This kills the burger

This kills the burger

apparently also this

I drive a semi truck (illegal in Europe, too powerful for eurocucks) and it has 12 gears.

Should have added, obviously it's a manual transmission

This triggers euros

mine has 16 tough

burger, i have 4 of those, 2 in the garage, 2 in the driveway. The two in drive way are not 5 speed though, one is 4 ,the other 6.

>Reverse not on the left side

New Jersey has circles and I drive a stick shift

that triggers only cucks that like cheering for subhumans (that hate you) kick or throw balls around

I learned to drive stick on my evo as i drove it off the lot, whatever

>Eurocucks will never know what its like to own multiple cars
Hell most of them dont even know what its like to own a single car

>only 4 gears
what is it a tricycle?

half of Europe calls it soccer you fat fuck

pic related it triggers burgers

B-but I do drive stick...

Absolute madman.

Not on a 5 speed. This shit triggers the fuck out of me.

No, its has 4 wheels, actually 8 wheels but only uses 4 at a time.
it has 2 seats.
It has 4 gears.
It has 6 cylinders.
It has one camshaft
It was made in England.

I dont understand fear of rounabouts. I find them much more comfy than regural crossroads.

I'll actually side with the yuros on this I wish every light intersection was replaced by a roundabout

>It was made in England

>driving the gasoline jew
>going poor and getting fat while ruining your city, all at the same time
>paying bribe money to kikes every month just to get transport
>not enjoying true freedom by bike commute like a patriot while making cardio and leg gains

Leave my board.

This meme really needs to die.

We white boys are nothing but cuckolds, crafted by God to provide for the black man as he sows his nigga seed in fertile white wombs.

you do realize our car culture is tops in the world right??

stay buttmad spain


If you drive with people who don't know how to drive in them it's very problematic

it's the same as snow, or drunk driving

Not really,
Yet modern automatically shift faster and get better mpg than a stick.

>mfw I drive stick

>mfw I prefer these

It's true. I assume some day I'm going to be in a life or death situation, and the only escape will be a car with a manual transmission. And I'll die.

don't "you people" still use leaded gasoline?

I go through two a day on my commute to work

Why does right on red trigger you fucks?

As an Americuck, I actually appreciate the roundabout. I fucking hate 4-way stops.

we have these but with bike lanes added

Burgers gonna have a heartattack

Niggers can't steal cars with gear sticks.

Nice soccer ball.

>all the burgers ITT apparently drive stick
really makes you think, huh. Don't worry, you're not less of a man for not knowing how to

Commuting with a stick is annoying and tedious

dayum, you fucks are criminally ignorant

Now this, I dunno what the problem with this is. Looks pretty self explanatory, but I've never seen one irl, so I could be mistaken.

yeah they suddenly drive stick, not in America though, only on Sup Forums

>I have literally never driven a vehicle that isn't manual transmission before
I have mostly ridden motorcycles or driven large trucks and they are obviously all manual.
What is it like?

Black shafts are indeed killing America

>Euros take pride in using outdated technology

I kek every time

I love driving a standard much much more than a boring automatic, but there's no doubt a lot of other Americans don't. The biggest problem is that unless you are buying a sports car, most new cars only offer manuals is the base models over here. That really does suck, and the reason my dad bought his first automatic when he was 60.

>Anyone can be a "researcher"

This. Stick shifts are a bitch in stop and go traffic. I can drive one and they are fun for racing but that's about it.

They're less efficient in the middle of nowhere or busy highways though, which is most of America's roads. Most stops signs should be replaced by yields anyways.

you only have two pedals is the main difference

I haven't had the chance to drive stick

Do motorcycle shifting skills transfer at all?

>5 gears

fkin scrub

>Europeans are proud of changing their own gears like a pleb

while there at it, they should use crank starts

Put the car in drive, then drive with the gas pedal and brake. That's it.

maybe to get that instinctive feeling of knowing when to switch, but I don't drive motorcycles

Just having to think about gear changes will help you massively when compared to someone who just has an automatic. You'll find the transition natural.

It's basically a go cart. You put it in drive and press the gas to go forward and the break to slow down.

I know you're just shitposting, but more Americans are probably car aficionados than euros. Cars have always been a huge part of American culture, hell the first mast produced cars were American. It took much longer for cars to catch on in Western Europe as the scale that it did for Americans.

