>Don't worry user, you won't be alone forever!
>You just need to try dating!
>You'll find someone!
>Try dating
>Literally every single person has the exact same views, hobbies, etc
How do I meet other people who aren't globalists? I've thought about going to a local shooting range but I'm too shy to do anything other than keep to myself
Don't worry user, you won't be alone forever!
Try and become facebook friends with commentors on Lauren Southern's FB posts
stop using tinder
think outside the box, look for girls where other men don't look, date women from abroad, from different cultures and outlooks on life
>I've thought about going to a local shooting range but I'm too shy to do anything other than keep to myself
How about you quit being a Swedish-tier cuck and actually talk to people?
>date women from abroad, from different cultures
Nice try Shlomo
Don't have a kikebook
>dating the vaginal jew
t. Achmed
What did you say
t. Achmed is my wife's bull.
I'm Sven.
Are you in college? Plenty of political student groups that are traditionalist. Or meet a girl in church. Shouldn't be a problem in the US.
>The human race
I think she means species, could you do me a favor and correct her, OP? that thing is one of my pet peeves.
Would appreciate it, thanks.
Find girls that play public sports like tennis or bowling. Go to public dances that aren't at bars. There's a good chance the physically active girls aren't globalist liberals. I met my wife at a singles dance class.
He asked what I would do to save humanity if aliens attacked. I said I'd get them to take in Muslim refugees and hope they destroy the aliens as well as they're destroying Europe
Just a stupid joke but I guess it pissed him off
I live near a college, but I had to drop out bc of health reasons. All the political students here are pro Bernie or Hilary, I get glares when I wear my trump hat
Will try, ty
As a conservative Brazilian woman I approve your commentary.
How can you idiots be so ignorant about women?
Don't sperg out about mudslimes in the first 10 minutes you meet them. Just do normie flirting or talking about boring shit.
Then after you bang them/get in a relationship, introduce your true opinions. She'll go through a rough point, but then adopt your opinions as her own regardless of what they are. Women are natural followers.
R r a girl or a fag
A mentally ill guy
This. For the most part, redpilled women are created by their man, and don't have redpilled views naturally. You have to have tact and do it gradually. Been with my wife for 7 years, and while the process of redpilling her is going very well, it's still in progress. Women want to follow their man, but you can't sperg out on them, they also want to truth packaged so that it's easy to swallow.
What if I want to follow? How do I find a guy to lead me in a non cucked way
To elaborate, I mean I have GID
>find a redpilled guy
Enjoy a life of constant failure.
Oh. No fags, sorry dude.
>not dating a racist fin girl
Women's opinions aren't real. They are consumable goods used only for shit-testing potential mates.
The horniest sluts are the most politically active, and the liberalist of the bunch are looking for the most alpha and right wing of males to curb their insolent behavior.
Business as usual then, huh
Y-you too
Can confirm, used to be super lefty before I dated a cop and he swayed views pretty hard
Step 1: hide power level
Step 2: get /fit/
Step 3: get charming (may be impossible for most, try PUA crap if you're hopeless)
Step 4: get bitches
Step 5: gently socratically redpill the one that really catches your eye
Also, profit.
Yeah, they don't actually give a shit about any of it on the same level we do.
A few months ago, when Bernie was still around, she comes up to me and says, "I think I like Bernie Sanders!" I just looked at her in disbelief and said, "Bernie SANDERS??" and didn't say anything else then a scoff.
The next day on facebook she posted a picture of herself with a MAGA hat on. It was insane.
you don't have to agree with somebody 100% on every matter to be in a relationship with them, you autistic weirdo
feels good your line of autism ends with you
Find more conservative places to meet them.
A shooting range might be good, try billiards halls, hunting/fishing areas, churches, charity events, gyms, etc.
Anywhere really that promotes clean/healthy living without degenerate acts such as drinking heavily, sex, etc.
Don't be a fag. Own it.
Bitches don't give a shit about what you believe or not.
Youre in a rut. You dont want to do anything with other people because you are easily able to fill the day with things to do alone.
