ITT: Times you revealed your powerlevel and it went better than expected

revealed some of my power level to my stepmom today, she agreed with nearly everything I said and added to it.


i need pics of stepmom to confirm

I told my friends I hated battlefield 1 because of niggers and I got called a drunken racist

im not sure I have friends anymore. I stand by my statement.

I talked with a friend of mine about the refugee issues. He was even more redpilled then me. felt good man.

I talk about a lot of conspiracies at my local gun range with this old guy. Like the jesuit assassins and 9/11 energy vortex, top of the line right wing nut-job.
He claims God killed Hillary for all to see on 9/11.

Not loving minorities in Canada will pretty much make you Satan in the rest of the countries eyes friend.

Was in a human rights speech we are forced to hear every six months, and when the green haired fat woman asked if anybody had any questions, i asked "What about killing bandits? Can we go back to that?" and got a standing ovation.

Still got suspended tho.

I got drunk last night with a normie coworker and ended up BTFOing some older guy at the bar who was talking shit about Trump. I epically stumped him and he left, then my coworker who used to be a Bernie bro found himself agreeing with me.

I ended up telling him about Sup Forums

Told him not to post without lurking for a while and put the fear of God into him to let him know that if he pissed you guys off you could Doxx him and ruin his life

>He claims God killed Hillary for all to see on 9/11
>MFW that turns out to be true

I know quite a few bros that hate muslims but I really don't like jews and not a lot of people get that.

>green haired fat woman
You have those in Brazil?

You don't have friends, this is a bullshit story.

>>green haired fat woman
everywhere has them, the commies infected the US and the US infected everywhere else

Yeah. They are in all countries that gave women the vote.

its about knowing what you can bring up
i talk race realism with my dad "well, its a black what do you expect" anti antisemitism with my left wing brother "none of this crisis would have happened if we didnt give israel to the jews" mild stuff with coworkers "theres a lot of money in pushing green technology" etc.

My classmates do know my signature phrase: The holocaust is a hoax and didn't happen. They kek every time.

The fear of Being doxed and having my life ruined kept me from even browsing Sup Forums for many over a decade

I was talking to my wifes grandma about all these things like refugee crisis. She said she's felt the same way for a long time but just doesnt speak it. We started talking bout other issues too and she was on the same level as me. Shes even voting for Trump.

I want to fuck her 60 year old self after that.She caught me checking out her rack after the convo and just smiled and the next time we came over she was wearing a low cut top with cleavage showing and would playfully touch my leg when we were laughing and talking.

Should I do it?

My wife was a Bernie fag so I kind of lost respect for her. Also I could get younger girls then her grandma but she is foxy for her age and her political views turned me the fuck on. Dont know if I can control the urges.

i unintentionally said "kike" when talking about "progressiveness" in the media to my mother
oy vey

>Should I do it?

what the fuck is wrong with you? you fucking degenerate kike puppet.

literally kill yourself

>literally kill yourself

So tough and cool you are.

Whats wrong with fucking old women? You just mad you cant fuck anyone?

nice blog post kid,
come back when you're 18

That was me 10 years ago. Don't bring those feels back

This happened today on Facebook, I responded to some faggots gay ass rant against Nationalism



My company had visitors from Japan here today and I made poo in loo jokes with them. Mr. Hanada laughed very hard when I stated that I had no intention to visit a toiletless country.




Was easier then I thought, hate Socialist hippy faggots.

Obvious projection seeing as how I never mentioned a "friend" in my entire story.

I'm sorry you're lonely