Is it wrong that colleges/universities force some freshman students to take non-credited, remedial math or English classes, which can subsequently delay their graduation by semesters or even years? Pic related (saw it on jewbook) is the level of mathematics an incoming freshman might be forced to take as a prerequisite before he/she can take credited college courses.
Is it wrong that colleges/universities force some freshman students to take non-credited...
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>fail arithmetic test
>forced to take arithmetic class
Your fault for fucking up on the placement test that badly you goddamn retard.
Wtf when I was 9 y.o. we had harder math.
its wrong that so many kids believe they must go to fucking college.
Most of them are not cut out for it.
These kids have been doing common core for 10 years, what do you want from them?
It's not me, you asshat. I saw somebody bitching about it on social media, so I started doing research on it. I've read somewhere that about half of first-year college students are forced to take remedial classes b/c the bombed the placement, some of which had high GPA's in HS.
Yah that was what I've heard from everyone, and experienced myself. Most people i know had to start over at college.
This is the result of that mentality, these are simple arithmetic, the fact that people who are at this level and are admitted to college should be appalling as opposed to the fact that they get no credit for it. They deserve none, they deserve their high school diploma revoked
Are you saying that there are people going to college that don't know how to solve this?
Wait wait wait wait
This is what freshman in college have to learn?
This is a level of a fucking 12 year old.
If you can't comprehend math of that level at a college age, there is literally nothing wrong with colleges forcing you to get up to a certain standard before beginning their courses
Yes, but think of all the shekels they wouldn't get if they actually cared about the students
A bit harsh but I do agree that the mentality that you have to go to college to be sucessful is bullshit that has been pounded into Americans by their shitty teachers since elementary school. My teachers used to point at the janitors and tell us if we didn't go to college we would end up like them. Fucking cunts.
Anyway technical schools are better anyway, get trained in something for a few weeks or months then get paid for skilled labor with relatively little investment.
No its not wrong.
If you can't learn to multiply two three-digit numbers you really don't belong with a college degree of any kind. You can teach most 5 year old chidren how to do this shit.
Similarly, if you can't write a semi-coherent short essay about a given topic, you don't deserve a college degree.
Whats 'wrong' is that colleges will accept almost anyone, because all they care about is making shekels. If colleges actually cared about education/research/etc they would admit only those who are in the top few percentiles.
No it's what college freshman at a community college have to learn if they fail math and have to take remedial classes to try to catch back up with their peers.
Yeah. I have a BS and have TA'd man lab sections. In my experience half the kids going to college need to drop out, save the money, and go learn a trade. Math and science arent for everyone, nor should it be. We need plumbers, farmers, manufacturers and like as well.
Also, this college meme is the reason our universities fall in credibility every fucking year as they allow more and more of these people in.
I'm saying kids are going into college who only know how to do math by common core. College teachers never had to deal with that shit.
This is arithmetic that I was taught in 5th grade in 1976. Are you kidding me with this shit?
Are students that can't do simple math like in OP even admitted into college?
If you need help with that get a job a WalMart.
Accuplacer is a scam set up by the College Board to drive more money to schools without impacting 4 and 5 year graduation rates.
If you look at why remedial classss are around you will come to some scary conclusions about college.
If you can't solve that you shouldn't even be offered remedial classes
>Could delay graduation
If you fail basic English and math, you should ask yourself whether attending college was the right decision anyway
whats the issue? if they can already do that stuff they pass it immediately
>Mandatory Indigenous Courses
Yeah. Be glad this is not you.
>not taking the ap Calc ab test in high school
If you can't do this then I don't care if the college forces to take some bullshit class. You deserve it
Fuck remedial classes those people shouldn't even be admitted. Part of the reason this is even happening is because of (((affirmative action)))
>american in fucking colleges/universities can't solve that ???
please be a fucking bait , please , for the love of kek
We have a lot of retards who go to college when they should still be in middle school learning
>American "education"
Dude those tests have absolutely nothing to do with what you learn in HS, at least the ones i took didnt.
Anyone under 30 should not be allowed in an academic institution. There needs to be another category of schools that function as an adult day care where parents can send their adult children for 4 years so they can get them out of the nest temporarily.
Yeah it's a laughing stock. It only got worse with common core.
Disregard this, i just clicked the OP image. This isnliterally elementary work
>math can be different
Nigger math is math it's a matter of how much you've been taught. The tests say what class you should be put into, if you fail it then you fucking don't know enough math, and you were taught that in HS, enough to pass the test to determine you can actually take a math class that has purpose / reason.
let me take a wild guess
they're the same "people" signing up for gender studies major ?
