What is the most red pilled martial art and why is it BJJ?
What is the most red pilled martial art and why is it BJJ?
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Literally just Kike lovers.
Anything goes martial arts.
Blow job jutsu?
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BJJ isn't practical for real life fight situations. The weaknesses of BJJ are:
>can't fight multiple opponents
>can get slammed easily when trying to submit someone (slamming is banned in most BJJ competitions)
>You're left vulnerable to outside attacks and projectiles
>you put yourself in vulnerable positions constantly
BJJ is perfect for a controlled fighting environment, but let's face it: most of you aren't professional fighters. Most of you want to be able to defend yourself and your friends in a public setting like a bar or a store.
The most red-pilled fighting techniques for the average guy are boxing and wrestling. Within a few years of training one of these styles, you'll be able to handle yourself against 99% of the average dudes that try to fight you while out.
Pic unrelated
That's not Taekwondo.
>like bacteria in the carcass of a whale
I'm sure as a Canadian on Sup Forums you really are the authority on this
HEMA is obviously the most redpilled martial art.
That's not Krav Maga
My buddy and I go to a personal trainer who learned BJJ from the Gracies, nearly won the golden gloves for boxing, and is familiar with muay Thai enough to compete. Why don't you faggots just prepare for everything? Boxing+Wrestling/BJJ will take care of about everything you need
>meme Jew art
>red pilled
>brazilian ju jitsu
That's a funny way to spell taekwondo
>Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
>Not Gracie Jiu Jitsu
Step up your game.
There is no martial art that lets you fight multiple oppontents on the ground. BJJ is really good when the fight inevitably proceeds to the ground.
You should complement your ground game with standing techniques such as muay thai or boxing for example.
Boxing is the most redpilled sport. Invented by whites and dominated by whites.
BJJ is shitskin tier
Royce Gracie got beat by Yoshida. The best BJJ person in history apparently got beaten by a regular above average Judoka.
Whenever BJJ guys come into the dojo they get their ass beat because they don't understand the concept of actually fighting.
If you read a book you would understand that Judo was actually created to defeat Jiu Jitsu.
dumb nigger.
>its the current year
>think ground fighting is a viable skillset for self defense
have fun getting your head stomped on while you apply your gay submission move
>Nigger points a gun to you
Lets see u gillotine choke ur way out of that
Just admit u are gay with ur buddy
bjj is horribly overrated cuz muh gracie cultists
its hilarious
>go for leg lock
>get knocked right out
True, but it is also good to have some ground game.
Places I've been to all train one striking art, one grappling art. Right now I do BJJ + kick boxing. Used to TKD for striking since I got it for free at school. Less practical, but the basics and sparring aren't all that different from what you do at MMA gyms.
If you want to defend yourself in all situations get a hand gun to carry and a shotgun for the house.
>There is no martial art let's you fight multiple people on the Ground
What is krav Magra? Jew Martial Art that is literally the most practical self defense
>Getting mugged
>I GUESS I'll drop into the guard
>"Hehe, come into my guard bitch"
>Gets calves stabbed off by mugger
>"WTF? THAT'S against the rules you cheat!
>literally just bleed to death
>Krav Magra
>Getting mugged
>Okay, shit myself
>Play with shit and ear it around my property
>Mugger throws up and leaves DNA at scene
>Mugger leaves you alone
From what I can tell, a master Judoka will dummy a Master BJJ fighter 9/10 times
ITF taekwondo from Best Korea
The most redpilled martial art is Dirty Cajun Fightin'(TM). I learned it growing up in Houma, Louisiana.
It features such brilliant tactics as:
>pretending to buy your enemy a beer and then smashing it into his teeth as he drinks
>slashing your enemy's tires just slightly so that by the time it's flat and he pulls over to fix it, he's halfway down the Bourg-Larose Highway and you pull up behind him, get out and beat him with a 2x4
>pretending you want to shake your opponent's hand and be friends and then grabbing his testicles and squeezing and yanking until he cries
>waiting in the men's room until he comes in and then bashing him in the back of the head with a bottle while he urinates
Let me know if you want my new DVD...it's called "Cut Dat Shit Out, Brah: Ti-Crow's Way of Cajun Dirty Fighting."
