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He'll fuck it up soon, but at the same time Clinton will fuck up worse. So its a race to see who fucks up the least, thus winning the race
>RealClearPolitics - Opinion, News, Analysis, Video and Polls
>Politics - Opinion, News, Analysis
> Opinion,
wew laddy
Drumpf will not win
That's every news source
This just happened
omgomg xDDDDDD le donal drumpf meme xDDDDD
>tfw captcha is mexico
And so did this.
..but nothing happened
Trump at his highest point wasn't even where Hillary is now.
He's had a good couple weeks and she's had a couple bad ones but things are going to level back out in the next 2 months.
Don't get your hopes up. He dug his hole too deep.
How is it even possible to lose to a candidate that is so corrupt, unpopular and ill?
>Can we just move on from 9/11?
even Democrats want to know the answer to that question, and so far our answers are primary rigging and niggers.
he has a kike wife and kike kids
The polls are rigged. Trump is probably 10 points ahead. Remember - landslide!
If the polls can be rigged, so can the election.
Trump will lose one way or the other.
Hillary is still higher than Trump was at his highest point.
Remember this.
>forgetting to add Florida and the women vote he has reeled in just today
I assume Huffington post is full of shit
You don't get it... Clinton's poll numbers are cooked up... look at the methodology... you are falling for MSM pushing the polls hard for their "objective polls" narratives... meanwhile they over sample democrats, and apply smoothing and design effects... And after all that poll manipulation, Trump is coming up ahead...
The son of literally Hitler talks about gas chambers casually and the media is surprised?
This is a shill thread everyone has him up 5 points
It's 4D chess. The only polls that matter are the ones before election day; trump will be rising.
Agreed, he gets his stupidest when during a poll surge. New staff can only reign him in so much.
So wait. Only democrats are allowed to call their opponents Nazis now?
Isn't his step sister a jew?
Holy shit this filhos da puta
His sister is a Jew, his wife is a Jew, his kids are Jews. Trump is the most pro-Jewish presidential candidate ever which is why it's so ironic that the media wants to make him into hitler
Fun Fact: There are literal gas chambers in the U.S. that were used for prisoner executions.
Ass-blasted liberals blowing things out of proportions again.
I suspect Trump will be leading or close to leading that poll by the middle of next week. That's when you'll see RCP adjust their methodology. Again.
Why do they think it was a joke? Hyperbole, yes. But a joke? No.
>any chance of winning
>being real
Just fuck my campaign up
So what did he say about God's chosen?
Thanks doc
>Ignoring the pattern
He'll reach Hillary then drop down again just like every other time.
this, what did Hitler's son dare say?
Trump is having a poll surge? Count on him saying something pigfuck retarded soon.
Hello there yfid, or should I say JIDF
44 is his ceiling
I wouldn't be surprised if someone got absolutely fucking real with him and told him to just shut the fuck up until November. Whatever campaign adviser did this-- thank you.
'Sup, Nate. Shitposting with a German proxy?
Yeah but thats just because when he reaches this point his says something stupid like
When I'm president the first thing we've got to do folks is we've got to make the best words. We're going to create jobs by immediately manufacturing words, big beautiful words
Listen, look, I guarantee you, we make just ONE, ONE ginat letter T, not even the whole RUMP, just the T, I can sell that sucker to CHYNUH for about 6 tariffs & 1 trade embargo & mexico will pay for it
See folks the problem is we don't win anymore & thats because we don't take the oil anymore, we're going to immediately take the oil from mexico & mexico is going to pay for it, they have to, see, they have to, because you need the oil to create words like Mexico, people don't know it, but Mexico is a word, its not the best word, we're only going to make the best words, but we'll still make the word Mexico because we have to label the wall folks, we have to label the wall
If we don't label the wall how the HELL will anyone know whats on the other side of that wall folks? How?
Their ripping the shit out of the sea, you know that right?
You watch, after I say all this my numbers will go down BIGLY it never fails, you watch, the media lies, watch, just watch, okay, watch
All of you can go to hell
Me and Carl are taking our city bikes and riding for awhile, then getting coffee
He's not going to.