Ask for a transfer, move, and pick up a new hobby or something. Rather than try to build relationships with people where you are now, which will fail because you know you will be just fine without them, you need to force yourself into a situation where you depend on other people for fun.
>Can confirm
No, you can't. You're not a real woman.
*she, being my girlfriend.
Not solid advice, brah. If you do this, you'll easily find a ratio of single men to single women being 20:1 or worse. There's nothing worse than trying to compete for a woman's attention in public.
Are all women this dumb?
>Not solid advice, brah. If you do this, you'll easily find a ratio of single men to single women being 20:1 or worse. There's nothing worse than trying to compete for a woman's attention in public.
Ok, well then try to do these things within smaller towns. By that, I mean get outside of MAJOR cities like Houston, Dallas, New York, LA, etc.
Smaller cities breed more conservative minds.
no this is on the list of things that did not transpire
Than build your fucking confidence, mate.
You don't jump into the ocean if you don't know how to swim. You have to improve yourself and even than the chances of finding someone who will be what your asking for is unlikely.
Keep moving forward, you don't need to get into a relationship it's not like you have some biological clock in which puts you on a timer to spread your genes.
im thinking of starting a dating app for the alt right but i fear there would not be enough women on it to work
unfortunately OP women are generally left wing or clueless
lauren southern types are very very rare
>Do you really not like Muslims?
Why is this so hard for normies to understand?
Pretty much.
You wanna see it in action? Just go up to anything a woman is doing. Just look at it, look at her, shake your head and walk away.
They will usually freak the fuck out. You do it to guys and it'll work maybe once or twice but they'll wise up from then on no matter who does it.
But women? Holy shit they turn into a mess.
>I'm too shy
Ask out a 5/10 or a 7/10 -- literally anywhere. Someone that you don't really care if they want to go on a date with you because they're "eeeeh" anyway. Success or Rejection will help get the intimidation out of your system. Go out on a date, have dinner, say goodnight. Once you're comfortable asking out 7/10s without spilling all your spaghetti, work your way up to the 8/10s. It's possible you'll end up falling for a 7/10 (who, with a tiny bit of work, becomes an 8/10 and has the potential to be a 9/10) and then you work it. Sitting around too shy to talk to any girls you like is going to end up putting you on /r9k/ for the rest of your life.
Asking out lots of girls is the first way to establish a successful relationship with one girl -- not "deciding what kind of girl I like and then never find one that matches what I have in my brain as the only potential mate for me!"
>Alt right dating site
It's called Grindr, Britbong.
>oh look, it's another episode of "OP sucks cocks and he cannot stop"
Women are more susceptible to redpills in between mind shaking multiple orgasms, you cuck. I've redpilled my woman like that, by bringing her extremely close to the edge and then dropping the redpills in an extremely condensed version right when she is orgasming. Her conscious, instilled filters are powerless in that moment and her little brain is defenseless.
Pavlovian response. Now she literally gets wet whenever a nigger gets shot, a movie about gassing jews comes out or a bunch of dirty muslims blow up somewhere. And she is powerless about it
Wish I could, but I have constant therapy and counseling (unrelated to tranny stuff) every week, can't really abandon it
Yeah, but I'm not a real man either. I'm a useless in betweener with a male body and female neurology that sucks at both
Isn't she a jew tho
Rude af
Instead of saying "I hate Muslims", say "Islam is really surprisingly nasty".
The only woman in Brazil are trannys
Actually when I lived in London being unashamedly red-pilled got me the most gash, you just have to be congruent with it from the outset.
It's a bit like how if Bill Nye was caught snorting cocaine with hookers there would be outrage, but if someone like Russell Brand was caught doing it then nobody cares.
You just have to brainwash them back to reality with the truth. The only reason they don't understand the truth is because they've been lied to so much. Play the game like normal joe, then fuck their brains out and say filthy shit like "Oh my new fuck toy likes that doesn't she?" she'll get into it. Then once she's hooked after getting the hard dick two or three times you start blasting her with the truth while you're watching videos in bed or whatever. That's what I did, she's almost a white nationalist now, I'm so proud.
