Don't fuck with our friends Russia

>Syria trying to attack Israel and Russia defending them at the end of the day.

Are Putin and the Russians fucking stupid? If they let his little pet dog Assad attack Israel for protecting their lands and then retaliate by shooting down Israel Jets then Russia is in for a world of hurt. First off, Israel military would wipe the floor of the Russians who are in the Mediterranean and then on top of that we (NATO) would hammer the fuck out of them for daring to pick a fight against our top friend.

So Vlad, think twice, or you're done for. You stand no chance against Israel alone, and you definitely don't against her friend the US either. Prepare for this storm if you fuck up.

Other urls found in this thread:

This is some Canadian-tier shitposting.


>we (NATO) would hammer the fuck out of them for daring to pick a fight against our top friend.

This is before or after the entire world is reduced to smolder ash via massive thermonuclear exchange that this "hammer" would eventually lead to my kike friend?

Haha one a10 could BRETRRRRT and destroy every russian nuke before it launched. We have the US military, they don't

oy fucking vey

Ive got an idea chaim, instead of writing our name down lets pretend we dont understand the goyim and just draw a kikel instead.

IDF and BC operate a joint virtual war room. Believe me, everything is shared and discussed. Russian planes bomb FSA targets right on our border, and at times come into our airspace with a wide grant pre-approval.

IDF doesn't care about Assad's AA operated by IQ impaired orangutans, our F15E/Is are equipped with the best EW systems on this planet and probably can handle even the best of US air defenses.

comon russia , exterminate those rat jews

do it for mother russia and the planet

remember the 88888888, oy vey leaf!

> friends
Friends with benefits you mean.

> Don't fuck with our friends Russia
>Syria trying to attack Israel and Russia defending them at the end of the day.
>So Vlad, think twice, or you're done for. You stand no chance against Israel alone, and you definitely don't against her friend the US either.
Good goy

You know I'm generally somewhat pro-Israel when it comes to the Middle East, but they're really fucking up here.

Israel needs to stay uninvolved or they risk drawing themselves into a complicated conflict that they might not be capable of controlling, especially with Russia involved.

Kikes may not be as good at chess as we thought.

israel against syria is fine (not eazy but still fine)
but israel against motherfucking russia is a lost cause


They can probably crash our money internals within days don't fuck with Jews.

heil putin

>we (NATO)
FUCK YOU, not going to war for a bunch kikes.

Fuck Israel.
We should ally with Russia and Syria.

guys our air force is indestructible, second only to U.S. Air Force

Oy vey, Israel can't win against Russia?

The Gevalt of what you are saying, it's another Shoah

Then why haven't we wiped them off the map, faggot? If it was so easy

Because obummer is a pussy faggot without the balls to exterminate the little pest Russia. If u won't stand behind our heros then feel free to stand in front of them fucker

The kikes would 9/11 us again FAR before actually spending money or effort fighting a war. They arent shit without us

Spot on, it's not like modern aerial warfare is primarily determined by radar coverage and surface to air missiles.

It's all about the individual skill of pilots and having upgraded 1970s jets.

I'd happily support WW3 if it meant blowing Israel off the map

What heroes you fucking JIDF fagboy. Israelis are really good at shooting children and malnutritioned adults throwing rocks, but haven't fought a real war for 30 years. Not to mention getting their asses handed to them by Hezbollah.

thats the plan. most jews ignore it.

Why are taking israels side?

what do you mean ignore it? like they'll not notice it because they'll be somewhere else when the time comes?

Agreed Israel, maybe Israel should rekindle their memory

>be Israel
>half the middle east teams up on you
>all BTFO
>commies tryna help'em
I swear to you guys, Israel is the definition of badass.

i post it all the time, they just dont care. and go "muh israel" or post idf girls.

and most muslims ignore it too

both are idiots

Arabs are a joke when it comes to modern ware fare. I honestly believe the country of Peru would successfully defend an Arab invasion

don't forget that european countries and US give huge financial aid to Israel

US and Israel work for Islamists, fuck them.

jews are just the only competent people to be in the region since the romans or arguably the crusades


kek nice copy paste response, kike

yes their was a meeting of world military airforce in america, to teach pilots how to use tactics and shit in war, with american instructor, which gave examples of all kinds of conflict and war where pilots defeated. he never said anything about israel. so israelies got upset and said why he doesnt mention israeli wars. he reply i cant teach people based on divine miracles. lol buddy, don't trashtalk all arabs, Egypt could defeat half of Europe 1x1
not during those wars
thanks mohammad, I try
while we play checkers they're playing 4d chess kek

>Israel attacks during armistice
>It's Russia's fault

Typical burger kike

Even Irans Arab proxies alone put the fear of God into the kikes.


>thanks mohammad, I try
peace be upon you

American sucking Israeli dick.

Will the surprises never end?

its the plan, iran wants to make jews more religious. this is why they build nukes to make jews fearfull of HaShem. Exhalted be his name.

>Israel needs to stay uninvolved

The whole shitshow in middle East is their fault.

>we (NATO) would hammer the fuck out of them for daring to pick a fight against our top friend.
Israel is a NATO country?

