Perfect Europe thread. Let's have one

Perfect Europe thread. Let's have one.

>eastern Europe united
>western Europe balkanized

this is retarded. you're gay.

>Wales, Scotland and Brittany
Also your country is has a terrible economy as it is, I don't see how taking back West Anatolia would be possible or positive.

>Greece wanting more sandnigger race mixing. See Pic related.

>No Germany
Good job.

>Pan-Slavic Union
Now, just change this to Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth and we're good to go.

>Pan-slavic union
>merges Balts and Finn-ugric folk with slavs

The autism in these threads alwauys trigger me

>pan-slavic union
only slavic country in it is poland...

GREEK """""""""""""EDUCATION"""""""""""""

>bating czechs like this

>United Republic
>Neither united nor a republic

Are you retarded?

r8 muh autism

>If there is no Germany, there is no debts and sheeit
Greek financal management

>perfect Europe
>it's not entirely under nazi Germany's empire

>ireland not a free state

fuck you

fuck england

fuck wales

>Fingolia not having Karelian clay

>albania exists

>Roman-Hungarian Union

The great Bozgor-Cigány country

>no Germany
very nice

>slav union
>independent Ireland
>Turkey exists

>t. José "Irish-American" Jesús
The Republic of Éire are the worst white nation in history.

Take your pick.


>Vatican city
Literally cancer
>Romanian-Hungarian Union
Not going to happen
>Ireland have Scotland,Wales and Brittany
>Spain destroyed
meme country
>No Germany
I don't mind it
>Belgium still exist
Not going to work
>Fingolia without Estonia
really bad


fuck off greece od future clay of the FYRM

No Portugal :/

ill be honest, kinda like this one.


Lol wtf

>United Republic
>Which is just England on its own
>Because all the Celtic nations have been merged into Ireland
>And this isn't even mentioning the rest if Europe
I don't even care if this is bait, I hope all your children are stillborn.

Nobody will stand in front of us.


>No Germany or Sweden
top fucking banter

Actually, here is the perfect Europe.

...Minus the Ottoman Empire, but hey, at least the Balkan shitstorm is all under one country

Too many unions, come on get a bit more creative. There are so many good suffixes for nation states.

Wanna give me some Examples, map is gud no?

This post gave me pneumonia

Must be a Spanish fag with a proxy.

this is perfect europe

No sorry Poortuguese boy ;)

>Denmark in union with Sweden

Kill yourself cunt

Do you not remember the time you ruled over both of them? Uncuck them, do your duty as a European you selfish dirty kike.


Why is Ireland just one nation? last time I checked Ireland was called Ireland because it was on the Island of Ireland. Should be the Celtic republic or some shit..

Too lazy to do all of Europe, so here's the most relevant part with the most dire need of border redrawing.

im actually okay with this

He's no son of mine, brother.

wew, lad. We've always gotten cucked by Sweden and Denmark. We belong under them. Never over them.

Sweden is not even Swedish anymore.

If you are going to clean it would require complete relocating of the entire population. Or genocide ofc.

Wow literally terrible.
Even the Bosnia is shit, everyone gets Bosnia right.

This is the perfect Europe

Map is okay, just use terms like league, confederation, "Greater ...", "... Republic of united..." and so on

Hvad snakker du om Norgebro?

You can have Sweden if you want.

>a fucking leaf
Bosnia has every right to remain a sovereign nation, eat shit.

85 percent Swedish... Just stop bringing in the niggers and sand people. Push your own propaganda and practically push conservative ideals, not that hard. Such a terrible defeatist attitude.

If you charge Sweden with black dildo bayonets, they won't be able to resist.

HAHAHA BALIJA, no such thing as Bosnia or """Bosnian"""

>pan-Slavic Union
>has one Slavic country

Be good with it lad.

>Occitania meme
>try the glorious kingdom of Aquitaine


Sorry to break this to you, but you're just begging for another few wars to break out in the balkans when you take away the Bosnian people's sovereignty.

I'm ok with this

>ywn have slovak bf to dominate you

skąd wracają litwini?

why do you want maces so much anyways? They're all fucking stupid.

What about Lorraine and Alsace ?

sure there is diaspora cuck
t.bosnian croat
magyars and croatians arent brothers... not even close dude, were far more similar to serbs language, history, culture wise despite the hate we have for each other

>germany exist

Now we can fash in peace.