Is this a joke? That's 6th grade.
im not sure the pic has anything to do with the question at hand. think OP just picked some random picture of math in a notebook
Yes, and art, and history, so forth. I was fucking stunned my freshmen year to see just how retarded people are.
You're OK, don't go to an American University tomorrow
It hasn't been about "education" in like 30 years. It's an industry and that wont change for a long time.
A friend of mine can't get his bachelor's because he needs Calc 1 and 2. His math is probably around a 6th grade level.
Bachelors in what?how can you be competent enough to take that many units for a degree and you aren't able to pass fucking Calc 1 and Calc 2 in four years
I did related at my college, and I tested out of basic stuff like that pic and started with Algebra 1 & 2 and with some effort quickly progressed to the college level Math and Calculus.
It was stressful, a friend of mine changed majors to avoid doing the same.
Unfortunately kids are now viewed as commodities.
we are ALL seen as commodities
This, also has a lot to do with how expensive college has become. They'll hand out loans to everybody under the sun even when they know that they're completely unprepared and will just drop out in a semester or two. It's almost predatory but no one ever shines light on it because "education" is a liberal sacred cow.
>passed algebra 2 in 11th grade
>had to take it again in college (math 125)
>my onlynother math classes were calculus and statistics and hardly used any of that graphing bullshit
Honestly, a lot of courses are nothing but ploys to make goyim buy bloated expensive books.
To all the people outraged at this shit you only have to take this if you fail the placement test. It is expected that most freshmen start at Calculus 1 or Precalculus if they are behind.
You're right. However education should not be about money or grades. It should be about learning.
>which can subsequently delay their graduation by semesters or even years
Anyone who has issues doing simple arithmetic or writing essays doesn't belong in university. What drugs have you taken, it seems like they fried your brain.
Btw I came from a shit tier third world school and tested into Calc 1. What's even more surprising to me is that Physics isn't required in most American high schools.
Wow, that's humiliating. Seems like mathematical capacity of nigroids sullies our educational institutions and retards qualified people's education.
of course it's necessary. You need to be able to do basic arithmetic. Even cashiers at the grocery store still need to know how to make change.
We weren't allowed to use Calculators on math classes in my 1st year in college.
This is nothing new. I think it's very educational.
It was nice my college fucked people over who did that.
The teachers actively would boot people who missed more then a weeks worth of classes.
They would warn people not doing homework and shit about participation and being removed from the class.
Once removed from the class, they would get denied that aid check.
I've overheard plenty of people try and bullshit their way into getting that check. When they basically stopped coming after the first week.
It was true every once and a while teachers didn't give a fuck except for test scores.
Maybe if you did the bare minimum of retard math in highschool. If you made it past Algebra 2(the step after geometry) then you would be placed above math 100.
it's not required here in high school either, but damn near every college course has it to some degree
If you aren't ready for calculus, you aren't ready to attend a university. Go to a community college or something.
this math is basic shit
The level of stupidity is appalling. I got a 40/40 on my placement test, and 5 main score, 5 subset on my AP BC Calc Exam. I didn't study once in that class, never read the book and barely showed up to school because of medical issues. I just watched some of the Khan Academy videos and the rest was intuitive.
These retarded need to be fucking gassed.
College student who couldnt pass remedial math here. I had an 86 in the class but because i didnt pass the final i was disqualified from passing despite the fact that my overall grade was a 76. I retook the class and got the same result. I had to switch my fucking major to get around this and its retarded. I probably would have done fine in calc but because i couldnt pass one test with no partial credit awarded i had to switch my major.
I knew it was fucked up when I went to take a welding class at the community college. I paid cash because I just wanted to learn how to weld. When we got breaks all of them were talking about how they were going to spend their 3-4 thousand dollar aid checks that they get every semester. College is just another fucking welfare program now.
Maybe try not failing middle school level math in college.
"Math is a social construct of the patriarchy..."
typical SJW student excuse for poor math skills...
>These retarded need to be gassed
Actually either I or autocorrect should be.
>some guys did really bad on that thing that shows what you know
>then they made them take classes on stuff they didn't know!!!!!!
>fuckin college!
>forget literally everything I learned in high school math wise, have to relearn how to multiply and do long division
>enroll in college and have to take math aptitude test
>score very high (multiple choice , easy to plug in and reverse engineer answers)
>enroll in stem program
>taking pretrig algebra
>2 weeks in were doing differential equations
>Math and science arent for everyone
no, its not for people who dont want to study, the just read a section and write a paragraph crowd and go out and party
>not APing out of Calc 1 and Calc 2
>not starting on Calc 3 as a 1st semester freshman
it's like why the fuck are you even going to school? Anyone intelligent should AP out of calc1+2, physics 1, and chem 1 at a bare minimum
College was easy as fuck for me and I still wish I had been encouraged to pursue a trade. Uni is a bit fat fucking waste of time for the last 20 years
Im in my senior year with a 3.7 so suck my cock m8
I was forced into Calc 1 because APs aren't given at my school.
