Let's talk about One More Day

This comic is still considered to be the absolute worst comic book story of all time, right?

Was there just any thought put into this at all?

>Was there just any thought put into this at all?
Yeah, the thought was that Quesada wanted to be a huge prick to the guy who came before.

Let's not

Sins past is worse than OMD but yes it is absolutely awful

Spiderman's canon is a fucking travesty. I only bother at this point because there's hope Kaine gets his own scarlet spider series again and I loved Yost's run

The only comic I've ever thrown in the bin. So if the plan was to make the long term fans leave so they can bring in a whole new lot of readers then this thing was genius.

So is it still not retconned back? Jeez.

Also, Slott's run was worse in general. It's like dying of cancer vs dying from a wood chipper, feet first. One's more awful, but at least it's over sooner.

Yes. It was a garbage fire of shit. Spider Man's history has had its ups and downs, but even the Clone Saga retcon just tried to make a left turn for the legacy that it eventually came back around from it.

Spider-Man grew up. Went to college. Loved and lost and Loved again, married, tried to start a family. He was a super hero the whole time, and Peter quitting, only to eventually take up the mantle again is par the course. He went from a conceited prick teenager to a true hero to a recognized member of the Avengers, and even though his revealing his identity to the world would lead the character arc to OMD, it was part of his character always going forward.

But OMD said FUUUUUUCK to all that. It tried to reset a status quo from 20 years back, and it didn't even have the balls to do it right. No divorce from MJ, no losing her in a plane crash, he makes a goddam, deal with the devil-- who cares about that whole "With Great Power comes Great responsibility" bullshit, anyways-- to keep his octogenarian mother figure alive.

Comic book fans always rant and rave about "not muh" or character assassination, but with OMD, it's a legit complaint to lay at Marvel's feet.

Aunt May was not worth what he threw away.

go to bed Quesada you're the reason why Sins past is bad on the first place.

I think Ultimates 3 is the worst comic book story of all time.

Ultimatum is the worst comic ever published, but this is probably the worst thing to happen to Spider-Man, whose publication history is littered with horrible ideas wrought by executive meddling.

One More Day is actually a really good when you realize it was a story about how strong Peter/MJ's love for each other is. JMS did not want to write that shit, and it's obvious (especially with the little jabs thrown at quesada in the book).

JMS' version of the story left the door wide open for Peter and MJ to get back together, and it's clear that's what he wanted. It just sucks they used it as a full retcon, and then gave the book to Dan "I hate MJ because she's a popular girl" Slott

It made me stop reading Marvel and even all these years later I haven't gone back. Admittedly that's incredibly easy to do right now given the state of things but still, I want to enjoy Marvel's comics but they just won't let me.

>One More Day is actually a really good

It objectively isn't. The most sensible thing would have been to have May pass on after having lived as long as she had. I'm fairly certain if she had a say in it, she would have objected to it too.

It was also a really terrible way to deal with the world knowing Peter was Spiderman.

Is Sins Past still canon?

Sometimes it feels like they're trying to ignore it out of existence.

It is.

Storytime of pain?

>I'm fairly certain if she had a say in it, she would have objected to it too.
I'm fairly certain Dr. Strange did some magic mumbo jumbo that allowed Peter to speak to her comatose self and she told him to let go. Fucking God himself came down and told him to let go.
But noooooo, Peter's a man-child now.

>Spidey asks Richards to help
>He can't
>Then Spidey asks DOOM for help
>But doesn't get it
Doom would've saved Aunt May just to spite Richards.

>Was there just any thought put into this at all?

Yes, but it was "I want Spider-Man like I remember him in the easiest way possible"

Questionable? There's no direct retcon as of yet, but after Secret Wars they could easily say it's no longer canon if they wanted to.

Daily reminder that MJ took the deal, not Peter.

Because the entire thing was set up to make Pete single and lame but without making him the bad guy.

Outside of the long term consequences of this story, the worst part to me was that it came right off the heels of something as good as Back in Black.

user, you wanna talk about bad comics?

Ultimatum ended the ultimate universe. In retrospect, I'm okay with that.

That's not a good enough excuse though, he still took the deal instead of protesting.

Not excusing, just pointing out. Also once she took the deal he literally didn't get a say.

I never have or will consider it canon.

I forgot that shit

Post-OMD, Gabriel (the son of the twins as a result of Gwen Stacy having sex with Norman Osborn, for those who didn't actually read this) showed up to shoot Harry Osborn at his coffee shop job.

So yes, Sins Past is still canon.

She took the deal because Peter was throwing tantrums over the mere idea of letting Aunt May go. Mary Jane knew that Peter would continue to whine endlessly unless they took the deal. He essentially hid behind his wife to avoid having to take the responsibility of making that choice by not leaving her any other option than to take the deal.

I heard JMS wanted to make Sins Past not canon but Marvel didn't allowed him his wish.

That would have been so awesomeThe fact that neither of them could save an old woman from a gunshot wound was total bullshit. They could have built her a new fucking body and transferred her consciousness into it, for fuck's sake

Yeah the idea was that time gets altered in the past so that Peter is around to get Harry into rehab sooner. Because of that, Norman doesn't end up hooking up with Gwen and doesn't kill her.