Currently volunteering at Clinton headquarters in Des Moines. Top staff is freaking out over latest polls and we're altering our turnout strategies completely. What should I do anons?
Currently volunteering at Clinton headquarters in Des Moines...
Kill yourself.
draw pepe grafitti in the bathroom stalls
Post campaign strats, so that coordination can be made around them.
Shoe on head
Tell us some juicy stuff senpai, some inside info
I'm a Sup Forumslack but I wanted to get involved in the election because Iowa is a swing state but Trumpsters here are overtly racist, etc. and they pay me here whereas Trump campaign is all volunteers except for the very top guys
Digits confirm, kek wills it
This. Then start sabotaging things and find a way to pin blame on your associates.
To destroy the Jew, you must become the Jew.
This, also write "one of us is a mole"
So you're a kike?
This, turn them against each other, yet act like a militant shill.
Also, do the above suggestions in "turd-fitti".
What were the turnout strategies and how are they changing them?
kek wills this
Go back to kindergarten and improve your handwriting.
is that a colored boy?
oh my word this please.
>Trumpsters here are overly racist
Eh, just draw a Pepe in the bathroom or something. Both candidates are morons, and I'm glad you see that and are just grabbing easy cash.
Stop with the cookies and redbull.
You're welcome.
I don't exactly love Hillary but their campaign pays well and if I have you guys strats that would really fuck my schedule up
how much do you get paid?
>hillary's health is so bad that she can't even attend her own campaign meetings
>they sent a cardboard cutout in her place
OP is a huge faggot.
Day of the rope is coming...
Make that office great again. Drop the Red Pills. Drive them insane. Introduce a little chaos into their miserable lives.
Implying racism is bad
For the love of god, please do this.
Let them know there's nowhere to hide.
You must subvert the Shills, user. Spread dissent, hamper effectiveness, all you must do to fasten his coming.
Dude, you know just by posting this, you're making yourself a target? Wouldn't be surprised if CTR already got wind of this post and forwarded it to the staff. Looked what happened to the DNC staffer who leaked those emails.
Well, today this girl Judy farted near the break room. I was enjoying my bagel and talking about south park and the room went silent. Also this other girl Rachel, said this totally passive aggressive thing about my make up! Get this, she goes, "you're so pretty when you don't wear make up". Can you believe that shit! Anyway I think This girl Andrea might be dating this guy Bill, but I know Bill is totally just using her to make her do work around the campaign for him.
>that manila folder
>AFrican Amarican
You can tell a nigger wrote it
I can't believe this turbo kike.
If he phone banks, he should just be racist enough to piss off whoever he talks to. Just make Hillary supporters seem racist, which they are.
Eat that sugar cookie and git gud, sure she's made bad calls, but she's also had success, where as Donald Trump has had four bankruptcies. So talk about that it really makes people think, you know?
Destroy them from the inside.
How does it feel knowing all your hard work was for nothing? Your sick crooked old lady will be beaten by evil racist bigoted xenophobic Hitler. Your life is a pathetic waste.
on the bathroom stalls
Also, make this video:
the video that opens when they open Chrome or IE
Write "Hello Pepe" on that notepad and post a picture or you are a faggot.
Leave a sticky note on the pickle jar saying, "If you can open this you're healthier than Hillary."
Oh shit OP kek wants you dead.
Inb4 OP is found dead
Why isn't Hillary in a hospital bed. For God sakes let that woman get the medical attention she so desperately needs.
Do it OP and send proof
>overtly racist
Fuck off faggot. I live in hicksville, wv and even here people aren't overtly racist.
Burn it down. Leak everything you have to Breitbart.
>You won't
share everything you know
None of the volutnteers care that much we lose, we all get paid based on however many calls we make and how many Hillary supporters we convince/get. I get up to $14/hr on a good day and I can come in whenever want
Start urinating into the nearest fuse box, report back if you have trouble locating, don't report back if you succeed in your mission, this post will self destruct in 5 seconds
OP is a fucking shill , he won't do shit
Allah akbar next time she's in the room.
Shit on top of your desk and tell the manager that kek sends his regards.
do they keep that cardboard cutout there just so you can be constantly reminded she's always watching you and would not hesitate to end your life in a heartbeat should it benefit her?
Funny enough they gave all of us those pickle jars to remind us that she's healthy (as a joke)
haha holy shit.. they are so out of touch. It like they taking the piss out of her.
do you work with a lot of Jews?
Get deviant you fuck. You're in a golden position.
Send a tip about this to breitbart
You sellout for 14$/hour like a little like and you are not even willing to do anything. Go kill yourself and stop breathing our precious O2.
