
>Is lying okay when Trump does it?

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Do you and NPR not realize we have a video of the event?

Still voting for Him CTR.

Your feminist pastor dyke and bullshit story has no power here.

Go drink some Flint water, and thank the democrats.

the hecklers were plants

Trump said she was nervous as fuck the entire time. Flint is heavily Democratic and he was saying things the Dems do not want the Dindus to hear

Please post it. I'm sure it would back up what he said


Watch the video more people are literally clapping for him and one person speaks up about something and is simply BTFO.

Heres the longer version

You might be autistic. They're clapping for the pastor.

so when he leaves the podium at 5:56 in this vid
and some on literally says thank you they are clapping for the pastor


Blown the fuck out

>he actually thinks a pity clap from a few people is good
No one there wanted to hear him go on some autistic rant against Clinton. Literally no one said "let him speak".

You got destroyed. Just accept it, leftist, you simply have inferior intelligence. You're just livestock, so fucking dumb it's pathetic.

Sorry m8 that would imply any comedian with a heckler getting a clap at the end was a pitty clap lol
one guy wouldn't shut the fuck up and the rest clapped for him and even told him thank you
thanks for playing.

And here the programming kicks in. The leftist simply reinterprets the facts to make them fit into its programmed worldview. Utterly pathetic.

>The leftist simply reinterprets the facts to make them fit into its programmed worldview
So Trump is secretly a leftist? Huh, makes you think.

>They were really saying "let him speak"! I just know it! God Emperor said so!

Sorry m8 their is no verifying whether or not they said what same with the comments about black tenants m8
the simple truth is one person tried to heckle and the rest applauded m8

your fucking blown out m8

>the simple truth is one person tried to heckle and the rest applauded m8
And here the programming kicks in. The alt-rightist simply reinterprets the facts to make them fit into its programmed worldview. Utterly pathetic.

you mean watches the with our own eyes video and relishes in it leaving the narrative you and a literal Major media outlet are trying to spread BTFO?

Yea its like that I guess

That one guy sure showed trump....right before he received applauds and thanks on the completion of his speech.

is this like when Hillary really didn't get slung like meat into a van unconscious but tripped and glided leglessly in like a princess with pneumonia

the video with*

*invites political candidate to speak at the height of the political season*
"how dare you get political, sir"
trump, disbelieving this negress doesn't know he is speaking to a national audience live on tv, graciously moves on
*negress gives her own press conference*

WTF! We pay you to be more subtle than this!

At least people care enough to show up heckle him.

No one even shows up to a Hillary rally

>whether he racially discriminated against black tenants as a landlord
He better have. They're bad tenants and I want a president with common sense.

your baits are such low quality.
You got btfo, stop wasting your time shill.