Fuck off shill
How do I order these videos?
Available after Mardi Gras.
It will feature sections like:
>How to take on multiple attackers if your cousins ain't around
>Stomping: A nigger's feet are his weakest point
>How to make a smart-ass from out of town wish he hadn't come down here
its awesome but very ineffective against other m arts
Martial arts are more than "my dad can beat your dad" but nice try.
Actually let me fix that
Some* martial arts are more than "my dad can beat your dad"
For actual self defense nothing beats
>a gun
>common sense
For martial arts you should probably know a little about boxing, bjj and muay thai.
this, Infact it is one of the most important things in JKD. Though JKD is a highly advanced martial art that many will not be able to understand and apply.
>muai thai
>hey guys lets just stand here and get hit thai
Boxing wrestling master race
Judo is bro tier but otherones are for lowtest babies
swimming and power lifting are the truest martial arts
So what is good at handling multiple opponents
TKD is number one
Fight me mother fuckers
The point of having ground game is not having to really use it.
You learn BJJ so that when the stand up fight turns into a tussle that trips up and turns into 2+ guys rolling round on the floor you can quickly disentangle yourself and get back onto your feet.
Fights very often end up on the floor and it's when you don't know how to get away and back on your feet that you start getting kicked in the head etc.
Boxing plus pretty much and throw/submission based martial art covers pretty much all bases.
I did multi vs one sparring in tkd. It's possible there are tactics you can learn to make it easier. But it's still a huge crapshoot. Legit throw everything 100 and run asap
Nobody will listen to you.
>tards think bjj involves pulling guard on untrained idiots
It's a pity since in the situations you might need to fight it's with Tyrone, Dontel'l, Marquise and his girl Watermelondran will jump in as well.
a gun and track training
Seriously, if more than 2 people jump you, you either shoot them or you run like a motherfucker. Best you do both.
I made it to a first degree dan in TKD and while I'm fairly confident that I could beat up a single opponent, more than one can instantly fuck you over.
That's near useless then outside of looking strong as a deterrent then. Might as well just teach people to sprint a 2 minute 800 then. This way you wouldn't even risk the injuries in the years of training.
I trained MMA for a few months and judo/wresting takedowns and bjj changed the way I looked at the world. It gives you a new set of tools to solve problems. People are more easily approached when you've learned so many different ways to throw them to the ground and choke them unconcious.
That said, for self defense for two or more attackers, use a weapon. No martial art can really prepare you for multiple attackers except gunjitsu. Bjj is best against untrained individuals. An untrained person is most dangerous in a stand up fight, takedowns, sweeps, grappling and chokes, heel hooks require training to defend against, which the average person has none.
How do you think you're going to handle multiple opponents when you can't handle one with some grappling knowledge?
Give me 40gbp a month and I'll gladly show you how to theoretically kick multiple people in the nuts.
When you get gang-raped due to your overconfidence and come back to see me for a refund, I'll take your back, choke you out and rape you again for good measure.
That's every serious hth situation ever. One opponent you can easily keep track of and consistently beat if you've trained enough. A second messes everything up. A single shove in the back and suddenly you're on the ground, getting your shit kicked in.
Sure, if it's a couple of drunks outside a bar, you can kick them around at your leisure, but that's not what we're talking about here.
And as every cqc instructor ever will tell you: if you can run away, do so. Ten years of training won't do you any good if your opponents have knives, baseball bats or even fucking chains.
>Jewish kung fu aka krav maga
>wing chung kung fu
>jeet kune do
Get fucked
Historical European martial arts
Men hugging
Men hugging on the ground and humping each other
thread is 770
Krav maga honestly. More martial arts need to train for modern scenarios.
There's a poster from Romania who could beat up all you FAGGOTS