are not part of their race. For example, Im a Canadian citizen even tho I'm from worst Korea but a white person can never be a citizen in worst Korea.
They're developing, it's a shame they had to kick the whites out, but still there are plenty of white people there living their lives in a comfy way really. You are WAY WAY WAY WAY safer in Zim than say, Chicago or Detroit. (As long as you don't own land you can do EVERYTHING else.). Also Mugabe is backing down on his rhetoric because he knows his people is still not ready to take the land back.
But it will happen someday.
Hmm Zim is not the shit hole you make it to be really.
South Africa is just fucking absolute shit tier living quality next to Zim.
>everyone gather around Bruce
aayyy buncha poofta's
>>whites are allowed to go and live in any country they want
You hear about all those white people being murdered by....
South Africa
Regular Africa
Literally almost any third world country.
Because those places like to kill white people, if they can get away with it.
Those places like to kill everyone, whites die way less than the regular populations.
>Those places like to kill everyone, whites die way less than the regular populations.
Places don't kill people.
People do.
try going to a volcano then
Anyone with more than 60 iq would understand that I meant the people from those places.