Pretty simple stuff pol. ISIS isn't muslims fault. It's a religion of peace. Get it through your heads.
Isis isnt islam
Other urls found in this thread:
>Islamic State isn't Islamic
Well fuck.
Well fuck my shit. Which is the correct book for them to kill over since they are so misguided?
how do explain that I'd rather get rid of Islam rather than ISIS then?
>we didn't blame germans for hitler
>we didn't blame Germans for Hitler
We destroyed their country though
>we don't blame Christians for the kkk
Yes (((you))) do
>It's a religion of peace.
Please present the evidence
ISIS isn't dangerous, Islam is. How do we defeat Islam?
>Didn't blame Germans for Hitler
>Religion of peace
It's funny that you keep repeating the phrase coined by George Bush Jr.
>didn't blame Germans for Hitler
Yes you did. You still do.
Because we saw the German people at fault. It made it easy for a guy like Churchill to harvest Aryan blood for his kike masters.
is boko haram muslims fault?
(((they))) blame all whites for hitler
But...but they do blame Christianity for the KKK, and they do blame German Nationalism for Nazis...
I agree, we should deal with ISIS and the Muslims in their Raqqa exactly the same way as we did with Nazis and Germans. Firebombing Raqqa for a week will be a good start.
But they actually did the first two
>we didn't blame the germans for hitler
except you did
>we didn't blame the christians for kkk
except some do
>we don't blame muslims for ISIS
yes we do
>we don't blame the alt-right for pepe memes
you do this too
>doesn't hold germans responsible for the holocaust
>germans voted hitler into power and the reich wouldn't exist without active participation of german citizens
Shhhh... we can't speak ill of the melanin enriched
why are we looking at a tweet an unknown person posted a year ago??
they ALWAYS blame germans for hitler.. what the fuck are they talking about.
Liberal doublethink.
It's no different than yesterday's article on Huffpost about Trump's ,maternity leave being awful because it leaves out men.
So Huffpost only cares about men when it comes to contradicting Trump, when it comes to a man who is fighting for custody of his kids and sees the courts are biased he's just a misogynistic MRA.
Everyone blamed German's for Hitler though
They still do, even among their own countrymen.
>Hitler was German
EVERYONE blames the germans for hitler.
People were still blaming the japs for pearl harbor during the recent tsunami.
Southerners are always blamed for racism and slavery.
Not blaming muslims for ISIS would be rarest exception possible.
>we didn't blame germans for hitler
>didn't blame germans
>for hitler
70 years in and we still get blamed for everything bad in the world and compared with hitler the moment you question liberal (((logic)))
This lmao. The fucking hypocrisy of SJWs is insane. They change their narrative when it fits their agenda but we all know that they blame the shit out of white people for anything they see as bad that any amount of whites did
these replies on social media to shit like this actually make my blood boil
Fucking millennials
>stupid blue meme circle
Lol retarded bigots who only read the Quran in English have to post memes to make a point lmfao
It's just jews pushing this shit.
Fucking jews, kill them all.
is abu sayyaf muslims fault?
Not all Muslims are terrorists, but most terrorists seem to be muslim.
>We didn't blame Germans for Hitler
yes you did. not just Germans, but ALL white people are blamed for Hitler.
>We didn't blame Christians for kkk
Yes, you most certainly the fuck did.
>do NOT blame muslims for ISIS
I will do whatever the fuck I want, you commie cuck cocksucking faggot.
most terrorists are right wing Christian WHITE men
I don't blame Muslims for ISIS, i blame Islam for Muslims (ISIS included).
ISIS are made up entirely of muslims. The only difference between ISIS and the so called 'moderate' muslims is that ISIS follows the koran to the letter, and hate and kill non-muslims exactly as the koran says they should.
'moderate' muslims ignore those parts of the koran the same way christians ignore parts of the bible that they dont like. (most christians wont stone their wife to death on her wedding day for not being a virgin, even though the bible explicitly commands it)
the koran is hate speech ,if any new cult tried this shit they'd get banned by the government immediately like any other retarded cult.
Islam is just too big to do that, unfortunately.
I blame Germans for hitler
problem is those not in ISIS still behead and murder and rape in the name of Islam unlike Christians or Germans who do not do anything negative in the name of their country or religion. ISIS is just more organized with an endgame to their faction while also having fancy HD cameras in their arsenal
Leftists blame white people for shit that happened when most of us weren't even born, though.
Also, remember how leftists/ liberals make fun of people who say "Not all _____ are like that" yet they do the EXACT same thing.
I blame clinton and saudi arabia
I blame Germans for not giving Hitler their full support.
Isis' ideology is more legitimately Islamic than the entire Shia sect.
I also love people even comparing christian "extremism" to muslim extremism
One makes you feel bad for being a whore and aborting a baby and the other causes almost daily bombings, shootings, and/or bladed assaults. And they would do a lot more in western countries if they had the numbers for it. If the left has their way they soon will
Isn't saudi arabia a muslim country ruled by sharia?
>We don't blame Germans for Hitler?
Clearly nobody ever got around to telling the Germans. Somebody should get on that.
>We don't blame Christians for the KKK
I see liberals blame Christianity for the KKK and racism all the time. Ever watch 12 Years a Slave? If you did that with Islam your head would get severed by a guy with more lice in his beard than a medieval barn animal.
