How to enjoy life, Sup Forums?

How to enjoy life, Sup Forums?

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Vote Trump


I got all the answers

don't be a cuck and vote Trump

Learn about the world around you and the factors that play into it. Its very entertaining and keeps life interesting.

That's looks pretty comfy

Where was pic taken?


Vote Hillary and enjoy 4 more years of white guilt self hatred and the further rape of the western world. Real feminine, cucks vote Hillary. Only mean, bad word saying, testosterone filled, men vote for Trump. Also, if they find out you voted for Trump they will punish you with a tax increase.

Ignore the above post or your mother will die in her sleep tonight.

Trump is a zionist plant


Obligatory (you)

Very comfy pic.

The key to enjoying life is being comfy.

In Italy, we value family above everything.

Raise your wife's son into a strong man and wait until you're surrounded by your son's wife's children's spouses children.

Judging by the cars and trees, probably here or Canada.

>haha h-heu guiz let me ask the mental illness club how to have a happy life h-haha!

Drink lots of booze and eat lots of pussy

>it's a non us citizens roleplaying as americans episode

you can't vote retard

Welcome to Sup Forums, remember. you're here forever.



go kiss refugee feet, pope

Pope, is that you?

That last part mindfucked me

*gregorian chanting*

Kill Muslims, drink vodka, eat herring, obtain conservative Slav qt3.14.

*rapes twelve alter boys*

never mind, it's Chatillon Car Graveyard (Belgium)

smoke weed

Stay in Poland, cunt

artificially raising your serotonin levels like that isn't a good long term plan anonkun


you will enjoy anything if you have enough neurotransmitters and neuropeptides in your brain

high test
good beer
magic mushrooms
skinny wife
3 plus kids
house in the countryside
90% white community

be handsome/pretty and born in the first world

rest will follow

start here

Develop an interactive relationship with the universe around you. Play with karma, study results, find your niche. Life is ongoing, on-rails and all the world's languages can't sum it up and put it into words. Learn your own path, and don't incest belief in the limitations of its wonders.

Stay away from Sup Forums...

thanks Francis, forgotto save you last time

Dat post tho

Is this the secret will of kek? One number off?

>long term planning
exactly how to not enjoy life