Is it possible for women to be redpilled? Why or why not?
Redpilled Women
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A woman is a collection of emotions and her friends opinions.
>redpilled woman
>starts thread by posting a Putin shill
Yes, but its uncommon.
Post a better example then.
You don't really find redpilled women, OP.
Expecting a woman to be redpilled is like expecting a dog to play chess: It's not what they're meant for, dumbass.
That being said, women can be well aware, but more often than not this is because they have a strong husband who thinks that way. Women kind of have this osmosis of opinion.
Basically, you don't find redpilled women; you find a woman to redpill.
With your benis.
I'm starting to realize this but I don't think you can even redpill them. My gf is redpilled and we agree on a lot of things regarding politics. She's basically Sup Forums's dream woman (sans feminine penis), but she thinks with her emotions and isn't always rational. She sometimes gets upset when I talk about feminism. She says "if you feel that way about women, how must you feel about me?"
Women always seem to think of things in relation to them and their emotions. I don't believe that a woman can truly be redpilled due to the way they're wired. My gf is about as close as it gets I think.
Yes you moron
What if they don't have any friends?
Basically, you're right.
They're women; their greatest achievements will forever be creating new life. There's nothing wrong with that, but there is something wrong with expecting more.
Your gf sounds blue pilled as fuck.
My wife is a literal nazi.
my gf is as hardcore a trump supporter as I am, about as racist as me, and thinks women's suffrage was a mistake.
so idk i guess
>Grew up in the hood
>Whites girls have to deal with stinky negros hitting on them
>Black girls then confront white girl because she was talking to "their" man
>White girl says he was trying to get with me I dont want him
>Gets jumped anyway
Seen it happened so many times. They hated niggers with a passion. The only girls who would date them were blonde hair blue eye girls.
Trump supporters are kike puppets, fuck off.
Shiggy fuckin Diggy
what the fuck are hillary supporters then
Lana is my GF
and mostly hatred of her mother, even though her mother is usually right and trying to keep her from being a fucking whore.
or the mom spites the dad, and poisons her daughter's mind with shit opinions, lack of self esteem, and excuses.
Kike puppets.
rare in burgerland
Women can't really be anythingpilled, because they just collect and regurgitate their surroundings. A women guided by a man can be outwardly redpilled, but the moment she has a different man/friend group/influence, that will change.
Yes but they give under social pressure easily, especially when attacked directly, so it's hard for them to stay true to a movement outside the mainstream. When redpilling becomes common enough to exert influence on a cultural level and compete with the poz then they'll flock here in droves, just like the olden days when they used to be hyper religious.
Women are biologically designed to be culturally maleable, so when they get abducted by a rival tribe they can survive in their new environment.
They are also biologically designed to be more empathetic, which is why theyve always had a propensity for emotional ideologies.
They can understand that men are the leaders and shapers of civilization, and men's ideology should prevail in that sphere, but modern society does everything it can to suppress that.
Kind of redpilled
No, buy they can be guided by a man under the right circumstances, very hard nowadays
She's extremely pretty. Who is she?
That's why my girl has no friends. She's even more redpilled than I am and wants to gas all the Muslims.
my sister thinks that all those western video clips with dark skinned man and a white woman is just coincidence
Women aren't capable of individual thought. Even if they're "redpilled", they're just bandwagoning which is basically being blue pilled
lana lokteff of red ice radio
Women can be pinkpilled, but not redpilled.
Not to mention she's single mother trash, and her party might aswell be called the fag national since all they care about is licking faggots bum bums
She needs to know? Or you need to know?
Women shift a lot
Here in Alberta was one of the world's longest running eugenics program, it was women's league run entirely by women for the express purpose of supporting high numbers of white children being born and was completely anti-race mixing.
Women in some points in history used to be even more hardcore than men against race-mixing, by a lot too. It was the men with jungle fever who were the concern. People seem to forget that.
Girlwriteswhat is pretty based.
I know a redpilled girl. She's pretty and very conscious.
She's probably secret lesbian, unfortunately.
We all know that pain.