What are the best US cities to live in? Give some reasons along with your picks

What are the best US cities to live in? Give some reasons along with your picks.

The ones with the least amount of blacks are pretty good.

New York, Chicago, and San Francisco are the only real cities in the US.

Agree with Chicago, god tier city.

desu anywhere in the surrounding towns of milwaukee

>Boston can't even compete

Georgia. Its comfy.

Honestly live inna woodz in Arkansas. Preferably in the Ozarks. You'll either drive yourself crazy or never leave, just like Sup Forums.


I was just talking in terms of population density but yeah Chicago is great.

Compared to your average euro city american cities are not dense at all.

How about no?

>San Francisco
Gay-and-Asiantown? Really?

But muh weed on every corner

Niggers, niggers, and liberal/faggot capital. How can you say these are the best cities in the us?

"Come for the 'za, stay because you where murdered"

Chicago for sure. Beautiful architecture, pretty much anything you could want to do, plenty of hot grills. And the niggers thing is just a meme; 2/3 of the city is really nice.

Seattle and San Francisco are awesome cities, if you are looking for an actual city. But I'd never suggest someone live in a city here, we have so many suburbs in this country. It's the way to go. Close enough to go into the city for whatever you want, far enough to not deal with the bullshit. West coast is better for it than the east coast. Personally I like denvers suburbs

Wasco Illinois

and no I dont live there

Implying 1/3 of a massive city isn't a fuck ton of niggers

Ants standing around actually is work, standing on alert may not be hard work but it serves a purpose nonmetals

Wish I had the paper you were talking about so I could post it on /an/ and laugh at it

Based white city but it's honestly a small town compared to many other cities in the us. Definitely a comfy place if your white, lots of friendly people and lots of guns.

I said they are the only true cities not the best or worst. learn to read, hicks.

Denver is kinda comfy. My sister lives there been there a couple of times. No niggers, no fat people, no hobos, few spics but the majority are white, also muh mountains, muh woods I also loved the devil horse at the airport.

I'd say pretty much any city in Utah. Utah has lax gun laws and is pretty safe. Also the view of the mountains is fucking awesome. Although it's a low happening state.

Anywhere in NC except Asheville and Charlotte