I might be offend if I could read the fuckin thing.
I might be offend if I could read the fuckin thing
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This guy has a high school diploma. Let that sink in.
I don't get it why can't you read it?
You read it.Tell me what it says.
Really made my gray cells vibrate
Sup Forums BTFO???
I think
>Blacks arent offended by interracial dating.
LMAO WHAT?! Im a white dude and hood rats at my job have bitched to me about how some black dude they were into was chasing after some white slut. Black women hate interracial relationships more than white people ever could.
EXACTLY ! Not to mention its completely unreadable .
Can anyone who speaks autism translate?
>a nigger defends himself getting cucked by big superior BWC
The cucker has becomed the cuckee
I think he's telling white men to stay away from his wimmin. To teach us a lesson about diversity?
1. That's not reverse psychology
2. That's a shitty example. Literally "reversed" its the exact same thing.
3. Use the biggest word he knew (reevaluate) incorrectly. (im guessing he meant reiterate)
4. WE
Attempt at translation:
I noticed that blacks don't care about interracial couples but white people see them as a sin. Let's explore this further with 'reverse psychology'. If a black boy dates a white girl, the girls parents will be unhappy and reject him. (I don't get what he means by reversing it in the next bit.) We're all the same racism is bad etc etc
That pic is oddly disturbing.
Its just fuckin dumb all around
Not really a big sink to let in considering he's american.
>something i noticed blacks don't really care about interracial couples now.
>Picture of a lonesome holocaust survivor returning to Auchawits to mourn his loved ones (1959)
White society is usually better than black society but apart from his shit grammar I agree with him.
This guy is talking out of his ass. Look at Simone Biles twitter feed. Full of butthurt black dudes, mad that she has tons of photos with white guys.
You dont even know what he said.. Nobody does..
This. Not only that, but blacks don't even have a reason be wary of interracial relationships.
>"Ayo you hear dat Uniquesha dumped Jaundice for a white boy??"
>"Yuh I e'en heard he gots a JOB n shit!"
Meanwhile Becky tuned out her dad's protests to her black boyfriend and ended up a single mother
Nice grammar and sentence structure. Very succinctly written and easy to understand.
whites look down on the lowering of their relative's social and class and everything status for joining a black.
The black family celebrates their relative nailed someone from a higher status.
As simple as that.
Niggers hardly care about anything though. They only start caring about race when they want gibs me dats. There are no gibs me dats from rejecting a white boyfriend/girlfriend
This stupid nigger thinks he knows what reverse psychology is
But hey the offspring might have a slightly above average sized penis. That totally makes up for 10 points of IQ and looking like shit.
What are people who have half nigger children even thinking?
I was with this nigga bitch with a cute little mixed monkey daughter. Her brother instantly hated me but not cause I was white but because I might molest her like the nigga that bitch was going with before and he killed that nigga when he caught him(he was right to be suspicious, I did do her). Man that was good pussy
> cute little mixed monkey daughter
My fuckin sides
>You know what I'm sayin'? You know what I'm sayin'? You know what I'm sayin'? You know what I'm sayin'?
No. No-one does. We kind of doubt you do. Now fuck off.
no idea, would have to ask an original interracial white, prob a beta that had to settle with a lower class in order to get laid.
I got some diluted nigger blood myself, its nice, but would hate if I got the full package, give how white genes are recessive, you really need a lot of whites in relation to blacks to keep that mix sweetspot going.
The only thing funnier than a nigger trying to write is a nigger smoking. That doubles me over every time.
Really made me reevaluate a few things.
What did he mean by this ?
we got another jaden smith over here
>they dont think it be like it is but it do
So stupid it's hilarious. So trashy it's comfy. Trailor Park Boys.
Oh fuck I'm dying.
What do you want to hear? Basically whenever I'd go fuck that bitch(wrap it 'fore you tap it nigga) I'd give it to her girl after. She'd'a been 6 or so back then. I think that bitch knew but I didn't wind up dead; I bought em shit and didnt hit her, guess that was good enough.