ISIS are not muslims and kill muslims in the name of Allah... ok so what are they? christian? is ISIS the real crusade that will cure the world of islam?
shut up racist no we don't if it wasn't for you whities Hitler would have never came to power.
Fort Hood shooting
Iranian embassy
Boston Marathon
Because every one of those were perpetrated by right wing christian white males, right?
The huffpost is run by women
But Germans voted for Hitler. It's a massive historical debate over how much the German people should share the blame.
Of course we don't blame Christians for the KKK, their main motivation was they simply hated niggers. Their Christianity derived from the strength of Christianity in wider US culture at the time (i.e. most Americans were devout Christians).
The majority of Muslims support things like Sharia law, a Muslim caliphate, etc. Just look at how often they vote for people like the Muslim Brotherhood.
What's the lowest common denominator between Boko Haram, Al Qaeda, Saudia Arabia and its global subterfuge and spreading of radical ideas and its torture and prejudice, ISIS, the Yemen conflict, and the countless sectarian divisions and conflicts in the Middle East? Islam.
You are a fucking idiot for this post, we blame the Ashkenazi Jews and the bankers you fucking tard.
Muslims can still go rot in hell regardless. Fuck off.
To be a far right terrorist all you need to do is rob a gas station and drive away in a truck with a Confederate Flag sticker. Meanwhile you can literally pledge allegiance to ISIS and shoot up a gay bar in the name of Allah, and the MSM will call it mental illness.
Germans are always blamed for Hitler lmfao. If I was germanic and some one told me to be sorry, I'd gut them so fucking quick its not even funny.
I still hate all mudslimes. Suck my dick
Pretty much this, the weak and retarded are the ones to blame for sand nogs in Europe again, ISISlsm needs to fucking die
>Didn't blame Germans for Hitler
oh, thanks, OP, I needed a good laugh.
>Don't blame Muslims for all of the people they are killing.
Go fuck some goats mudslime.
I blame Germany for not having any nationalists after 1945.
I blame blacks for KKK.
I blame Muslims and their shit religion for ISIS.
really causes one to ponder...
Good Germans
Everyone blamed Germans for Hitler, germans got their ass kicked everywhere around sudetenland.
>we didn't blame germans for hitler
You did.
>we don't blame christians for kkk
You do.
I do blame the germans for Hitler. The german people are usually okay with being servile and allowing themselves to be subjected to what are often unaccountable whims of their leadership. Moreover, Hitler was democratically elected.
I DO blame Christians for the KKK, more specifcally the Dixiecrat WASP or southern democrat baptist.
I DO blame muslims for ISIS, because they are explicitly Islamic in nature. Evil doesn't just generate in a vacuum. My nation had its hand in its creation, but don't think for a second that they aren't Muslim in a historical context. They are as Muslims have been: warmongering, bloodthirsty religious fundamentalists hell bent on spreading their form of religious and political dominion.
I dont blame hitler. I blame germans and democracy.
I dont blame ISIS or muslims i blame islam.
KKK is retarded. I cant blame retards
>Two of Austria's greatest accomplishments were convincing the world that Hitler was German and Beethoven was Viennese.
Fuck you kike. No one cares what you think.
>KKK is retarded
Yeah they're so retarded for standing up to Marxist scum who wanted our daughters raped by niggers.
You fucking pussy
The leader of ISIS has a PHD in Islamic theology
A nun is covered to maintain an image of purity and devotion to Christ.
A Muslim girl is covered to keep her hair from hypnotizing men into raping her.
Hes right tho.
>t. Achmed, sent from dearborn michigan
>It's a massive historical debate over how much the German people should share the blame.
0% since the crime is fabricated
literally created to protect white families from homeless nigger robbers and rapists, after thousands of slaves were freed and had no jobs.
LOL like korean got phd in starcraft.
>blaming Christianity for the KKK
KKK did nothing wrong
the world actually did blame the germans for ww2..
uh what
we literally DID blame germans for hitler
I don't think Hitler or the kkk have ever had somwone beheaded.
My grandparents won't even get in a German made car they hate the Germans so much.
>post no. 911
>Bush did ww2
What's with all of the bullshit about decapitation in the text then?
A few tweets later he will blame white people for everything.
I don't blame the entireity of christianity.
I blame southern calvinist baptists who were often WASPs.
Literally the wahabbists of Christianity.
I think that's part of the reason you guys are getting cucked so easily now. Everyone in your country is so easily shamed by nazism of 70 years ago that they'll go out of their way to do liberal bullshit that proves otherwise. It's actually sad how much Germany has had to pay for the two world wars it went through because it was attacked by everyone. I'd like to see Iraq pay as much to the rest of the world in reparations for ISIS.
Except Germans and Christians ARE blamed for these tiny fractions of problematic people(westboro for example) over and over again so now it's all of a sudden not acceptable to do that. When it's convenient. Liberalism really may be a self destructive disease
KKK is not christianity.
Rev 12.9
>The great dragon was hurled down--that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him.
...realms were ruled by a Grand Dragon assisted by eight Hydras...
It is masonry 2.0
Seriously... If they didn't blame the German people why did they feel like killing 100,000s of German civilians?
Hitler was from Austria
Fuck off shill
I hate this comparison because nuns are clergy.
The part most Christians ignore is old testament.
Jesus says those laws are no longer valid, and Christians follow the new testament.
Jews on the other hand.....
>we didn't blame the germans for hitler
but he wasnt german
>We didn't blame Germans for Hitler