I know that there are thousands of scientists working on it but how can everyone, from junior students, PHD students and experienced researchers be part of some big conspiracy to push this Climate change meme on us? You can't realistically say all the data they collect is faked too right? You've got to be a real retard to believe that...
Or is it perhaps the interpretation of all this data behind Climate Change which is causing doubt?
I hope you understand that in the viewpoint of whole world and timeline should be taken into consideration.
>Throughout its 4.54-billion-year history, Earth has experienced multiple periods of temperatures hotter than today’s. But as far as the “recent” past, a study published in March 2013 concluded that global average temperature is now higher than it has been for most of the last 11,300 years
>4,54 billion years >11,300 years is nothing
Climate change=hoax
Please use common sense...
Luis Perry
Hmmm, I don't think you quite saw the 'rate' the temperature was going up.
Every claim of Climate Change eventually comes back to the US government who have invented and pushed it for numerous reasons. They cut off the funding of researchers who challenge it such as Will Gray 9en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_M._Gray) and reward scientists who will give them what they want to hear. If science is a market for truth, then the government has intervened so much that it has distorted the market much like the 2008 bailouts did, only that left us with failed zombie banks walking around propped up by the government -- here we have Zombie Science walking around doing the same deal.
It's also important you understand this point: EVERY SINGLE ARGUMENT THAT CLIMATE CHANGE IS A THREAT IS AN ARGUMENT FROM AUTHORITY and that authority is backed up by the US government, who have spared no expense wasting billions of your money into funding impressive looking graphs and staffing infinite government departments with stooges in order to keep the ball rolling.
If you are credulous, believe the US government is beneficial, then you have no reason to doubt it -- but if you are aware how much of their narratives rely upon carefully constructed fiction, then you can start to see the cracks. I really recommend Steven S Goddard on this topic, he's actually relentless. The argument also works because it completely shortcircuits the science part and goes straight for the killshot.
Luis Torres
this sure is a slow thread
Easton Cook
What is ulterior motive? Usually it's big corps. who hide this kind of shit, not scientists from all over the globe
Reason? Aerosols. Sulfates, particulates, etc. These particles are released with CO2 (things like coal, contrails, car exhaust) that reflect sunlight back out into space. When industry of the planet ceases, we'll get that extra 20-30% sunlight we've been missing out on.
Due to less ice in the arctic, we have a lessened albedo effect. Bright ice reflects sunlight, dark ocean water absorbs it. Shallow contential shelves in the arctic region have billions of tons of Methane in the form of crystallized solids called hydrates. The warming ocean heats these up, and releases them into the atmosphere. Methane is on the order of 30-50x more effect as a geenhouse gas, when compared to CO2. A combiation of the Clathrate gun and massive volcanic activity in Sibera was responsible for the P-T extinction event 252mya (The worst one, ever. 9 in 10 species died).
Maybe this'll start some discussion?
Jacob Davis
Yes its fabricated for more funding. Just like Zika Virus. More lies to steal more Wealth.
Brandon Davis
The problem with climate science is that there's legitmately good published and peer reviewed science on certain specific facts like increase in global temperature being caused in part by CO2 gas and part of which is humans.
The problem is we have loads of blogs and pop science and bullshit that use that info to stir public worry without good cause and then make policy from it.
I think the best source of breaking down published science papers on the topic is a youtuber called potholer54
Logan White
People who believe it's an hoax are either oil companies or low IQ religious people (hur dats God du creates dats climate and even dats the dragoons we see in Jurassic Park lived with humans before God killed them all)
Lincoln Brown
Yes. Everyone is tricking you into thinking climate change is real. For the laughs.
Owen Evans
Nobody should give a fuck about the data unless there's a predictive model. So far none of the models that have been made have any real predictive capacity. Probably because they're based on false assumptions but w/e.
Going to watch an inconvenient truth with my kids in 20 years and have a laugh.
>I know that there are thousands of scientists working on it
Why am I supposed to accept, without reservation, the science behind Global Climate Change, but ignore the science behind sex type and human physiology?
Nicholas Martin
>asking Sup Forums scientific questions Have fun. Its only a matter of time before someone starts talking about how we rode dinosaurs.
Jace Jones
I'm a STEM major (computer science) so I know what I'm talking about with science and all the evidence I've seen looks fake as fuck. Statistics is a meme anyway, computer science has produced far better predicting models than mathematicians ever have. I've ran neural networks in that shit and nothing comes up (neural networks are the best predicting models).
Lincoln Gray
Tyler Taylor
those jews are delluding you with the lgbt gun control climate change evolution lies
Blake James
>asking Sup Forums about science
Aiden Fisher
My parent company wants the contracts for windmills in the ocean so fuck birds they fucking suck.
*laugh track and 5 minutes of standing ovation audio plays
Asher Martinez
Trump says it's all a meme and fake too. He's put his best guys on it (you know he's got some great connections) and they found there's nothing to be worried about.