really makes you think...
Really makes you think
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We white boys are nothing but cuckolds, crafted by God to provide for the black man as he sows his nigga seed in fertile white wombs.
I'm not fucking trolling. Our history is despicable, and all because we so viciously fought this mandate from the divine.
sorry black folks, I'm kind of busy. you'll have to get it sorted on your own.
>no pressure on racists to stoping being racist
You will get more sympathy in the media for being a murder than a racist
I don't mind black people talking about race. I just wish they would stop breathing.
Wait so is it
>We Wuz Kangz give us reparations whitey
>There is no such thing as race
Why does it even matter if somebody is racist? Most people will discriminate against you simply for the reason that they don't like you.
Before all that blm bullshit there was maybe a guy that'd call you a nigger big whoop
Now that they keep screaming about blacks blm and all that shit way more people hate blacks.
Because right now its literary
>Black commit a crime
>You are bad you committed a crime you shouldn't have done that.
fucking niggers
Blacks are racists
Whites are racists
Browns are racists
Yellows are racists
They keep poking the bear for fuck's sake
That's because black people are the problem, not racists.
>dogs are racists
''Cracker-ass cracker! ''l'll put my foot in the crack of your ass, cracker-ass cracker! ''l wish that cracker would've said some shit to me, saltine-assed, motherfucking cracker! ''Cracker, kiss my ass, you fucking cracker!'' The white man come back. ''Howdy, sir?'' l got an uncle real crazy. My uncle B., years old, hates the white people, married to a white lady. And he sits around going, ''These crackers ain't shit, except for Susie.'' He tried to explain the whole thing to me one day. He said, ''Yeah, l got a white wife. l love her, she love me. That's all that matters. ''But l'll tell you this: if the revolution ever come, l'll kill her first... ''just to show these crackers l mean business! ''Motherfucker, cracker-ass, motherfucker cracker! Shit, cracker, motherfucker! ''Hi, honey. ''Motherfucker cracker. l'll kill my cracker kids, too!'' Fuck chris rock.
So, black people can't be racist, because of the color of their skin, right?
Thanks for the update, chris.
Stop listening to rap music, retard.
No they're not. Stop being a bigot.
Remind me something.
Today, in the train, I saw a girl with a huge dog. When I approach, he did not howl, but when a nigga entered, he began to howl.
Based dogs.
Of course. Only whites can be racists. Now stop being a racist, racist.
Black people are problematic
its called freedom of speech. deal with it
the reason they get the sense that people want them to shut up is they have reached the whiney phase of protesting.
>"ima cry about alleged racism so i guna sit out the anthem being played at a sporting event"
>OP face when
a brazilian monkey, we are not at a favela, you need to go back !!
dindus raping our white wimmins
>media finds out that baseless race stories raises their impression counts
>reasonable people tell them to shut the fuck up, they're creating major problems in the name of making a buck
>black people now justify any perceivable sleight against them as racism
Racism will not ever diminish or ever end if people continually insist on examining everything through the lense of race- Something Blacks and SJW's seem intent on perpetually engaging in.
I'm more prejudice and aware of race than ever before. Why? Because after 8 years of "King Nigger" whipping everyone up into a frenzy, Nigs are nogging harder than ever before and so of course White people are getting sucked into identity politics as well.
Things were going pretty good in the 90's- White people started to calm down and become more tolerant, Black folks started to take more personal responsibility for their actions.
Then Barack Obama came along and fucked it all up, And just like every other time in history, Black people will chimp out or sit on their asses while white people yet again come in and restore balance and order.
So rich black man with a huge platform that he could use to better his brothers and help improve the culture
Instead bitch about people pointing out obvious cultural faults and issues within the community and never does a damn thing about it
Just stop noticing it or you're racist - way to really help there guy who was funny 25 years ago
>Literal Potato-nigger
>Defends other niggers
It checks out
I don't think this is true at all. If anything its exactly the opposite
Because the black people discussing race are
A. More vocal and receive far more acceptance
B. Are racist themselves without the self-awareness
>being whining about racism isnt the new global pasttime
These people don't know what the "system" is.
Woop woop. I'm not banned anymore.
Chris rock really went to shit under Obama
notice that there is more pressure on white people to stop being suspicious of black people than for black people to stop being violent thieving niggers.
someone obiously made a mistake
that text is entirely a fallacy of many questions textbook example
I don't see it. I do see that his noticing the system is put's more pressure ... is unsourced.
I hear the word racist so much it means nothing at all to me anymore. Its like any other word if you say it over and over youre like wtf does it even mean anymore.
Truly man's best friend.
>Be Mark Steyn
>get fired
>Be John Derbyshire
>get fired
>Be Kevin MacDonald
>get shut down by the ADL and SPLC
>be etc. etc. etc.
This nigga don't know shit
Too bad we're outnumbered by hordes of hormone-addled social infants all chanting "Kill Whitey!".
Chances are you know two.
Niggers gonna start a race war.
>Follow me into Death.
You first.
We can't find any racists.
We do hear a lot of whiny blacks tho.
1: it assumes the system is racist
and thats just the 1st of the assumptions
"have you stopped beating your wife?"
Why do they give racism so much power?
If they simply didnt let it affect them it would die quickly.
if WHITES didnt let the word affect WHITES so much it would die quickly
you're right, I stopped on the first sentence, where is saying there is more pressure on racists than on non-racists or something like that; how did he check that ?
Racism is freedom of conscience and association.
Bitching about racism is being a little bitch.
>checking anything
he is following the chimp narrative
reality, facts, reason, logic; these mean nothing to them
as they dont to anyone or group operating entirely on ego
we just want niggers to stop acting like niggers.
Jesus burger-flipping Christ. You know who the most racist fucks in this guy's country are?
If you enter any and all interactions with the people aroiund you and bring up racism at every single fucking opportunity, guess who the fucking racist is?
GO BACK, if you don't like it here. Yeah, go live over there! Pic related! No-one fucking wants you around anyway. FUCK.
Anyway, I'm sure Chris wouldn't want to see his country flooded with racist white belgians, organized by a Soros funded migration/lawyer cooperative.
What did he have to say about media representation and who he's afraid of at ATMs?
Jesus. Now that's cutting through the bullshit. Thanks for this.