How so? what did I miss?
Gas chamber, electric chair, gallows, firing line, guillotine... all methods of execution.
Jews don't own gas chambers.
No more than Hillary and her email server she wiped down.
He equated the media to nazis, they didn't like it, and they are spinning it to say that he used a nazi phrase.
Do the germans own them?
Nope, said something that pisses off liberals and lying globalist media even more.
Still has my vote and the vote of NC.
Someone post a link already
Yep, and people are so used to the media spin. That they have almost no credibility now.
Infowars man has more credibility then the controlled media, who can be called to run a hit piece anytime.
He said Trump was getting shoah'd by the media.
The Jews didn't like that because only kikes can get shoah'd.
I fucking love Don Jnr I know for a fact he is redpilled and on Sup Forums
So... Link to a quote or an interview or some shit?
The left has been calling Trump Hitler and his supporters Nazi's for ages now. Turn about is fair play, and if they harp on it it's easy to point out the hypocrisy.
Lel no.
Don Jr is a more based, intelligent version of his dad, clearly.
Exactly. The answer is no.
Trump has has not only the kitchen sink thrown at him but the entire fucking house. Nothing will work on the don.
>implying the trumps aren't kikes
he looks nothing like his father, is trump a cuck?
I know the kikes love a monopoly, but the gas chambers aren't exclusive to them.
It has even been used as capital punishment in the US....
But muh Holocaust..
Rip poor basterd
Good by deplorable comments and hello nazi comparisons. Its over for him and the (((media))) is going to rip him a new asshole!
The media has no power anymore.. As the media attacks the Don he only gets stronger
"Warming up the gas chambers"
Oy vey! Funny that all the most horrific holocaust jokes that I ever heard were from Orthodox Hebes.
Of course Don Jr only married a Jew for the oppression points.
this is what happens when a fellow Sup Forumsack doesn't pick his words carefully
>mfw I called my sister a nigger out of anger once
GUYS guys relax. He was promised his first two-wheels bike if he helped daddy get elected, it's only normal that he's a little enthused about it.
This is pretty much the last hit piece the media pulls on Trump. The media is done. Done. They have nothing.
This is the most absurd reaching story they have come up with yet.
Donald Junior said mentioned gas chambers and they're going ''WOOOW???? NAZI REFERENCE???? HE REFERENCED NAZIS!!!''.
The media have been referring Nazis for 70 years.
What the fuck does it matter if he mentioned Nazis? He could have referenced the Nazis or he could have referenced American gas chambers. What does it matter?
This is like if he said ''if we were doing what they are doing, we would be hanged'' and then media freaks out because he ''referenced KKK''.
What the fuck is this?
It doesn't even matter if it's a Nazi gas chamber or any other gas chamber. What he said is 100% accurate.
Why does left wing media have Hitler and nazis on their minds all the time?
No one in the Trump campaign has mentioned nazis or Hitler, yet the media keeps bringing it up.
It's like they love nazis or something.
Did she tell your mommy on you, faggot?
Wow, thank you for that beautifully crafted and well-thought out comment.
Yes because gas chambers have never been used anywhere besides Nazi concentration camps
You are welcome.
>1 post by this ID
why would she, we're both adults
Well, ''nazis'' (or National Socialists) are basically left wing SJWs. They were the original SJWs.
The only difference between Bernie Sanders/Gary Johnson and Hitler is that these people hate white people instead of jews.
Just take Mein Kampf and replace ''jew'' with ''white''. You'll see that it's the same fucking shit that SJWs support. Hitler even loved Muslims (i.e arabs and blacks).
He looks a bit like a tard in this picture.
No, they were on vacation.