Are you new here?
Lel. Dumping ways to fuck up an office on the inside.
The turd-fitti would make him easily identifiable
Burn it down.
In all seriousness if you're showing this thread to anyone in that fucking room to expose you're little "alt-right" bullshit! I well beat the shit out of you kike nigger!
COIN Specialist here. First and foremost, be wary of your prints, hair and CCTVs.
You ever sabotaged a building's network? Find scissors, If you can access the server room, you just unplug and cut everything, its PITA to get it rewired.
Do you know the HNIC? Find the janitor's closet and acquire bleach, use the gloves before you grab stuff. Hide it in the trashbag and get a mop head, see if theres trifold papertowels. Find target car, jam mophead on exhaust then the paper towel. Use scissor and jam a hole on the door sills or weather stripping and pour bleach. It will be undriveable.
Find printer in facility, pretend that it jammed and open it, break anything held by cheap plastic, printer is useless. Also monitors are easy too, get the vga cable and toss it in the trash in the bathroom. Key is imagination and stealth. I will not go with sabotaging food because thats too much.
>they pay me here whereas Trump campaign is all volunteers except for the very top guys
>None of the volutnteers care that much we lose, we all get paid
I've listened to/read hundreds of hours of commentary, and nothing I've heard has come close to capturing the soul of this election like these two statements.
>draw pepe grafitti in the bathroom stalls
This user. Put Pepe up everywhere you can. Liitle notes on post it with the saying, "Praise kek"
>COIN Specialist here. First and foremost, be wary of your prints, hair and CCTVs.
>You ever sabotaged a building's network? Find scissors, If you can access the server room, you just unplug and cut everything, its PITA to get it rewired.
>Do you know the HNIC? Find the janitor's closet and acquire bleach, use the gloves before you grab stuff. Hide it in the trashbag and get a mop head, see if theres trifold papertowels. Find target car, jam mophead on exhaust then the paper towel. Use scissor and jam a hole on the door sills or weather stripping and pour bleach. It will be undriveable.
>Find printer in facility, pretend that it jammed and open it, break anything held by cheap plastic, printer is useless. Also monitors are easy too, get the vga cable and toss it in the trash in the bathroom. Key is imagination and stealth. I will not go with sabotaging food because thats too much
He won't do anything. He is content being paid 14$/hour while being a beta kike man.
Don't forget, our main thing on our list of grievances is Benghazi, loss of jobs, and decline of Western Civilization.
Their position is that Trump is a racist.
I figured, you can always have fun if you dont care for the cause. What a fag.
Which is why Trump has volunteers, and Hillary's people are paid baboons. Everything in those two sentences.
Don't be a fag OP, fucking do it.
make sure you use your left hand if you do graffiti
>You ever sabotaged a building's network? Find scissors, If you can access the server room, you just unplug and cut everything, its PITA to get it rewired.
>Find printer in facility, pretend that it jammed and open it, break anything held by cheap plastic, printer is useless. Also monitors are easy too, get the vga cable and toss it in the trash in the bathroom. Key is imagination and stealth. I will not go with sabotaging food because thats too much
IT guy here, you just triggered the fuck out of me
Why is that pic so disturbing
Use a disappearing ink pen. Most of those idiots will probabaly never heard of them. It will freak them the fuck out
Is what my father says is true? Is Hillary a serious bitch with an attitude and looks down on everyone and treats everyone like shit.
A real Meme Magician, Bigly Top
Is this the new tactic of the CTR? Rare insider pics Poping up today.
>el salvador
r u okay man? r u getting shot at or something?
If you're willing to spend $50, there's this USB drive that kills anything it's plugged into with an electric shock:
It's better than her dumbshit reset button
Cut a hole in the mouth of the stand-up, pick it up and talk through the hole. Eat some cookies through the hole and go around talking in a weird voice from behind the stand-up.
"Hey how ya doin' down there! Chin up, things are bound to turn around!"
DELETE, this is a shill thread.
>Currently volunteering at Clinton headquarters in Des Moines. Top staff is freaking out over latest polls and we're altering our turnout strategies completely. What should I do anons?
>posts whuh du /pol?
>believably there
Das funnay.
Whatever you can to sabotage everyone else's efforts. Fuck up the internet connection or something.
Is there anything you could do to help undermine the Clinton campaign? And juicy leaks you could provide? Improper practices? Lies?
Yeah she is a condescending bitch that feels nothing but her rich friends. She doesn't even try to hide it at this point.
Yea dude... Secret Service says she's a hell-spawn bitch.
Sharpie in pooper
Buy this and leave them all around the building.