Video TL;DR on the picture.
Video TL;DR on the picture.
Anders Breivik tried to warn us all
no b-bully ;__;
making you know these things might just help you
How desperatly do your women crave brown cock sven? If i moved there only knowing english could i get my fikki fikki on
It's not bullying if you ACTUALLY ARE hitting yourself.
I already know and I wish I didn't. How do I untake the red pill?
Not every woman craves it yet, but they will all gobble that shit up out of fear of being called racist.
I never asked for this!
>fear of being called racist.
Why are people afraid of this?
Can we take Skåne back ?
it seems like the most human thing to do at this point.
You'll lose your friends, your family and your job if it gets out.
They can lose their job, be jailed under hate-speech laws, be blacklisted, and put on domestic terrorist watchlists.
implying I have a friend or job to lose
How white is Skåne?
I did not vote for this. I did not pay my taxes for this. Fucking left.
You lose your job and people equate you to a Nazi.
Oh thats funny, before the capitalist fanboys had power the country was just fucking fine. Socialist government had it under control and 8 years of moderates made this shit. Stop blaming the left you ignorant fucking jew
What the fuck is this shit?
Who are these people?
Who is paying for this shit?
Why do the Swedes hate themself so much?
I mean, they never colonized or genocided anyone and racial laws never existed in Sweden...
So why are they like this? Why do they feel so guilty?
She's right, you know.
Why does it matter how the country will look long after you're dead?
Why does it matter if the culture and language change when you'll be long dead before it happens?
Change is for the better, societies that fear change will die out.
Just look at the Mayans or Japan.
Diversity is our strength and will continue to be the driving force in innovation and progress.
Society will change, so you can throw a temper-tantrum and stand on the wrong side of history, or you can join us as we strive for a global more inclusive community.
Honestly, this is a great turn of events for the world. Sweden will be ruined in their and the globalist effort to enforce their agenda. Sweden will go down as the willing sacrifice to the globalist gods. I hope all the evil Sweden is accepting onto its self will render their lands uninhabitable and their leaders will meet the fate all traitorous leaders have endured. So long Sweden you will be forgotten.
That yellow cross on the flag is going to be a yellow moon in 30 years or less.
tfw soon your (their) people and your nation are lost forever
I actually thought about this alot as well, i think it has something to do with being nice as a person.
>Why does it matter how the country will look long after you're dead?
>Why does it matter if the culture and language change when you'll be long dead before it happens?
Before we are dead?
This shit is happening RIGHT NOW during our lifetime and it's changing quick.
And I'm only 23 and plan on living for another 40-50 years...
Tråkigt troll.
shut up cuck
höger enough för att göra stor jävla skillnad
>this is what happens if you turn an entire country into a safe space
image slightly related, it's just teenaged swedish girls who gets paid by the state to "entertain" the black men
then do something you disgusting fat vikings
I'm so sorry, Sweden...
>This shit is happening RIGHT NOW during our lifetime and it's changing quick.
So what?
Are you scared of being a minority because how badly minorities are treating in our society?
Swedebros need to wake their neighbors.
>how badly minorities are treating in our society?
What did you mean by this?
We need to build a wall.
Muslims and people of color are being oppressed, you're afraid that the same thing will happen to you once you're not a majority anymore.
>Muslims and people of color are being oppressed
How did you guys let it even get to this point?
Do not let buzzwords get to you. If you lose all that stuff over your opinions then it never belonged to you in the first place.
>people have to flee from a country because it's too shitty
>They should be allow to act the same way as before in their welcoming country
What the logic behind that? Why people are not proud to have a working country? Why the fuck they prefers to replace something that is working by something that failed?!
Why aren't you hanging with other nationalist bropenheimer?
Is it really like that anymore?
I bet you would be surprised how few would actually cut you off.
>global inclusive community
The romans tried that, and they failed.
Japan stands
The Assyrians stand
The copts stand
And we will stand too.
We will choose the change, for ourselves and by ourselves, and no one else.
Fuck man. Do something. Anything.
Thanks for the quick and easy redpill, Sweden.
Its b8 m8
And all the fucking people value signaling and showing off how fucking good they are with the hashtag.
I'm seriously hitting my breaking point, why can't they see reality when it's staring them in the face? They just keep going on about getting along and finding positives in differences and other meaningless bullshit expressions that mean nothing when you become the victim of a crime or when massive amounts of tax payer money gets flushed down the toilet every day.