Explain Your theory.


At the end of the day an airplane is always going to be a massive lump of metal flying clumsily through the air relative to a missile. Easily identifiable in the air optically, regardless of chaff.

If it's modern vs. modern then it's better to just stay a couple horizons away. Anything designed to carry a human is a lumbering antiquated POS only useful against even more antiquated enemies.

this is why i think mortars are the best weapon.

no missle can detect mortar fly range.

>Egypt could defeat half of Europe 1x1

No way you actually believe this. The Saudis are one of the best armed military in the mid east and they are getting their shit pushed in my goat herders who are high on khat

greadesd ally nevar forged :--DDDDDDD

they defeat u too leaf
by that logic the US is weak for not winning vietnam and iraqi guerillas

>when 11 year old autists discuss aerial warfare

yes. usa is shit.


thank you for existing Mr. Israel, someone has to kick ass and yurop is not up to it nowadays

what happens when Trump allies with Russia and Israel will no longer be able to sell them Nato arms they get for free i wonder
also generally won't be able to blackmail Nato countries with releasing Nato inside info to Russia if Nato doesn't provide military gibsmedat

I'm ashamed to share a country with you, lad

>our friends
Fuck off kike. (p.s. the answer is no)

>by that logic the US is weak for not winning vietnam and iraqi guerillas

They are when it comes to insurgencies, if you want to see how to properly deal with guerrillas look at Russia and the second Chechnya war

> did you see that guys we took on a peasant army with almost no experience with our superior technology and training at the expense of the US taxpayer

Yes, thank you israel. G.d bless you.

Always remember to cover up identifiable marking when you attack your own allied on purpose

like with the USS Liberty

its important, but only the Jews can get away with it, no one else even dares covering up their jets markings

Is this the cold war again?

Please Vlad, if you attack Israel you would make up for helping eliminate the only good thing Germans ever did.

Ignore these posters, they are Jewish posters, they are not your friends.

No, bible stuff.
Zacharia 14.
14 Behold, the day of the Lord cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee.

2 For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished. And half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city.

3 Then shall the Lord go forth and fight against those nations, as when He fought in the day of battle.

4 And His feet shall stand in that day upon the Mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east; and the Mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley, and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north and half of it toward the south.

5 And ye shall flee to the valley of the mountains, for the valley of the mountains shall reach unto Azal. Yea, ye shall flee as ye fled from before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah king of Judah; and the Lord my God shall come, and all the saints with Thee.

6 And it shall come to pass in that day that the light shall not be clear nor dark.

7 But it shall be one day which shall be known to the Lord — neither day nor night; but it shall come to pass that at evening time it shall be light.

8 And it shall be in that day, that living waters shall go out from Jerusalem, half of them toward the eastern sea and half of them toward the hinder sea; in summer and in winter shall it be.

9 And the Lord shall be king over all the earth; in that day shall there be one Lord, and His name one.

>pick a fight against our top friend

ayyy lmao

>Syria trying to attack Isra*l and Russia defending them at the end of the day.

Chaim you forgot the part where you attacked them and they defended their airspace against invading kikes and you actually still occupy part of their land.

Or is this somehow how "being attacked" works in Isra*l ? That woudl explain a lot of your propaganda.


Gotta catch them all.

oy vey! how could anybawdy hurt tha most moral country in the world!

>our top friend.

You seem to have misspelled bull.

Haha 1 nuke. Shh

I think you mean: Don't fuck with our friend Russia. Russia is singular you fuck. Or did you fucking forget the Comma? YOU WILL LEARN OR YOU WILL PAY DEARLY WHEN NO ONE UNDERSTANDS WHAT YOU ARE GETTING AT. Accurate communication is important, you communist swine.

lel fuck Israel, fuck the entire middle east
dumb desert
If Israel didn't exist you could use that money to spend on your own education and infrastructure, god knows you need it.
Also that would be more than what you're spending on it now for like 340+ million people


>Don't fuck with our friends Russia


>Don't fuck with our friends, Russia


>Burgers have now literally out-kiked kikes

Aaaand then drumpf gets in. Removes nato. Sexes pootine. Attaches onto zioclit. Does the greater israel challenge and all that entails. Aaaaand nobody cares

>then Russia is in for a world of hurt
Yeah, no. I don't think so.

Needs more raspberries

Wrong shlomo

fuck off kike you cant mossad the assad

Oh yes murka didn't just send everybody there like 200 billion

I love to listen to little cucks who know nothing about war and politics

1. Israel penetrated syrias borders uninvited and forcing a reaction of off syria

2. If you're the aggresor defense treatise won't pull third parties into the conflict. We remember turkey

3. Even tho russia appreciated the intelligence gathering of Israeli aircraft, assad wasn't all too keen towards this development
Heavy accusations from syria came towards israel, that in a nut shell sounded, like spying on government fortifications and military movemend to enhance rebell effectiveness

You know jack shit americunt


I don't know if you quite understand but thanks for playing

> nigga good goyim, nigga protect master jew

>Give money to Iran to make military hostages free
>hurr durr now we have an mulitary

Admit it, you're pathetic.