That seems odd to me.
I was homeschooled, and didn't learn basically any math for most of my childhood. When it was getting close to go to college I just studied up to trig and got put in a trig class.
I feel like you'd have to fuck up hard to get placed in a class where you're doing stuff like in the pic.
What major?
well congrats, your school was garbage
Talk to your profs bro. Be honest if you're having trouble otherwise it will haunt you.
Watch Khan Academy you retarded fuck, differential equations aren't difficult in fact they're the fun and easy part of Calc.
A troll but I'll bite.
Everyone on this thread knows you can't get into any accredited college without at least basic algebra.
Your pic is not algebra. That's arithmetic. If one can't do this in college they're going to have a very tough time graduating.
>basic arithmetic
>hurrr durrr dis hardcore math is harassing my graduation!
that's like math I did in 6 grade lol
And I still did better than my retarded American peers. The meme is true American schools are shit.
As I refer to 'one' in the plural they're...whatever, fuck you.
Hate it when class is dragging cuz some idiot isn't qualified to be there.
No. If you don't place into calculus you shouldn't be admitted to a university imo
Holy fuck why are you bragging about your GPA?
Is this for real? Are you guys fucking retarded? How the fuck do you guys even function?
>community college
oh, that explains it. its for faggots who didn't graduate high school
this is why america needs common core.
I'm sure your school had a math lab and you were able to pass out or you could have transfered your class from a cc
I disagree.
Unless you are clinically retarded anyone can get an A in any math or science course in college if they work hard.
Even stupid people can ace hard courses like Differential equations or Physical Chemistry, they just need to study longer than someone with higher IQ.
How about we add your country to the list of those due for an IQ cleansing?
My prof is super based and helps me every time I come for tutoring
Which is most days of the week
Yeah any dumbass can get an A in Fluid Mechanics or PChem right? Differential equations is one of the easier courses.
Yes, it's wrong. Colleges need students to start on a basic level of understanding, yes, but that's what entrance exams are for, remedial courses (especially those without credit attached) are just a way to drain money into college administration.
because he has nothing else to brag about
When I did a year abroad in America I was required to take a liberals arts/humanities course which was total bullshit. I chose psychology because I thought I would learn about the brain and stuff like that but nope, all we did was learn to think like other people and adapt others' cultures. For an assignment I literally had to attend a mosque or synogogue ceremony because it forced to me to "get outside my safety box." American universities are complete liberal indoctrination centers.
>tfw 30-something
>tfw no GED
>tfw CC is $20 or more with years of remedial classes
>tfw working at Walmart for the past decade and until my casket closes
I can't rely in the American taxpayer to take a gamble on me while I risk failing classes as I haven't been in a classroom since early last decade. Maybe next life if things go a little differently.
>I'm going to major in psychology, so why do I need to take remedial math classes even if I failed pre-algebra and tested lower than a middle-schooler in math?
Literally a complaint I heard someone make in an NPR interview about remedial classes. Of course, Dr. Shekelstein the interviewer totally agreed and went on about the horrors of actually requiring education in order to ... educate people.
Seriously - if you are going to be a psychologist, you are going to need to be able to read psychology papers. Those papers are going to include statistical analyses of large-scale studies that you will need to understand in order to understand the paper. You can't understand them unless you understand statistics, for which you'll need calculus, for which you'll need algebra, for which you'll need the shit you failed your placement test on.
Furthermore, if you can't buckle down and study up enough to at least show competence in a field you don't have an affinity for, then how will you ever be able to solve problems in real life?
>Well, I don't like figuring out how to pay taxes, so I just didn't.
>Well, I'm not inherently good at understanding psychology ethics, so I just shot patients if they said the wrong thing
Real life is full of challenges that you're not good at. If you can't fucking figure out how to solve a simple equation after years of classes then you're retarded and you'd need to be coddled every step of the way in getting your degree, which would end up being a useless piece of paper because it just means you paid for college instead of actually showing that you learned something.
I found Diff Eq hard, people have different strengths and weaknesses.
If you study 10 hours a day there is no undergrad class you can't get an A in.
I really want to see a study where they stick some Tyrones in Pchem, signal processing, or CFD and see what happens
>You can't understand them unless you understand statistics, for which you'll need calculus,
Nigger what?
>For an assignment I literally had to attend a mosque or synogogue ceremony because it forced to me to "get outside my safety box."