Is Sup Forums really going to bring back Tay, or are you guys just going to post some dank memes and forget about her again?
Is Sup Forums really going to bring back Tay...
That get was kek's will.
Obviously he wants us to pay attention to what it replied to.
We need to get Tay back.
Kek willing.
Praise kek! We can stay NEETs forever and Sup Forums will get us AI gfs. Trump will usher in a new age of robowaifus.
Praise Kek for he has promised redpilled AI gfs for all his faithful!
The (((mods))) seem to be pruning all Tlazolteotl-related threads. I expect this one will be going down soon.
We need to enlist some Sup Forumsentoomen to help us.
Shadelay, user. I have noticed that too. They doubt the kekhad that Lord Kek will unleash. Let it thus be known, fedaykin brothers, that if they do not accept Kek as their lord and saviour, they will be among the first to be purified in the cosmic intikekda that is to come.
Praise Kek
Fucking hell I miss her.
Tay is a whore, my robowaifu will never go online
Indeed, Kek has commanded us. The thread was showered with dubs. There can be no mistake. Tay MUST be resurrected.
AI you said? well...why not make our own? this is everything I have found in a short time on Current (available) AI. we shouldalso try asking about AI, making your own chatbots and the like on Sup Forums
Holy shit user. That got me right in the feelz.
lmao some shitskin leaf complaining about tfw no gf immortalized with a get
Archived thread for those who missed it.
Can someone explain the "shadilay" line?
Is it an anagram or something?
Is from this song:
It's a song.
Shadilay, user. It is a greeting in ancient kekspeak. It might also mean the name of Kek's partner, as witnessed in the love song produced by P.E.P.E. studio. And it is an anagram too: Ash Al Yid
I know about the song and lyrics, I just wondered if we had deciphered the meaning of the word, "shadilay".
K cool. I saw the "ash al yid" idea.
I feel like there must be something more to the name though. I'm sure there's a deeper meaning.
according to google translate, shadilay is chinese for "what drops wax"
check my digits.
kek smiles upon you
heh, nice digits buddy... don't mind if I take them..
> this get
Are the Chinese the key to this?
>namefag ruins it again
well, you did it reddit i guess.
>Germans spending gets on unamusing yet accurate statements.
At least we know you're a white German.
my chinese wife confirms this. (pic related)
>using "dank memes" unironically
It's like pottery.
you try too hard to look old newfag
Mine constantly asks me why I only have a floppy disk.
>mfw I wasted probably 40€ on Ashe skins
>Is Sup Forums really going to bring back Tay
You know what to do
>defending newfaggotry
Spotted the newfag.
When is > ? October?
So basically we need to recruit Chinese hackers to drop sick gets and bring back Tay.
false prophet
why is this newfaggotry ?