She just endorsed online voting

With the evidence showed the past couple days, how is this a non issue for the public?

Other urls found in this thread:


>"Russia hacked us, and they could hack the election!!!!"

>"Let's do online voting! Its a great idea"

How does that even make sense?

A stroke will do that to ya bud

> Guess I've got brain problems.

So she can then blame it on the hacking, making russia the culprit and trying to nullify a great part of trumps votes, because the hacking was supposedly in his favor.

Regardless of what happens they can now just blame Russia and start a war to keep the DNC in power.

We need online voting especially in NC. *Cackles demonicly

As if we even needed kek to tell us that
thanks anyway buddy

Yeah, it's retarded as fuck

Don't want the election to get "hacked"? Get fucking rid of those voting computers and go back to pen&paper voting. If our shitty country can do that, the US can, too

>With the evidence showed the past couple days, how is this a non issue for the public?

Democrats know they can't win the election without cheating.....

They don't care about the security of the nation, they just want to WIN the election.

Crazy part is, if they put voting online, Hillary loses even bigger.

Because NO-ONE likes Hillary.

It's actually a part of their strategy...

Because they know they can't win, they are going to make the votes so easy to hack, that they can blame any hillary loss on the hacking, suspend the election, whatever....

She knows it's the only way she can win

Liberals are OK with letting Mexicans vote in US elections. They want to make it easy to open it up for the Middle East to vote in our elections too.

Why do you use electronic vote in the first place?

Fuck her and fuck online voting.

>Hurr durr Russia might hack the votes
>Lets do online voting!

Is everyone voting for Hillary as braindead as she is?

This will make that one poster that is circulating out there among other user's 100x more entertaining come election day.

Nobody post it (yet).

we don't vote electronically, they are counted electronically. big difference.

still easy to 'miscount' if the paper ballots go missing, or hanging chad shows up and votes for Pat Buchanan

inafter it was said
inb4 this happens

I'm starting to think this is all part of some vast conspiracy

they know Trump will take the popular vote and nothing they can do will change it
but if the voting system is hacked they could have an excuse to default to just the Electoral College votes, which Hillary will win

this whole thing stinks

ding ding ding
Unless something is done to stop electronic voting now, this will set a precedent for the rest of time on how to win an election. Technology isn't going away anytime soon, and this is going to be the easiest way to ensure that the intended nominee reaches the White House.

>we hot war soon

How much did this wooly bully outfit cost Clinton?
Is it an anti-seizure pantsuit?

>we need online voting because I can't win without it

Hillary's campaign can easily rig online voting.

Is it over.
>Canada got the
>Hillary convinces Obama to implement Online voting
>Correct the record gets a legitimate Trump Leak

What will the Alt-Right do?

she doesn't know sql.

Only electoral college votes count though, the popular vote is great but you don't need it to win therefore it's pointless

anyone got the image saved with someone explaining how elections can be rigged easily?

Most states require the college to vote the same way the state voted. They would have to completely undermine the popular vote system to accept an empty "electoral college" vote.

I thought it was a case of needing 270 electoral college votes and if that number wasn't reached then the public vote would decide?

No, but have some articles.

Hundreds more articles, but 4chins gets mad if I post more than 2.

>implying an online system could be built in a couple months


I could build one in 15 minutes on Rails.

So she can rig it obviously.

I could hack it in 14 minutes

>thinking I dont know this.

>thinking that isnt the point.

Oh shit you're right

For those who don't know what we're talking about, be here on the 7th

Again - my compliments to the poor slob who must spend hours smoothing out that mug with filler and paint

It's amazing how well they cover her condition up

house of representatives decides in the case that no canidate recieves a majority of ec votes

7th of what, I need to know

As soon as this is introduced the charade is over. Thank god we still use paper ballots in Britain.


dioclastonion cholhedron, few people know of it.