How does it make you feel?
So it looks like our generation will witness the end of America
Feels fine.
>60% and dropping
It's for the better
Its always darkest just before the Don
>Implying what comes after won't also be good.
... and I feel fine.
Just keep calm and SHADILAY
Feels alt-right
Trump will save America. The fire is rising.
Ahh you'll be fine.
Good. Whatever comes after will be better. Unity is the endgame.
>A world without white americans.
Now that you mention it..
The Republic may be over, but the Empire is just beginning.
Yeah right like you fucking retarded millennials and your lib overlord puppet masters with their hands up your assholes could ever topple the greatness that is America.
You faggots don't even know what America is. It is immune to you, greater than you, because it was forged by much greater men and women than yourselves.
The dream and fire of America will endure. It's endured far worse than you're self-important ignorant faggotry.
You're just another notch on the tree of freedom.
This meme is hot. Bless you user.
The Empire is already in fall.
The West has been in a downward fall for 200 years.
America is our Constantinople, after you there is nothing.
>in American Don and Dawn are pronounced the same
No... no its not. They sound completely different. But the pun works because they both are 1 syllable and begin with D and end with N. "aw" and "o" sound completely different here.
Makes me feel like I will reinstate the Constitution my self
Yet you mix basics like:
> your
> you're
>implying they aren't pronounced the same
Dawn and Don are the same to normal people. You must be from Jew York or Chitown.
do i have a accent if i pronounce the w?
>parking your car in the harvard yard
Our whole lives we've witnessed the end of everything.
>end of analog
>end of biology
>end of middle and working class (now the same)
>end of meaningful education
>end of freedom of speech
>end of the wild wasteland that was the internet
>end of legal accountability
>end of hollywood
>end of marriage
>end of the nuclear family
>end of the American dream in practically every way
this. What are we now? Some kind of biological blobs?
Meet the last American President.
He ain't leaving.
We've been made less than men
You will be missed