Oh come on indians, you are basically begging for it...
India thread
Designated toilet water jesus
You are just mad that we are more Christian than you gyppos
Well, God works in mysterious ways.
fake and gay kike memes
I thrust that the toilet was promptly destroyed and its remains scattered across the four corners of the earth upon discovery?
fucking toilet witches
poo in the loo confirmed
To be fair, if the locals only ever shit in the street and the toilet is never actually used, is it really much different fron a water fountain?
>a clogged toilet near the statue
was it above it or what?
This doesn't even fucking make sense?
how the hell did water from a clogged toilet nearby get on the statue to where it dripped water from it's hands?
It's a statue inside a building with a toilet just happening to be above the statue and NO ONE noticed the leaks in the ceiling?
This pic is so full of shit. Not even a source.
Here is a real shit that jews do that should revolt you.
This how did the water end up in the statue
Someone used this toilet?
That's the miracle!
>Believing Christic salvation is confirmed in minor miraculous spectacles
Its attached to a wall that gets moisture from plumbing. I confirmed that this was real and that was the claim tho it wasnt itself confirmed as protesters ran the guy who discovered it off
Are Indians literally the most pathetic race?
I genuinely hate Chinese, Muslims and Africans, but just feel bad for Indians.
Whatever you say Pajeet
actually, in india it's blasphemy
How did the toilet get clogged if no one ever uses them?
>clogged toilet
fake and gay
implying it's a good thing