I pray that the people who want this to happen are killed in the streets and the based swedes escape the fire.
japan stands heavily infected by the West. is that really what you think will fly?
As if the Swedes didn't colonize Finland. They deserve everything they're getting for colonizing us.
Lol just kidding. It's horrible what is happening. But it's the jews fault, they own basically all the big swedish media, so there you go. It's just sick, this is all a banker-conspiracy to destroy nation states, national identities and bring about one world government.
They are not oppressed but should definitely be suppressed by either 5.56 or 308 in long controlled bursts.
I know.
Does anybody burn refugee homes down in sweden?
We WUZ vikings n sheet
You're a fucking idiot if this isn't bait
Strong economy, high intelligence, high stupidity and high naïvety.
I can't brag about Finland's state, but good lord man. How does it feel that your people are celebrating the destruction of the 'ethnic Swede'?
Ethnicity is tied to your nations history, if you are not the same people as what the vikings were, why celebrate that? Basicly, your country is being washed away by a multiracial brush.
Literally themselves.
Reports showed that the overwhelming majority of refugee home fires were started by the residents, who didn't understand how the ovens and such worked.
Doctors, they told us.
Rocket scientists and that was just failed experiments.... You guys are so hateful
The people wanted it.
I am, but most people are not in the same situation.
It's getting better, but it's still a major problem. Most of my family is extremely pro-immigration and would hate me if they even knew I voted SD.
hi FBI
Fuck man. When it all goes to shit will you stay? You can crash in my spare bedroom if you want.
Your life gets destroyed over it.
Even happens here, though not at the cuck levels of Sweden.
>high stupidity and high naïvety.
I'd say the reason why you got here was that you were naively nice, and you believed every other people were capable of being just as nice.
What's your situation?
I heard it was one third was caused by themselves.
There is no right in Sweden, not even centre-right. What the fuck are you on? This shit went on for half a century.
Why do these things insinuate the term "No going back". Is it to mock people who disagree, or to ensure themselves?
I am moving. I am not going down with this sinking ship of a country. No country has ever remained the same through time, and Sweden's mutation is not something I want to live and die through.
Primo kekkening, Olaf.
This is karma for taking Skåne!
You're not doing anything. Why would anyone else. You were vikings once, cunt.
The one you probably heard of was a report from december 2015, Expressen.
Where to fagface?
This is sad as shit.
>implying he's one of the cucks voting for this shit
Just posting to say this is some of the wisest shit I've seen on Sup Forums
Thanks. Even if it's not yours. Thanks for posting it.
I really, really, really, really, really like this reply.
Probably the US, Canada, or Australia (or some other nicer place still don't know for sure). While I can I'll utilize muh "free khallede" and then it's bye.
This: It's the same across the entire West you moron, if you are racist, you will lose your job (unless you work in a redpilled workplace, i.e. manual labour)
You know what? I thought I understand the economic chicanery behind the Western powers encouraging mass immigration but it has nothing to do with Sweden. What a fucky country.
The best sort of 'new country' Sweden could do with is one created by turning it into a smoking nuclear wasteland.
Non-cucked Swedes, as rare as you are, get out while you can. Sooner or late the new European nationalist society will decide nuking Sweden and wiping every trace of it off the map is the best way to make an example of leftists and multikulti BS.
Oh, tell me what I should do then? Violence against immigrants or leftists will only make them out to be martyrs in the media and further make it harder to express anti-immigration views. Speaking out in public puts my job and thus livelihood at risk, and only gets me ridiculed. I don't have time to organize and shit because I actually have a job.
>US, Canada, or Australia
Why these countries?
Because they are extremely diverse?
I want to beat you up so badly.
Stand up for your fucking selves. Carolus Rex
Based Poland
you will not exist at all in 20 years
They're still better off than Sweden is right now. Frankly, anywhere is better than Sweden or Germany.
"Violence against immigrants or leftists will only make them out to be martyrs"
Do it much and often until it's fashionable.
Its a communist shill video?
>everyone can be anyone
that's the campaign run by a migrant investment group that makes filthy loads of money on real estate price hikes and monopolized services to migrants.
Wonder why (((they))) are making this propaganda.
Seriously Swedes see through this shit
Boohoo. Your ancestors wouldnt even piss on you if you were on fire.
Fucking first worlders thinking that diversity is something good. You deserve this desu.
When they've acheived their one world government they will slaughter the now Mongrolized population into a small manageable number and the elite will maintain control over a slave race for all eternity
Is that the future you want? Keep in mind it effects every race, it's probably the most racist of outcomes