They went from THIS.
Iran, pre and post revolution
And this....
And this too...
Persians went from getting cucked by one foreign force (westernization)
To getting cucked by another foreign force (Islam)
its actually an anti stoning work
I would rather see an ugly woman get stoned than in a bikini
>I fucking left the stove on, didn't I
Good job Islamic Fundamentalists... You've made everyone so much happier.
origin of this image? haunting
Same format, same images, same time of day.
Don't need to spam these threads, if you don't know Islam is cancer and ruins civilizations, you don't belong here.
You misspelled Sweden.
Islamic civilizations were once among the world's most advanced. Explain this.
Prove that that the "Islamic Golden Age" wasn't just Iranians doing the homework of Arabs.
Look at all Muslim Sharia shitholes and the upper class live like Westerners
Drinking, drugs, lots of sex and all kinds of 'degeneracy' while the common person has to stick to strict guidelines for fear of being whipped or killed etc.
You do realize no one is to blame for this except the West right?
Only through knowledge they stole from civilizations they conquered through violence, knowledge they would have been unable to obtain without having Christians translate stolen data.
"The West" isn't just the Anglosphere you know
You did this
Persia was great before 79, but now they have cancer. Cancer of islam.
>the west
that's a strange way to spell "Russia"
who do you think had some interest in seeing a regional power stray from westernization and cut ties with the USA and western Europe?
That's because they're all theocracies or monarchies
IF you want to see how the world operated before the expansion into the new world and america you can just go into any one of these shit holes.
I'm tired of people saying my culture was great when women were portraying themselves as sexualized objects. I'm not a feminist, but you're a bunch of degenerates that prefer memes over reading a goddamn fucking textbook or encyclopedia.
Image is not of Iran but from an anti-stoning demonstration that wasn't even directed at Iran, I believe.
Dude, I was showing freedom. Not sex objects. Relax.
If that's what you define as freedom, then I don't want it.
To me, the Victorian era is a true representation of freedom and not modernized debauchery.
>I'm tired of people saying my culture was great when women were portraying themselves as sexualized objects. I'm not a feminist, but you're a bunch of degenerates that prefer memes over reading a goddamn fucking textbook or encyclopedia.
stop being a sandnigger will you?
i hate it when i see muslims in first world countries. go back to your shithole if you like that.
fucking arabs.
I'm not Muslim, you presumptuous dense t*rk.
They got rid of the degeneracy in their society. Good work.
>i'm not muslim
nice taqiya.
>To me, the Victorian era is a true representation of freedom and not modernized debauchery.
i unironically agree
bikinis are degenerate af
fuck islam though
you dont need religion to morally responsible
Nope. Our women are still whores. Even though I'm a patriot, I'm not enough of one to marry our sluts. I wouldn't touch either a European or Persian slut with a ten foot pole.
You're all disgraces to your ancestors. All of you. I don't give a shit if you go partying and have orgies, you're all pathetic, soulless pieces of shit.
I eat bacon and rip the Koran to shreds. Do you want me to rip another Koran and post it on here, faggot? I'll smash that Ottoman skull of yours to hell.
>i unironically agree
Then we don't have a problem. Read Julius Evola or something.
Won't it be nice when they can go back to their own culture, and don't have to ape yours OR struggle to be edgy just to piss you off.
This brought to you by the worldwide, historical people-just-mostly-want-other-people-to-fuck-off and-leave-them-alone committee.
This is probably Anzu-chan.
Operation Ajax
You have good taste in Barbie dolls. It's synthetic just like your spirit.
The Shah should never have been backed. The reaction to him is what gave us this current oppressive state. You can force freedom and western culture on people it has to take root naturally over time.
Fucking Neocons screw everyting up. They try to bring people up but only create more block back in the process. EVERY FUCKING TIME.
If we didn't fuck around in Iran They'd probably have come to level of a first world nation by now.
Fuck the progressives Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Willson for starting this interventionist foreign policy that infected both sides.
What happened to the classic American value of wanting to be left alone and leaving everyone to their own devices. We win the cultural war by embracing our own and naturally exporting it through trade and the envy by other inferior cultures to emulate us.
Tldr Fuck neocons and fuck liberal internationalist
Video very related.
If you think smiling and happy people are depraved and degenerate, I think you really are living in hell right now. I'd imagine you wake up miserable and go to bed miserable.
You can't force*
>being this ashamed
Rip young Ahmed, theres a heaven for a arab
There were smiling and happy families in societies that value morality and strong tradition, I don't know what you're talking about, degenerate. USA was like that in the 40s, Maturist generation.
It depends what people are smiling about.
I'm not an Arab.
You uneducated fuck, if you seriously think that the US and UK had nothing to do with Iran being an islamic shit state you should try reading a book.
>three shitty fag-ass shirts
>bought with his money
>he clearly prefers plain blue
I like these pictures for what they represent: true happiness, which is not found in modernized debauchery.
Iran and Iraq are two different countries, you should know since that's where your gf's bed buddies come from.
Sorry I forgot that Iraq is the only country that UK meddled in.
post more 70s Persian poontang
It's hard to find.