Drumpf will not win but his son Trump WILL
>his says something stupid
thanks doc
thank doc
looks like her campaign had the front fall off
Like when he said something about Hillary collapsing at the 9/11 memorial?
how did he keep his mouth shut?
I'm confused
If the election were as the polls show now.
>inb4 Maine2
Are you really willing to put the democratic chances on NC and PA being blue this cycle user?
I didn't think so
>Trump still losing to a woman who had to be publicly carried away from a campaign event like a ragdoll
Is he the worst Presidential candidate in modern history?
that should say something to you faggots. If he shuts up, he wins. As soon as he opens his mouth he loses.
WTF? Why would anyone believe them?
This bullshit makes you believe that the rig is not a rig.
"Trumps up by 2"
So the fuck what?
Its all bullshit.
yeah thats what i was getting at, but then i got high
nobody who uses the term 'drumpf' has the mentality to be correct about anything whatsoever.
you think that 'drumpf' will not win because you're a fag and you don't want to see strength in american leadership again.
because it hurts your feelings you think it won't happen.
that's the extent of the mental capabilities of the kind of person who says 'drumpf'.
these posts are untrue.
it's a fact that donald trump is the favorite now and has been for weeks.
I dont know why you guys keep thinking that michigan is going to go blue this time. We were literally more republican voters in the primaries than democrat ones.
Trumps speech at the ford plant was exactly what we needed to hear. we're still suffering from NAFTA.
And the point is not to rig the election.
The point is to make you believe it is even remotely possible for her to win, so that WHEN they rig the election enough people think that it was simply close and they dont RIOT.
Violence has always been the ONLY solution that works
Junior and Eric have to browse here.
while hillary continues to get stupider and stupider as her health declines, calling half of all americans unredeemable deplorables, and declaring war on a fucking meme frog that ever american under 25 understands isn't actually a nazi frog, (?....), donald trump continues to hone and develop his presentation into more and more nuanced and presidential forms.
not to mention the fact that EVERY single hillary voter is vocal about it; the fact that NO ONE outside of a tiny minority, of which many are just paid, are actually 'excited' about hillary, the fact that people don't get out to vote 'against' a candidate like people get out to vote FOR a candidate, the fact that donald trump has achieved HISTORICAL levels of turnout, the fact that he has beaten E V E R Y published poll and statistic by a margin of 15% to 60%, the fact that these polls are done on the same basis as the brexit polls that had brexit solidly losing until an HOUR before the election, the fact that donald trump supporters are mostly hush about it because of the social ostracization that goes with it, the fact that the pendulum has turned with 8 disastrous years of obama and that people have lost faith in the democratic government after watching everything get worse and seeing the news say it's getting better...
donald trump is going to be the president of the united states of america; and he should be, and in all likelihood will actually do an excellent job, because he has actual leadership experience, skills and knowledge of international politics and business done on the level where success is all that matters and there's no way to lie yourself out of a loss of money due to a error in judgement.
this is good.
>polls don't mean anything
>polls mean something
both sides are taking turns with these arguments and you all sound totally fucking stupid while looking incredibly transparent.
He's on rilatin now.
Did she die or not
For Trump supporters, you guys don't have any faith in him
Realclearpolitics just averages all of the crooked media poll numbers.
It's a sample of a biased poll.
>Sup Forums is one person meme
This must be a fallacy of some kind.
So according to that map, Trump needs to take 24 of Clintons.
Lets seee....
NV + NV + Maine 2nd = win
He has to fuck it up, look what happened with the Brexit - when they won people started questioning it and wanting to take it back.
For Trump to win, he has to lose in the polls. If he started to win and people start thinking about the reality of him winning they get scared and worried just like they did with Brexit and he'll lose their actual vote.
The smartest thing Clinton can do is let him win in the polls soonish but not too soon and the smartest thing he can do is lose by a few percentage points.
>Don Jr makes gas chamber reference