'""Bosnian""" """""""""""""""""PEOPLE"""""""""""""""""
Fucking good joke, you belong under Croatia and Serbia.

>no iceland

>85 percent Swedish

According to the Swedish government. My own estimates by traveling there monthly is around 60-65% Swedes.

>Such a terrible defeatist attitude.

What are you on about? I am not a Swede so why the fuck should I care? Those pathetic fucks can fix their own mess.

Do you care what happens to Mexicans?

>Push your own propaganda and practically push conservative ideals
>Just stop bringing in the niggers and sand people

I am and we are. In Denmark that is.

the croatia part is all messed up, why would we get republica sprska and lose slavonia and hercegovina, what kind of idiot made that lol

Fakt że zachowalismy zdradzieckich prusaków był gwoździem naszej trumny. Nigdy wiecej.

.t Ahmed Ahmedovic
Get the fuck out, you're not fooling anyone.

yes, sry im just bein euphoric

I dislike Germany and think they ruin europe time and time again but the German peoples as a race deserve a homeland so that is why they are on the mp G, how do you feel about being connected to Lithuania and Slovakia? I'm always interested to know how to improve.

They are your fellow Europeans though, I feel bad lad but maybe it's the way it goes, Also yes I want North America to be prosperous and Mexicans to have a nation where they can feel safe in and not illegal immigrate to America.

This is the most retards map ive ever seen

belgium belongs to us.

the UK shall kneel to our poldering.

South Africa is still our rightful clay.

alright, but then we'll take eastern island and australia back since we discovered them.

>united republic

no, just no

>No fake countries like Switzerland or Belgium
>German, Hungarian, Finnish, and Polish clay returned from (((WW2))
>No Prussia, Constantinople, or Pan-slav, memes.

lol saved
ustasa je davno nestalo stari, sad ne smijes ni za dom spremni rec a da te jebu da si fašista, nacista il koji god kurac
kad si zadnji put u hrv bio?
do you even speak croatian ante, ever visited croatia?

well historical lithuanians live in Belarus modern lithuanians are żmudzin's which build their national pride by hating us so this part would be hard
Slovakia is cool


I swear to fucking god everyone would die for this.

What, I'm not Croat, I just have massive folders for Bantz against all nations.
You should see my Swedish one ;^)

Intresting so a Poland and Lithuanian commonwealth wouldn't be plausible like historically? And I linked Slovakia with Poland as you are both slavs but I couldn't connect Slovakia with Pan Slavia. Do you think Slovaks would be down for being in a nation with you?

Make the western 1/3 of Turkey (including Constantinople) part of Greece and you've got yourself a continent.

All the red on this map is norwegian clay, stop making us apart of Sweden or Denmark. Fuck off. And Greenland is rightfully ours too.

Didn't know what you're on about until I looked at the flag of the Seychelles.

>They are your fellow Europeans

there is that word again and I am not sure you New Worlders knows what it means.

There is no pan European identity and love / understanding. This is apparently hard for non Europeans to grasp (I have no idea why).

>Also yes I want North America to be prosperous and Mexicans to have a nation where they can feel safe in and not illegal immigrate to America.

you seem like a decent guy. However Denmarks relationship with Sweden is not like the US and Canada:

1. Dano-Swedish War (1470–1471)
2. Dano-Swedish War (1501–1512)
3. Swedish War of Secession (1521–23)
4. Northern Seven Years' War (1563–70)
5. Kalmar War (1611–13)
6. Torstenson War (1643–45)
7. Dano-Swedish War (1657–1658)
8. Dano-Swedish War (1658–1660)
9. Scanian War (1675–79)
10. Great Northern War (1700–21)
11.Theater War (1788–89), part of the Russo
12. Swedish War of 1788–90
13. Dano-Swedish War (1808-1809)
14. German Campaign (1813–1814) during the War of the Sixth Coalition


Well at this point there is how many Lithuanians? Less than 3 milions, they wouldn't probably like joining us. Especially when some of as still think of Wilno as rightful clay.
And i have no idea about Slovaks.
But we really like Hungary and Hungarians.

WHY IS ENGLAND'S NORTHEAST FUCKING IRISH??????????????????????????????

>implying that any of the people in those areas want to a be a part of your mountain-ape nation

Thanks m8 i'm working on a new map and your feedback will be noted.

I get you now.