Brit/pol/ - transatlantic best buds edition

Thread theme:

>Sir James Dyson: EU exit will 'liberate' UK economy

>Theresa May hits out at universities 'safe spaces' for stifling free speech

>No 'Brexit effect' in latest jobs data

>Prime Minister's Questions: Clash over grammar schools

>Centrist Think-Tank Concludes There’s No Progressive Majority

>'You didn’t want to stay in EU two years ago!’ May shoots down SNP over Brexit pleas

>Juncker suggests UK will not have access to single market after Brexit

>CANZUK: after Brexit, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and Britain can unite as a pillar of Western civilisation

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>A friend of the UK
Pick one.

JFs at it again.


Just wait until Trump is President m8. He will be the most pro-UK president that will ever exist

If you guys stop hassling Assange and let him do his thing.

we should never have gotten involved in ww1 desu

You dragged us into two World Wars

This is what Trump thinks of the British people.

the us got involved both times of its own will for its own reasons

I can't believe people still fall for it

Posted wrong video

What time is Question time?

>two world wars
which you JUST HAPPENED to make a killing off of and which JUST HAPPENED to leave you as one of two global superpowers and JUST HAPPENED to bankrupt and destroy the British empire and JUST HAPPENED to extend american influence all over the planet

but yes

we """"""""dragged""""""""" you into two world wars


just lol

There's something very wrong with that globe.

Scotland, I've known the SNP were wrong
They brainwashed you, and now you're gone

The American people wanted no part of Europe's problems.

Our government, on the other hand...

More like JUST

It's pretty embarrassing 2bh

Well in the case of WW2 the Germans declared war on the USA so it was not really a choice.

This is what Hillary thinks of the British people.

>Hillary Clinton warns against Brexit vote

Germany's love letter to Mexico.
Nips zerged, because we cut oil.
>Tfw fellow Americans can't into History

AMERICANS are our friends

The US GOVERNMENT, just like our own, is our enemy

>make a killing off
Our debt skyrocketed
>one of two global superpowers
>to bankrupt and destroy the British empire
>extend american influence all over the planet
Would have happened anyway

It's easier pretending the special relationship exists than admitting we got cucked this hard and now act as a poodle for the cuckers.

Anglo pals.

White Americans* t b h


The US was arguably the world's most powerful country even before WW2. It has a hell of a lot of land and resources.


Even that is changing with the ever increasing white guilt. Naturally, the UK is despised the most because of muh empire and muh slave trade

We did too.

Haha that's total bullshit. We were dragged in by you fucks and your jew scum.

Yeah, how dare you civilize all those places around the world, fucking bigots.

I just vomited when I saw hispanic heritage month trending on twitter

Suez was a mistake.

>We were dragged in by you fucks and your jew scum.
>being this bluepilled


You were dragged in by your own kike overlords

Why is it so calming and entertaining to listen to Nigel Farage speaking? And his smile, man, why do I want to protect it?


>‘Turn them back’ Boris Johnson says migrant boats should be sent straight back to Libya


Pre-Brexit Brit/pol/ was great. Sad that it's died down now.

What does brit/pol/ think of the NHS? No memeing please.

You have jews too. We all got jewed.

>What started WW2?

Good concept, shit implementation.

Replace with insurance.

>What does brit/pol/ think of the NHS? No memeing please.

The best part of every question time episode.


Hitler invading Poland after they were guaranteed their independence by France and the United Kingdom.

It'd be fine if we withheld treatment from fatties, smokers and winos

Its are nations pride and joy, it is, are NHS

Envy of the world it is

We meme timeline now.

labour pls go

forgot pic

I have been somewhat impressed with Boris post-Brexit. He could have gone all cuck but he has remained fairly right of the Tory membership.

Reposting this for the 100th time. I love his top-heavy waddle to the podium.


It would be one of, if not the only, social program that I would keep. But it needs to be absolutely gutted. It was made for a time and people who were more responsible than today, and also far poorer than today. It is taking a hitting from the lack of care of the culture in drinking, cancer, and fatness. Certain medical issues need to be de-funded from all by the most emergency care.


It's a state monopoly. Which is underfunded and heavily politicised. Either they need to increase it's funding and give it great autonomy to allocate spending. Or reduce funding and focus on delivering basic core healthcare and privatise the rest.

Get rid of it

>be ill and in pain
>go to see a doctor
>ok we can see you in 20 days
>see doctor (waiting in pain for 20 days)
>doctor gives me medicine
>medicine doesn't work
>arrange appointment
>we'll see you in 20 days

just kill me I may just OD on ibuprofen at this point

>NIGEL Farage has promised to do everything in his power to help the Republic of Ireland leave the European Union (EU) - claiming he would be there “like a shot” if asked.