We're much bigger so it just makes sense that cars really became integral to life and leisure over here, it's almost like another symbol of American freedom.

As such, anyone who is a car enthusiast with half a bit of taste will drive stick shifts.

Probably more so than you cramped cunts

>pic related

I had a dirt bike as a kid, and I think it did help me understand the concept of a manual when it came to learning to drive a manual. Obviously, the controls are different, but it's the same idea.

Sup Forums and /o/ have a fairly large crossover for whatever reason so it's not really surprising.

>avg american



>>average American
>filename says Sweden
>Has the teeth of a bong

You're going senile, Dad. Might need to stick you in a home

>hurr durr what are the paris peace accords

Not really, I have a 6 speed 2001 mustang cobra as my nice weather/weekend ride, for a everyday car I do prefer a auto though.

We inevitably lost Vietnam to the commies, but while we were there we fucked shit up and very much accomplished our goals.

Blame the Vietnamese for not being as good at fighting and diplomacy as us

>tfw you can end it with one bomb, but you're such cucks you'd rather send your men to die in a shitty jungle instead

Every roundabout I drive in is different from all others. They're not very intuitive, but if you have to drive through one on a regular basis, they're not bad. If everyone was a good driver, they would be great. Stoplights are better for lowest common denominator populations.

I drive a stick.

t. Nevadan valet parking attendant

And get the ruskies and the Chinese all over our ass? Not to mention the rest of the world shitting on us?

Escalation with nukes isn't minor, user, its to the nth degree. The only winning move is not to play when it comes to nukes

It was a good training exercise.

The only ones that might understand how roundabounds+bikelane+pedestrianlane works are danish folks imo, for others its quite confusing

I fucking hate when cars have this, especially when I'm driving someone else's car and accidentally go into 4th when I'm trying to reverse. Just keep it simple and consistent Volkwagen.

pic unrelated

I hate that too.


This kills the Turk.

>it's another "yuro blindly holds onto the last petty 'victory' he has over America to stave off his suicide" post

Kinder eggs aren't illegal here, population size has no bearing on Olympic prowess (see China and india), soccer is for effeminate drama queens, nobody forced you idiots to accept all the refugees, a Yuro country will never be the global hegemony, your healthcare isnt "free" or the best, you couldn't identify the states by their flags so get over your various forms of tilted toothpaste rectangles being forgettable and America has the biggest car culture in the world with many different types including your precious outdated manual transmission. Don't make too much of a mess for your mother to clean up when she finally ventures down to your basement to complain about the smell, you won't be missed, and maybe she will finally be able to smile again.

Apparently kills the beaner too.

Automatic is obviously better. Don't waste time and money learning to drive stick.

> Time and money to learn how to operate a one pedal and one lever.

Jesus Christ

kek its not that easy, getting the permit is actually tough here, most people need several tries

this kills most of the planet, daily dutch roundabounds


You have to get a fucking permit to drive standard transmission?!


Not this Burger.

learned to drive on stick,

now buy automatics because life is easy

go fuck yourself

yah thats me eating a burger and texting your bitch while smoking all at once

Average person needs like 40 classes at 40 euros per class, plus 200 euro exam and a 50 euro theoretical exam.

I drive a 120hp two door hatchback but it's a manual transmission so I pretend I'm a formula 1 driver.

This. I live in Florida, and those things are fucking terrifying if you get 3 or 4 elderlies in the mix.

I was going to say it is a normal rondabount, but then i saw the spiral

Oh, you mean semi trucks like this?


Man that is pretty fucked up.

Only having 5 gears? Agreed, we prefer 6.

Well there has to be some explanation as to why you people are so fucking ignorant.

Isn't it to do with whatever side of the road they drive on where the car was made? I drive a Subaru and reverse is on the right. In Japan they drive on the natural and neurologically appropriate side of the road, the left.


It's pretty easy. It limits cars crossing each other and speeds the process up if you only need to take a right turn for example.

I have 5 vehicles, all manual. Sad they're dying out. They're great anti-nigger-theft devices. And they've saved my ass multiple times out in the woods with a dead battery and (a different time) a starter that decided to crap out.

My 87 E30 is manual...

So is my new ford.