did you guys and Portugal do this and drug use rates plummeted?
>If you kill your junk addiction, it wins
Let the experiment begin
great more white genocide initiated by our governments
what a time to be alive
But not weed.
whats with the dubs?
Literally a leaf
Sometimes numbers are just numbers user.
Get off the psyop.
>If you ban drugs, they win.
god i hope leafs start ODing left and right
>heroin is legal in canada
>bestiality is legal in canada
>weed is still illegal in canada
At this point screw the wall with Mexico, can we build a wall to keep drugged up libshit Canadians out?
Heroin kills you tho
if your woman are hooked on heroin they will prostitute and pimp the kids for drugs.
If you let heroin kill you, you win.
If you stop doing drugs you lose to addiction
Seems like a good idea. Lowers risk of fent OD and let's people live normal lives without crime to get their daily fix money.
Good on Canada. Heroin is a white man's drug, we don't need to keep killing white men.
I'm talking with a former heroin addict about this now and he made a good point.
Fuck it, just give them the heroin. Theirs is safer causing less OD's, the money won't be going to criminal organizations, drop in prostitution, theft, etc. and surely the government is profiting off of it directly.
pepe laughing.png
Give up, Canada beat you.
Learn to shitpost cucks.
>allow doctors to prescribe a drug
>that drug is legal and widely available and you won't get busted for it if you have it
pick one you fucking idiots
Q U A D - D U B S
>i beat you i am whiter than you
argentina everybody
This. It also frees up government recourses for rehab and harm minimisation programs,getting people of drugs and out of the prison system.
American tier 'war on drugs' mentality amplifys more drug issues than it solves.
As if this is a big deal. It worked great for Switzerland.
Soros is fucking you over, Leafs. This has his name all over it.
The eternal butthurt mestizo strikes again.
They haven't legalized the cannabis yet?
fucking hilarious
Its not legalized and they're not given heroin but buprenorfine.
Hey, at least gang bangers won't be pushing it and won't make money off of it.
What a waste to sell this beautiful country and landscape out like this
An excelllent rebuttal, however you are still not white
They legalized prescription heroin for addicts
>slav shore dealer detected
understandably YOU would like to keep it illegal fucko
Het zet echt aan tot nadenken
Your post doesn't make sense Manuel Atihualpa.
please be true
>implying slavs would sell drugs
>implying slavs have no other businesses
>implying selling drugs is not a black man's job in Germany
>nobody understands why, how, or what
>they just see legalized
>and heroin
Shit, the average global IQ really is 88.
They can legalize heroin but not DUDE WEED LMAO.
The canadian dream.
Dub thread
>promises to legalize weed
>legalizes heroin instead
friendly reminder for all the brainwashed uninformed plebs ITT: Heroin is the brand name for the morphine substitute bayer was throwing on the market after many morphine addicts came back from ww1 lazaretts.
it was marketed as a "non addictive" morphine substitute (just like morphine in its days was marketed as a non addictive opium substitute)
nowadays they put heroin addicts on methadone, the synthetic substitute opiate that bayer sells. do you notice a pattern here?
literally only retards care about OMG HEROIN.
it's just another opiate and most opiates are legal already (on prescription).
This man is on to something here...
yeah no. But does anyone here like freckles?
Probably wasted by a fucking leaf.
I always thought niggers with freckles were pretty gross.
>treat drug addiction by giving them drugs
You are now aware that literally the only adverse side effects of (pure) heroin are dependence and constipation.
Can make a pretty good argument that pushing production and distribution underground causes more issues that it solves. If it's legal, it will be distributed by legitimate entities who can't cut it with god knows what and put other impurities in it that causes the majority of problems with illegal heroin.
I'm not saying it's great. But it's pretty clearly the lesser of two evils.
heroin is only grim due to the fact its illegal, grim junkies stealing shit to get a fix. not a bad idea legalising it. only a retard would go "cool ill start taking it" less crime if legalised.
They also cost out public health system millions what with their ODs, HIV/Hep c infections and organ failures
I guess it's better than methadone.
pretty much how it goes in America desu, heroin addicts become methadone or buprenorphine addicts because a physician prescribes it for them
Does this mean we're back to DUDE WEED LMAO status?
Because dependency totally is the same as constipation right? Man I hate it when blocked up shit drives me to sell my stuff, steal, mug and even kill for another trip (to the bathroom).
Fuck off you addict scum.
It was already a thing in Vancouver.
And it hugely decreased the occurrence of overdose deaths in Vancouver
>Legalizes Heroin
>Dude Weed still illegal lmao
impossibe unless they withdraw from the UN convention on drugs, the very reason DUDE WEED couldn't delivar
I personally would prescribe kek magic.
What the fuck is becoming of our great land . Fucking degenerate losers on welfare just doing drugs , can we stop the earth's core and just restart life again
lol none of you have taken it, yet you are shitposting all over this thread. like other pharms originating in germany (meth) it totally rocks. next to it every other painkiller probably sucks balls. got banned because weak us citizens are not and will never be to cope with life. you really think heroin produces junkies, when in reality your sick society is producing them.
Just need to release a massive amount of heroin laced with carfentanyl and pull all naloxone out of circulation and let the stoners kill themselves.
>if you legalize heroin, druglords lose
A rope would be much cheaper and way less degenerate. Fuck junkies, I don't care what color they are.
>heroin is legal in canada now guys
>lets drive to canada to do heroin lol
T. cuck
Enjoy your immigrants Hanz.
good, now maybe all the junkie scum in the u s will move to canada
>new set of regulations that will allow medical professionals to provide addicts with daily doses of pharmaceutical-grade heroin
either OP's reading comprehension a shit or the faggot does not know what "legalization" means
Don't kid yourself leaf, Canada was never a great land.
all of our heroin addicts are going to move !
There are some merits to this.
Being able to legally administer heroin to addicts gives you leverage over their time.
Give clean, sterile doses on one condition: patients must stay in a plain isolated room for 6-8 hours. No phone, no entertainment. No comfortable atmosphere.
In addition to greatly cutting the addict's risk of catching infectious diseases/STDs/AIDS from shared needles, you remove their time being high among the comforts of their own atmosphere.
Treatment programs need to be retooled. They are too easy to abuse and that can be seen with methadone clinics, suboxone prescriptions, and the like.
Picrelated is what comes to my mind first.
>Interstate 60
True dat... been doing it for 20 years now. Heroin usage has gone down massively.
Isn't meth something you could make at home in garage?
portugal is a meme sized nation though
reminder that trying to lower the use of substances by making them illegal has worked precisely 0 times and has costed trillions of dollars worldwide
Yeah as much as I hate the idea of heroin it seems to work better than what US and they do now. Even if they gave it a good try and things were the same or a bit worse after a few years at least they tried, but its working in other countries. One of the few things Sweden does well.
It's less that you "make meth" and more like you "reduce pseudoephedrine".
Which is what causes most of the bad effects, because Cletus never took orgo.
I want to have a bunch of heroin put aside in caee I ever need to commit suicide.
I've determined that heroin overdose is the patrician way to die.
They didn't make heroine legal. They made it so doctors could prescribe it to help addicts ween off of it. Seems like a sensible thing to do. I don't know why everyone is memeing so hard in this thread.
Oh for fuck sakes. Someone please make it stop.
Heroin is a major drug in NH and it's deadly here.
This is not how you deal with this shit.
if you ban Heroin, the dealers win.
you're an idiot
What is Methadone, something already globally used to treat heroin addiction?
You don't treat the addiction by giving more of the fucking stuff.