>tfw Nige is taken out by The Real IRA

>ywn do this to someone in front of a crowd of gobsmacked observers

"Doctor, I want to kill myself."
"Okay? So what?"

I basically got this when I went.

Does RoI even have people wanting to leave EU?

Why were Britain and France getting involved in a territorial dispute in eastern Europe?

Why shouldn't Germany control land that Germans had lived on for thousands of years?

Why didn't they declare war on the USSR who invaded Poland at the same time, occupied a larger surface area during the entire war, continued to occupy the whole of Poland for 50 years after the war, and, unlike the Germans who only occupied German-speaking areas, occupied land that had no Russians and had never had Russians living there and was not even on the border with Russia?

Advertising a thread.

Lol rekt, why would you go to a doctor and say that.

Watching 'Birmingham on Benefits' is triggering me beyond belief.

wypierdalac trojka

Russians actually did live in all of that land though lad. It was all part of the Russian empire and they were in every major city.

What? Choke out a religious fanatic with one hand and rip his head off?

>wait literally years for psychiatric help while being given meds that just make me a zombie so I don't off myself
>finally get some appointments
>African bloke I can barely understand and who can barely understand me, complete waste of time


>In the US and Europe this would be literal Nazi talk

Reminder that the debate I'm the US is whether ILLEGAL immigrants have a right to stay in their country, and that they have cities (sanctuary cities) disobeying the federal government's orders, and harbouring immigrants.

It's shit.

t. worked in the NHS 5 years.

Because if I wanted a therapist I would have to wait 3 months.

I just wanted to talk to someone...

Oh god yeah, remember the Lisbon Treaty? And now with the tax stuff with Apple, they're even more pissed off with the EU.

When I went the African psych nurse just gave me a bible.

>sharing your problems and weaknesses with other men
>not having a stiff upper lip about your imaginary problems


Top banter to be fair.

Get a fucking grip

I'm a British nationalist mate. And you didn't answer any of my questions.

>Thousands of years
Wew, partitions were 1700s, general government was majority Polish as were two of the recently annexed gaus

Did it work?

Germans too.

>t. middle class

I think the idea was old fashioned European plate tectonic style diplomacy, which horribly backfired. They calculated that Hilter was a rational man that could be reasoned with, instead he was a classless nutter.

>Peter isn't worried about male suicide

>t. upper class LARPer

>not wanting the most efficient way to become productive and useful again
>letting the side down because 'muh stiff upper lip'

degenerate af m9

Underclass mate. Stop being a pussy.

Yes. We all know why you wanted that land.

The Russian Empire hadn't existed for over 20 years by 1939. The USSR was a marxist superstate run mainly by jews.

The Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party:

Krylenko Russian
Lounatcharski Russian
Ulyanov (Lenin) JEW
Bronstein (Trotsky) JEW
Apfelbaum (Zinovief) JEW
Lourie (Larine) JEW
Ouritski JEW
Volodarski JEW
Rosenfeldt (Kamanef) JEW
Smidovitch JEW
Sverdlof (Yankel) JEW
Nakhamkes (Steklof) JEW

The Council of the People’s Commissars:

Foreign Affairs Tchitcherine Russian
Nationalities Djugashvili (Stalin) Georgian
Agriculture Protian Armenian
Public Instruction Lounatcharsky Russian
Ulyanov (Lenin) JEW
Economic Council Lourie (Larine) JEW
Food Schlichter JEW
Army & Navy Bronstein (Trotsky) JEW
State Control Lander JEW
State Lands Kauffman JEW
Works V. Schmidt JEW
Social Relief E. Lelina (Knigissen) JEWess
Religions Spitzberg JEW
Interior Apfelbaum (Zinovief) JEW
Hygiene Anvelt JEW
Finance Isidore Goukovski JEW
Press Volodarski JEW
Elections Ouritski JEW
Justice I. Steinberg JEW
Refugees Fenigstein JEW
Refugees (assist.) Savitch JEW
Refugees (assist.) Zaslovski JEW

>the most efficient way to become productive and useful again
>here take these pills that will fuck your body and mind up permanently

We've all seen that pasta 100 times, we don't need it all spammed again desu.

Sorry didn't mean to tease, have a close friend that suffers with depression. GPs are the worst people though to seek out, far to busy and keen golfers.

High suicide rates are due to mind bending drugs.

I'd do it to a lower class person, rather than a religious fanatic.
The ripping the head off is the really appealing part.

Alternatively I'd like to put both of my hands into his mouth, palms facing outwards, and pull his face apart.

Edgy I know.

Then take it to heart and understand what it means

did you even read what I responded to?

Where did your life go so wrong?