>socratically redpill
This guy gets it. You've got to get people to Really Think by asking the right questions.
underrated shqip post
Why are you guya talking about women? Op is a gay male
All dogs are the same "race" too, but do you like rottweilers as much as you like labradoodles?
That's grindr. OP is also gay
You're banging retards and teaching them to draw with crayons. Mazel tov!
Yes. But it's not dumb, it's actually pretty smart. They have an internal barometer that tells them which way the social winds are blowing, who to be friends with, how to be on the winning side, etc.
This is why they almost never get autism. They realize that ideals and systems are just icing on the cake of human interaction.
Strange, all the girls I've dated were much more conservative and downright racist than I was at the time that I met them.
I try my best, Lazar.
Kek you fucking morons the OP is a fag and that's a guy, no woman says "darling". ALl of your posts are fucking moot.
Bottom line: women don't really have hobbies like men do. They like to socialize. Men typically enjoy creating or building things for fun. Also, women's views are very rarely their own. The will adjust them in order to fit in a specific group instead of sticking to their guns. Good luck OP. I got married 3 years ago, and had a beautiful daughter, and my wife's only hobbies revolve around cooking and socializing with her bitchy single friends that complain they can't find a good man.
I've never considered trying this, but it seems like an effective way to flirt/get into their heads.
Gets them overthinking about literally nothing.
Why do I always see the SJW's with nu-males then?
Chances are they're in an (((open relationship)))
This is Sup Forums-tier
Try to present it as banter.
Girls really warm to someone friendly mocking them for some reason.
Do you make fun of her for that?
reeee why don't people get this
You're going about this all wrong m8.
Women are not Men. That's all you need to know to be successful dating and eventually marrying a decent woman.
If you want someone to share a passion for a hobby, get a male friend. You'll be friends for life, really quickly.
It's unrealistic to expect women to act like men, and indeed you need to be aware that women who do act like men are doing so due to low self esteem issues, adopting a strategy to hook a guy, and will ditch whatever that bait was as soon as they do.
I'm not slagging women off, I love women, and I especially love my wife. But she's not a man, never will be, and thank god for that.
If you want to attract decent women, be a decent man who has plans for a family. Not "would like to have kids some day" but actual solid, financial plans for marriage, married life, kids, and retirement. It's easier than it sounds.
You'll not dial up a gf, that's a rare statistical outlier. You can dial up a date, or a hook up, but not a girlfriend outside of a very exclusive, often expensive, paid-for dating agency for professionals. Bin that nonsense, you're wasting your time.
If you don't know (a) how much money you will receive per month in retirement (b) are actively looking for new ways to increase that amount, that's a good place to start.
Can't y'all read?
It depends.
Where do you find other people?
Is gibs me dat and all the muzzie praize the left admitting that their so racist that they can't figure out other groups besides middle easterners as muslims like South East Asians, Africans and Tartars?
Well there's been a very large sample fella and yea... Women are not very smart, but he's asking how to find one, I just said make one. If you don't like pussy that's fine with me, don't hate me because I do. Just found a new one at the store about thirty minutes ago, should be fucking her in a couple hours or so. What are you gonna do this afternoon? Jack off to anime?
>Asking out lots of girls is the first way to establish a successful relationship with one girl -- not "deciding what kind of girl I like and then never find one that matches what I have in my brain as the only potential mate for me!
Really this
> He asked what I would do to save humanity if aliens attacked. I said I'd get them to take in Muslim refugees and hope they destroy the aliens as well as they're destroying Europe
So you insert politics into apolitical conversation and then go to Sup Forums and whine about filthy globalists not understanding you?
> tfw you have a red pilled korean/german girlfriend that is Ivy League educated
Lack of empathy is the main common traight among racists. It's also the a strong indicator of sociopaths, which is a mental disorder. Racists like to defend themselves by saying racism is a product of evolution, but honestly anyone who uses that argument is ignorant about psychology and neuroscience
You do realize you can just fuck a cute twink and force your views unto him?
Or did all the POZ get to your head you fucking faggo?