>t. Donald Trump Jr.
Jew here.
Still voting trump.
I like where this is goi-
wait, who's trying to subvert who again?
Good, it's much easier if you go in willingly.
He said electric chair last time you dipshit. He's referring to capital punishment.
the mad man actually did it
Uh huh. We all know what you meant, Donald. You don't have to pretend here.
what did this man say about the jews?
>Donald Trump Jr.
Donald Trump Jr.: Media would be "warming up the gas chamber" if GOP acted like Hillary Clinton
woah, i bet he is browsing pol and is redpilled to be using terms like this
if your reading this don
Lol made me giggle
Was it meme magic?
why we're sending fingolian chinks in right behind them
So the term gas chamber is now reserved for kikes only? Anyone using that word is now a nazi? Fucking american lügenpresse
We all know Trump and Don Jr. have been overtly dog whistling us for months. (not even a bad thing)
I remember when Trump called DWS "neurotic". FUCKING KEK
His sister Bianca is married with a jew.
So a jew fucks Bianca every night, really make you thing...
The good thing about you guys is that you are easily genocided. Like its actually economically viable to genocide you shits. Mao had to send bills of the bullets to the executed families becouse it was getting expensive but by killing irish you just save money by taking away your potatoes.
He's right you know.
Its Ivanka
her name is Ivanka
and jared kushner seems fine desu.
Yeah, my fault m8, she looks like a pornstar.
I thought you dingbats didn't even believe the shoah.
If i get 9999999 brits will genocide irish again
Don Jr. browses Sup Forums, fyi
>Nazi Germany used gas chambers during the Holocaust to kill millions of Jews and others, and are now often used in Holocaust references.
Yeah, and the USA used gas chambers to execute death row prisoners at one point too
Sure, he looks kosher
>In July 2009, after studying with Rabbi Elie Weinstock from the Modern Orthodox Ramaz School, Trump had an Orthodox conversion to Judaism[65][66] and took the name Yael.[67][68] She attests to keeping a kosher diet and observing the Jewish Sabbath, saying in 2015: "We're pretty observant... It's been such a great life decision for me... I really find that with Judaism, it creates an amazing blueprint for family connectivity. From Friday to Saturday we don't do anything but hang out with one another. We don't make phone calls."[59]
>gas chambers were only used in the holocaust and he specifically said the media would kill his father like all the 20 quadrillion jews that definitely died in the quote unquote holocaust
Media is such a joke. When I go to look up what he said that was so "anti-semitic", I expected him to have gone off and named the Jew or something. But nope. Some off the cuff mention of gas chambers in a remark that was 100% accurate. He literally booty blasted the media into shifting the narrative by calling them out.
His own wife is a half-jew apparently
Utah still does!
All of Trumps kids are married to or dating jews
>what is humor
Why would the gas chambers be cold in the summer anyway?
who would be easier to starve here chink?
>believing a propaganda story to support the creation of Israel
>believing a propaganda story to support persecuting of """anti-Semites"""
>believing a propaganda story to shut down criticisms of Israel
His wife...Jewish...
Well, it isn't anything new really, Murica has been controlled by kikes for some time now.
nice get >88999999 ?
OI VEY!!! It's like 6 gorillion gas chambers all over again!!!
So Trump is an undercover kike
"I will be a great unifier."
You don't understand, Jewishness is matrilinear. The Jew in this picture is being cucked if anything.
Trump will win!
I'm starting to have a theory which is crazy but I don't see a better explanation.
Obviously the Trumps cannot possibly be "anti-semitic" as all of the Trump kids are married to jews.
At the same time there is too much subtle dogwhistling and the stated intentions of the eventual Trump presidency don't coincide with what the jews want. All the kikes in the media and the rest of the establishment are sincerely kvetching and there is no way the Trumps don't know what's really going on in the world.
So it is possible that there is some radical jewish faction that actually see themselves as part of the White race and want to stop the other jews from destroying it? Or maybe they see that the shit they do will eventually lead to annuda shoah and want to actually stop being so poisonous for a change, to diffuse the otherwise inevitable blowback?
oh huffpo
I don't even know anymore..
>not knowing that all the adult Trump children are married to Jews
Donald Trump Jr. is married to a Jew himself, all of the Trump children married Jews you clueless faggot.
>So it is possible that there is some radical jewish faction that actually see themselves as part of the White race and want to stop the other jews from destroying it?
gee its almost like us jews are individuals with our own opinions
t. retard
>So it is possible that there is some radical jewish faction that actually see themselves as part of the White race and want to stop the other jews from destroying it?
There are many different factions of jews.
The 2 most notable ones, which Sup Forums retardedly thinks are the same, are the 'international Jews' and the Zionist Jews.
International Jews are the ones that fuel globalism and Marxist ideology.
Zionist Jews are basically just Israeli nationalists.
It's the same with Italians. There's the guidos who see themselves as some special snowflake race with their own culture and theres those who assimilated and take on a white identity.
Pretty much.
He even filed a lawsuit against a club which didn't let Jews in during the 90s, until they did.
>International Jews are the ones that fuel globalism and Marxist ideology.
>Zionist Jews are basically just Israeli nationalists.
Neocohens get along perfectly fine with Democrats though (behind the shallow facade that anyone can see through), and act in unison against white interests.
I have never seen a jewish faction that has done anything pro-white, which is the reason for my disbelief that one may exist.
The bongs
>I have never seen a jewish faction that has done anything pro-white
Well of course. Zionists are Jewish supremacists, not white supremacists.
But don't confuse them with the globalist, marxist, jews.
It has to be a fake article
Why should they be warm?
>But don't confuse them with the globalist, marxist, jews.
Why, because they adopt all of their positions with some delay, like a decade at most, while pretending to be "conservative"?
Also ((free trade)) is one of the pillars of globalism.
>warming up the gas chamber
>warming up
Gas chamber engineer here. Modern gas chambers do not need warming up. They can gas right from a cold start.
>Gas chamber engineer here
Good man.
That's Fuhrer to you bud
Doing gods work user